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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. That's just all we have to judge them by, since none of us can properly do coach (or player) evaluations. Carl Mauck looked like Hoss Cartwright and acted like Chris Farley, so we noticed him. Krumrie was the obviously intense tough guy, so he got our attention (and affection) as well. Oh BTW, the "Krumrie wrestling thing" was a test Tim used to do with potential draftees to see if they were worthy DLs. He would wrestle each guy to test him. I guess he did the same thing with his D-line charges when the Bills had their "free day" (or whatever) at training camp.
  2. LOL, Bills fans need an official anti-depressant! Ralph upping the dose in his story reminded me of the old joke: The doctor told my mother to walk 5 miles a day. Ten days later, she calls and says "I'm 50 miles from home. Now what do I do?"
  3. I think the word "pathetic" may have been used before on this topic, but it seems to fit quite well. Jerry Sullivan's article "Bills' denial won't make flaws vanish" has Fletcher making excuses for the season. I would expect more fire from Fletcher, not some lame "that's the way the cookie crumbles" b.s. Holcomb and Evans both seemed to go along with that line of thinking, too, like "Oh, I'm a victim". Weren't the Bills preaching "mental toughness" after last year's season closer? Mularkey's "the ball didn't bounce our way" drivel is pretty damned disappointing.
  4. Can I get an amen?! Last year, I thought MM was the right guy for the Bills. He seemed genuine, straightforward (+/-). This year, all the good was gone. In it's place, the trick play bullsh1t, even the cleverer-than-thou personnel dealings, where he alienates the veteran players. And to take play-calling away from his old buddy the OC. Geez krikey! MM has really let me down. He should go. And hey Ralph, how about going easy on the FIVE-YEAR contracts for unproven coaches.
  5. Wow, that was a great game! Congrats to your Eers! What's the deal on burning furniture? The announcers mentioned a bunch of furniture would be torched tonight back in WV. Is that a mountain folk tradition?
  6. Coy made the mistake of telling the team doctor "doc, I can't seem to tackle anybody..." The good doctor, making a move to benefit the team, puts Coy on IR.
  7. I don't think really likes working that hard. GMs put in a lot of hours, and Mel needs a lot of time for his hair.
  8. This is what ticks me off, especially. Last year, I thought we had the right guy in Mularkey. This year, he has clearly demonstrated that (as several posters have said) MM is in over his head. So what happens? MM changes again and is a good coach next year? Unlikely. His rookie year was just an anomaly where somehow he looked very good? Maybe so. It sucks being a Bills fan.
  9. I lean athletically in my chair in the direction that Willis is moving, trying to gain him some extra yardage.
  10. I thought that was pretty weird also. The right direction? Are you f*^king kidding me? But, yes, it's the usual drivel from those guys...
  11. You CAN'T mess with the package! Good players coached well don't win games... Packages win games! Right, Mike?
  12. I think Losman is a better choice, since he needs the work. Holcomb is OK, but just dinks and dunks, lulls the fans to sleep. If JP had any kind of time in the pocket, he could do very well. It all just falls apart with no help from the OL.
  13. LOL - you got me, buftex! What a great image, Ralph pounding Genny screamers and OV's! Maybe doin' a couple doobies in the limo.
  14. I loved the Maynard G Krebs character Bob did on Dobie Gillis. I wish Mularkey was as cool as Maynard. Whenever someone mentions the word "block", Maynard G Mularkey could yelp out "BLOCK?!!" (as Krebs did for the word "work"...)
  15. Wow, and this is from a Longhorn fan! That USC-Texas game will be a beast!
  16. Let me guess... He likes to run wide right, no? But seriously, folks, maybe Jerious can be the next Samkon Gado. I wish the Bills would use what they've got, Lionel Gates, fer cryin out loud.
  17. And after an implosion like the Fish debacle, it's really a friggin riot around here!
  18. Very good of you to find the silver lining in last Sunday's mess. Yes, we do have a good young QB. I am grateful for that. Sadly, he has to run for his life behind a bad OL, just like at Tulane. JP does a lot of things well. It gives us some hope.
  19. Nope, not quitters. Just a bunch of folks that start drooling about the draft around, oh, say mid-October!
  20. Wolf reaffirmed that he would not be a GM again? I had not heard that, only the part where he may have been interested again.
  21. Ron Wolf would be an exellent GM, very likely. For HC, Wolf could find someone, or maybe Wyche would finish the season at HC.
  22. But, I'm the "play - may - kah!!!" Oh, I'm supposed to TACKLE the guy after he catches the ball???
  23. This should finally quiet the "playoff" nonsense people were hanging onto...
  24. Also MM's insistence on playing Shaud Williams on 3rd down is very ill-advised, IMO. It's as bad as the inflexibility of the Gilbride era, with their friggin' "packages" that they can not change out of.
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