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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. David Puddy, a Seinfeld character played by Patrick Warburton.
  2. That's the thing that pisses me off - that after losing the first SB, or even after losing the first 2, that they did not pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they should save the partying for SUNDAY night, not the friggin' night before the big game.
  3. It sounds like you are doing your Popeye impression - "He's a real high-carriker guy..."
  4. Amen to that sentiment. I was probably going to watch the SB if the Pats had won tonight. I just could not stomach another Pats SB.
  5. I have thought about getting a banjo recently, inspired by some Celtic bluegrass music I enjoy. I have played with guitars for a few years, and will likely soon buy a bass.
  6. Is it possible that 6'7 is too tall for an OT? Some years ago, the Bills had a UDFA named Mike Rockwood who was 6'8 and 340 or whatever. It seemed he was too tall to do the job well (also not very talented, of course, as a UDFA). And I would be very wary of picking an OL at #1. Consider the "can't miss" Robert Gallery and guys like that. Any thoughts on the "too tall" issue for OTs?
  7. Hey JimBob, I will join you as another short fat LB, or maybe a FB at 5'9 245... Hey it's London Fletcher without the speed...
  8. Someone said it in an earlier Willis thread - he seems to lack motivation. He plays great against the Jets because his buddy Vilma plays LB. Most other games, WM seems (to some fans) to not care very much about playing the game. Maybe it's just his personality, but it looks to me like he frequently does not give a $hite about the game. He can be good when he wants to be. I think that frustrates a lot of Bills fans.
  9. I don't like Willis' style of running the ball, or rather his hesitation before picking a hole. It seems he used to run pretty well, like in 2005, but in 2006, he seemed to dance too much. In his personal life, he seems like a bit of an airhead, but I could live with that if he played football well. He just does not seem to care very much about the game, IMO, so it's his game-time attitude that bugs me. If the Bills could get a 3rd round pick for him, I would trade him. He is not a franchise back IMO.
  10. I almost puked when I heard that "calm as a fountain" remark. I have disliked Tasker's booth work for years, always dreading the "Steve Tasker - Gus Johnson" combo to burden our Bills games. Steve's a very nice man. My wife likes him because he appeared at the "Football 101 for Women" class years ago (at Trocaire College, I think). But I had to tell her how bad an announcer he is. Like you said, the fountain thing is a classic.
  11. In the 8 or so years I have had Sunday Ticket, I have never been required to have that telephone line connected. DirecTV may say "you must do it", but apparently it is not a hard requirement.
  12. 4.3 speed, very little college, but lots of Arena League work. A guy who has defied the odds to get a shot in the NFL. I can root for a guy like that. We can all hope for a Curt Warner type ending to this story.
  13. Without really having studied his OL play, I would consider Leonard Davis to be the model for the Mike Williams mold. A massive OT who plays a lot of OG, finally played some LT, I think. Wasn't Davis the #2 pick in the draft? Seems like a horrendous underachiever to me, and not a guy I would spend big bucks for.
  14. I was out walking the dog today, when I saw something pretty disgusting. It's a Tom Brady (well, some generic Pats QB) Christmas lawn decoration. Two reindeer, a snowman, and a Paytoilets QB! Sheesh!
  15. I must concur. What the hell is Bryant Gumbel doing announcing football ferchrissakes?! On the NFL Channel no less...
  16. Wasn't Kenny Irvin with the Vikings after he left the Bills?
  17. I saw Pennington at LT late in the game, too. I was not sure if he was an "extra" OL, but then I did not see Peters in those final few plays.
  18. After Vinateri missed the FG, I had to go away from the TV for a couple minutes. I came back, it was over. How did the last 2 minutes end so quickly?
  19. Part of the equation may also be that Reyes has had some injuries (not sure what) the last couple weeks. Dinged up, eh? No OL guru myself either, but Reyes seemed OK to me so far. Gandy obviously sucked, but then that is just us amateurs seeing the LT on his island, while the LG is somewhat protected (from obvious shame) between the T and the C, so what the hell do we know?!
  20. Interesting that Merz started ahead of Preston. Yes, he is #2 LG and Preston plays RG, but I was still a bit surprised. Did any of you guys take a critical look at OL play today? I didn't hear his name called for penalties. I'm just looking for a glimmer of hope here, guys.
  21. Wow, Trooth-dude, do you still go to a "Barber Shop"? Not that there's anything wrong with that... I just didn't know if many of those old dudes have survived into the 21st century. I have some fine memories of barber shops (back when I had plenty of hair). It just seems they were usually old guys, who may not still exist.
  22. Sick of being lied to? I know what you mean. Here is an alternate source of news, unfiltered by the mainstream media folks. What Really Happened
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