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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. JoeF had a good post a few days ago Jauron info - player comments At least the players had decent things to say about Jauron. Contrast that with the Mike Sherman comments from Pack fans, where Sherman required staff to be yes-men, he locked the scouts out of the war room on draft day, etc...
  2. Thanks for the roster! Is this guy the coach's son? 59 Brian Ferentz OL 6-2 287 Iowa If he is Kirk Ferentz's son, that's an interesting pedigree... The Hula Bowl follows the East-West Shrine game. Woo-hoo!
  3. Agreed - great show. Quite an unlikely premise to base a sit-com on, but it really works!
  4. Wasn't Mauck our OL coach under Phillips, not under Levy? I recall Tom Bresnahan as Levy's OL coach, or is that inaccurate?
  5. Hey, Takeo 14, thanks for the info. A few days ago, a poster had some feedback from Pack fans about Sherman requiring his assistants to be yes-men. They said Sherman would not accept input from others, that he alone had to be right. Sherman had not allowed any of the scouts to be in the war room on draft day. I thought that was outrageous, and not a good quality in a person (maybe that was when Sherman was GM also). Any thoughts on Sherman as know-it-all? Thanks.
  6. There was a Sherman thread the other day where a poster had feedback from some Packer fans. The point was that Sherman would not accept input from anyone else. His coaches had to be "yes-men". No scouts were allowed in the war room on draft day, fer cryin out loud! That kind of know-it-all (and YOU don't know jack) attitude can not work very well in most cases, IMO. I hope Mike Sherman does NOT become the Bills next HC.
  7. Right. The guy who rents a Cadillac for his HS reunion. Let's pretend to be successful!
  8. And in the Indy/Pitt game, how about the no call clusterfu@k where the Pitt OL flinched and several Indy DL jumped across pointing fingers. It was pretty crappy officiating, I thought.
  9. I think Morelli went under the hood and watched a couple of Peyton Manning commercials... "Char-lie! clap clap"
  10. Against that normally potent Colts offense, getting another 7 pts would NOT be running up the score.
  11. LB/ST Larry Izzo was the guy who got shoved, but they did not say why. Pats had a couple of ST fukk-ups which hurt them, helped them lose.
  12. I was very happy with tonight loss by the Pats. The Bills last victory vs Cinci was not very satisfying at all, knowing coaches and/or players kicked into some higher gear for some reason (to save MM's job, they figured?). So, why didn't they play like that 12 weeks ago? Pats lo-o-o-se! Woo-hoo.
  13. Wow. Let me cancel any previous (blind) endorsements of Sherman. He thinks his sh1t don't stink, eh? Fugg him. Not allowing any scouts in the war room on draft day?! What a pig. Not a guy I would want for the BIlls HC. Thanks for the Packer fans feedback!
  14. Let's get the Mike Martz thing out of the way. Unless we are building a dome. (I used to have the old "No more snow - football in the dome" bumper sticker, circa 1970. I had one on my Corvair! But I digress...) Martz' health made him leave the Rams in mid-season. You don't suppose that has been miraculously cured, do you? I don't think the Bills are considering Martz (MM!) at all.
  15. I'm torn about who I would like for HC, also. (Ha! like it matters what we want) Fisher would be great, but not at the cost of draft picks - he is under contract, eh? Marv would be an interesting choice. He would probably have some heir-apparent OC/DC on staff. I would not mind - Marv is a good man, full of vigor (or chutzpah or whatever!) Tom Moore, Colts OC, would be an excellent choice, very likely. Time will tell.
  16. This is an cruel and heartless response to a man's apparent personal problems. Burris had some suicidal episodes (he said) after suffering concussions playing football. This is not something you should make jokes about.
  17. That's my feeling as well. April has excelled at his given tasks, and coaches with enthusiasm. I would prefer some HC experience, someone who has been thru the learning curve, e.g., Sherman. OTOH, a guy like Tom Moore would be a great choice, IMO.
  18. I agree. Haslett, Gray or Cottrell don't seem like they have much fire in their bellies, whereas Bobby April seems like he has got it.
  19. Yes, going from a WR position coach to HC would be unlikely. He needs to serve as OC for a while.
  20. Precisely!!! You can't take it with you! Spend your kids' inheritance, please!
  21. Yes, but WANTING to win one and doing all that it takes to win one are 2 very different things. Those recent 365 articles outlining the best OC/DC candidates for the Bills mentioned that Ralph does not like to pay top dollar for assistants (co-ordinators). Well, I'm sorry, old man, but the adage "you get what you pay for" is quite factual in most cases. You pay 2nd-rate salaries - guess what you get? Mmm-kay, 2nd-rate coaches. Guys that might get you back to the delightful 9-7 record. They want Gregg-o retread Steve Friggin Fairchild back again for OC??? Why? Brett Maxie for DC? How about making Dom Capers an offer that will keep him out of Miami??? Brace yourselves, Bills fans, we will probably be getting some new 2nd-raters!
  22. I think Turner would be a good choice, too. Let's get an experienced OC, Marv/Ralph, ple-e-e-ease! What about the statement that Ralph Wilson would not pay the high price of a Heimerdinger, though? Ralphie should drop the penny-pinching NOW!
  23. LOL! Thanks, Joe, I needed that! Laugh-out-louds are not so commonplace anymore. Ah, the alumni connection! I have often felt that my former university should have given Bin Laden an honorary degree. Because wherever you roam, your alumni association will find you!!! Living in a cave? No problem. We have this annual fund, y'see, and .....
  24. I watched the Cinci-Pitt game, and the announcers kept saying that Kimo Von Oelhofen was blocked into Palmer. I did not examine the replays, but it seems credible. For Polamalu, I think the 15-yarder was adequate for tossing the ball in a guy's face. Spitting in a guy's face is a higher level infraction, IMO, and agreed with Sean Taylor being ejected.
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