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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Well, you lost me right there with your "QB-less offense" remark. It seems to me like a fairly ignorant way to begin an analysis of the team.
  2. LOL! Ain't that the truth?! "I know I should quit 'em, Doc, not sure the old ticker can take another season of this..."
  3. Where did you come up with this little tidbit. This is highly doubtful. The story is that he left UCLA to avoid the distractions of playing near home and family.
  4. Hey, wasn't "Steve Martin" a Colts DL a few years ago?
  5. I disagree. No "big names" so far, but I love the signings of Melvin Fowler and Triplett. TE Royal was the good blocker that allowed Chris Cooley to excel in DC, so that is a good move as well, IMO. WR Davis should help the passing game as well. The draft lies ahead, and TD is no longer at the wheel, so I expect good things.
  6. It's the damned "packages"! That was what drove me nuts about Meathead, too. Taking your best RB out for 3rd downs and goal line?!?! What kind of %^$# logic is that? Hopefully Saban will let genius Meathead take Ronnie Brown out on 3rd downs and goal line...
  7. Actually, what John Butler said before the draft was to the effect that "if McElroy is available when we pick, I will dance a jig!" So maybe that was just blowing smoke on JB's part. Or maybe he danced the jig, then they picked Moulds...
  8. Thanks for the Terp fan perspective. I really love the Fowler signing. I liked him in the draft a few yrs ago, but we did not get him. I expect he will be a very good starting center for the Bills.
  9. Umm, that's Annie Lennox, crayola-dude, but nice try.
  10. Mmmm, no football experience for me either. In fact, I got my butt kicked doing the pugil sticks in basic training at Fort Dix. Pugil sticks are the giant Q-tips which men use to pummel each other now and then. My opponent had played HS football, while I was more the science club type... Bam! A couple quick belts, and I'm done. But I digress...
  11. Welcome to the board! That is pretty interesting to see Jerman playing well. We all assume he is just camp fodder, etc, but maybe there is some substance to this guy. McNally must feel he is worth retaining and working with. BTW, if you get a DVR (or Tivo), that constant re-watching of plays gets a lot easier!
  12. eball, if you like the Phil McCracken reference, you would LOVE the tune "The Two Gay Irishmen" by Red Peters!!! "Neil Downe, Phillip McCann..." "Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald..." you get the picture, eh?
  13. Absolutely! And how about the offensive genius who takes his best RB out for every 3rd down?!?! I've got a "package" for 3rd down. Truly a meathead. Give Willis some decent BLOCKING!!! Then see what we've got. I think you will all be happy.
  14. For comparison sake, does anyone know approx what % body fat those big body DTs usually have? I mean guys like Sam Adams or Big Ted.
  15. If Jax is interested in Bentley, does that mean Jax OC Brad Meester is available? What about going after Meester? He's a good center.
  16. I lived in St Louis when he was drafted, and was never too impressed with Pickett. However, the Bills now have some very good sources of info on him, in OC Fairchild and DL coach Bill Wassisname, both from the Rams org. OTOH, maybe the Rams DTs were just overshadowed by the great DEs in Wistrom and Little.
  17. My feelings exactly. It's not any AFC loyalty. I hate the Pats, and am VERY HAPPY they are not in it. I like the Steelers, have no animosity towards them.
  18. No, get JP some friggin' BLOCKERS!!! JP has a lot of good skills, IMO, but has to run for his life constantly. It does not seem fair to judge him so harshly under such circumstances. Let JP, Holcomb, Ochs, and whoever duke it out in camp. It would not be bad to draft a mid-round QB as well.
  19. Welcome to our little dysfunctional family, junglecat! The one negative I have heard about Culter is that he has small hands. Some other QB (don't recall who) had a similar rap a few years back. Oh yeah,, it was Tony Banks with the Rams. He used to fumble a lot, and they said small hands was the reason... Maybe Cutler can overcome it, who knows?
  20. Wasn't Kimo blocked into Palmer? I have not seen replays since then, but it did not seem like anything intentional. Kimo has not been a dirty player, AFAIK.
  21. Maybe it's that business where Mike Sherman takes no input from anyone else. He locked the scouts out of the war room on draft day. Not a team player - do you want this guy running the show?
  22. Beautiful words, RJ! Most of us piss and moan that Joe Smith should have been hired/signed instead of Joe Blow. But the guys running the show at OBD generally have a better idea than we do about what the f&^% is going on football-wise. So, yeah, I like to live in hope. There is too much genuinely bad stuff in our world to get worked up over football matters. To quote the Festrunk brothers (2 wild and crazy guys): "Why don't you buy yourself a drink - and EN-JOY IT!!!"
  23. Got the pink slip, Jerry? Time to go out and get blitzed, dude!
  24. Oh, I'm not saying the Packers are wrong for not visiting the Bills, just impolite perhaps. And you know what the league thinks of impoliteness...
  25. Do you suppose the Browns would be our "sister" due to the annual scrimmages? Except last year, when we visited our new sister, the Packers, who will NOT return our visit! Well, I'm not speaking to HER anymore! San Francisco is always such a pioneer in matters like this...
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