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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Last year, I thought Mike Mularkey was the right guy to coach this team. This year, he has shown me that he can not handle the job. Benching Moulds was a ridiculous move, another way for MM to out-think himself. Pathetic head coaching.
  2. My 8-ball says "Draft some friggin' OL and DL. Then get back to me." I don't quite understand the desire to get into the playoffs when this Bills team only has enough skill to get it's ass whooped in the 1st round and sent home with it's (playoff) tail between it's legs. Would this be a positive for the young Bills players? I believe it is called "limping into the playoffs".
  3. Dave, I have to concur with your thoughts. For me, the emotion is gone from it - the Bills killed that off in week 4. But I sit and watch, but without much emotion, and with very little FUN factor. You mean it's supposed to be FUN watching your favorite NFL team?! Oh, OK, great. I find myself being grateful that Sunday Ticket let's me watch ALL the games, so I am able to pick and choose, find a good entertaining game to watch. It's very sad.
  4. I have had that thought as well. After week #4, Bills were 1-3, but there seemed little hope left for the season. None of the 3 phases were working well, such that the ST or the Defense could win a game or two for the team.
  5. Y'know, I was thinking of that McKay quote the other day, after the Bills did not really LOSE the game, they just sort of "didn't execute". Kind of like in the movie Office Space, where the guy says "I'm not going to quit my job... I'm just not going to show up any more." The Bills aren't quitters, they're just not all showing up at the game each week.
  6. They ran that twice where the WR runs in shade, but the sun probably blinded him at the point where he has to look back for the ball. Ridiculous play calling, if indeed the sun made it tough to see the ball coming in.
  7. The Chiefs just sucked more today. When the Bills got the ball (on the fumble recovery) at the KC 12, I just knew they would not score on the opportunity. Sure enough, they gave it back to the Chiefs on a turnover. The Bills are just not a good team, but today they sucked less than their opponent. So, who thinks these Bills are playoff-bound??? Hmmm???
  8. Not only was Posey too sloo-o-o-ow to score the TD, but later he was the 12th man, too slow (or not hustling) to get off the field...
  9. A co-worker Pats fan tried to convince me to root for the Pats tonight, citing how it would be rooting against Peyton Manning. I'm not a Peyton fan, either, but root for the Pats? No dice, pal.
  10. For those who voted YES, I have some cactus you can sit on. The results are quite similar, I would imagine.
  11. After great optimism (as ever!) for 2005, the Bills had sucked the life out of the season by week #4. None of the pieces (Defense, ST) that were working last year are available this year to give us any hope. That what really sucks for me. McGee can run a kick back 60 yds, give the O a start at the opponent's 40, and then the O might squeeze a FG out of it. Blah.
  12. Yo, Troll-man, TURN OFF YER TV, FERCHRISSKE!!! Go for a walk or something. Play with the dog. The TV clowns will always be doing that stuff. They will never say nice things about our Bills.
  13. For some reason??? How about a great OLine for the Ravens? Same reason our boys play like the friggin AZ Cardinals.
  14. It was one of those vintage Bledsoe brainfarts! Oh, it wasn't Bledsoe? Whoops! It was like deja vu...
  15. We used to go to Crystal Beach on Kenmore Day. After cashing in our report card at Loblaw's for some free tickets! And, oh yeah, the BARS! I lived on Ashland, stumbling distance from Goodbar, NoName, Cole's, and many more. Some great pictures on that site.
  16. Thanks for the preview, Lori. It's tough to put a happy spin on our Bills right now. At least Desperate Housewives is sure to be interesting Sunday night...
  17. Wanting to be the best, and working towards that goal, is way different than thumping your chest and claiming you ARE the greatest - or want to be paid as the best.
  18. orange B.....J cauliflower P.....U stanko N.....H barcolounger Z.....Z fishfood F.....L ant eggs M......M
  19. We love the DRAFT! Who the fuk is with me?
  20. Give me D'Brickashaw or give me death! Well, OK, I'm sort of kidding here. But give me D'Brickashaw dammit! How's that? I figure the Bills (I almost said "we"!) will franchise Clements, get a 1st and a 3rd or whatever, and draft 2 OLs and 2 DLs early. Oops! Sorry, I was thinking logically again. Doh! Maybe we'll take that 130-lb WR from UNLV who is a hell of a blocker for his size. PFW sez: "...a hell of a blocker for his size" And his younger brother the 152-lb LB who is, pound for pound, one of the quickest SOBs I've ever seen. PFW sez: "...one of the quickest SOBs I've ever seen" Which brings me back (naturally) to D'Brickashaw... What are mom and dad thinking?!?! But hang in there, D'Brickashaw, it could be worse! Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K
  21. Holy shi+ !!! Let's not get the Patriots posters pissed! Wait, let's get a bus! We'll drive up there (be driven - heck, even the Boston Tea Party dudes had a boat driver) and we will whip the a$$e$ of every fookin Pats poster we can find!
  22. "Let's not jump ship yet..." Brilliant! Have a Guinness. Wait until the Pats spank us, then we'll quit! Sound advice, Bdawg... "Board of quitters..." Hey douchebag, we posters are not the ones out there allegedly making tackles, or allegedly blocking the insurgents from clobbering our QB We will NOT QUIT posting our little bullsh-- barbs, so don't call us fookin quitters! Oh my God! A Professor Irwin Corey sighting! Thank you, Nanker. Errr, uh nank you, Thanker. Who the fuk is with me???????????!!!!!!! Let's rool!
  23. Regarding our "historic" defense: "it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt" -Mark Twain, pretty brilliant for a guy from Missour-ahhh
  24. I wonder if they will let B-Dawg12 into Canada, or will he have to drive it the long way through Ohio. Just wondering...
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