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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Well, you can see how quickly the "big guys", OTs and DTs, go off the board. Most of the mocks had OT Saffold like in the 3rd, then OT Veldeheer in the 4th. You have to get those big guys a bit earlier than the all-knowing mock drafts predict.
  2. Wow - with Terrence Cody still on the board. But Troup was one of the NTs listed in many TBD mocks. Happy.
  3. Thanks for the great list. Quite a few options. I am hoping for Saffold, but if Cody were there (unlikely), I would have to take Cody.
  4. I have been hoping Bulaga would be our pick. However, a few days ago, an Iowa fan (Iowa4Bills, I think) said Bulaga was not that great and "may not even be the best OL at Iowa". He did not elaborate much, but it made me wonder a bit. Everyone has an opinion, of course, but here was a Hawkeye fan who was not so impressed with Bulaga. Has anyone else seen negatives on Bulaga? Just curious...
  5. Ummm, you would like a link to my MP3 player? Or the old cassette tape, perhaps? Another link-o-maniac, eh? Sheesh, maybe someone remembers hearing it way back when? I guess not.
  6. Bad idea. I would hate to see this trade happen. Build the friggin' OL and DL, for goodness sake. No more castoff QBs!
  7. I recently found this old song "Nobody's Gonna Buffalo My Bills" while digitizing some old cassettes. Dr Demento was doing a guest spot on WZIR (anyone remember that great short-lived station?) and he played it on the show (hosted by Dale Anderson). It was a Tom Calandra composition and featured one or two Bills players. Lou Piccone was one of them, I think. Snappy tune, it brought back memories of days gone by. It was probably from 1982. WZIR was only in existence for about a year.
  8. No QB should be picked at #9 by the Bills IMO. Maybe in the 3rd or later, but we need OL and DL now. Colt McCoy seems kind of puny to me. I'm not impressed with him. Are you suggesting Colt at pick #9?
  9. I don't know who is pictured in your avatar, but it looks to me like he has a dark blue cape on his back as he flies toward the end zone. What a great "perfect moment" photo. And oh by the way, I would not like to see the Bills take any QB at #9 this year. Trenches, man, trenches!
  10. But what about that guy in a kilt, "tap" dancing in heavy boots or whatever the he11 that was. It was like a Chris Farley character, and this guy did like 4 minutes of his antics. Quite bizarre, and I don't know how it related to Canadian heritage. Or the "slam poetry" nerd who likely lives in Mom's basement. Oy, Canada!
  11. Some Bills fans are unable to accept anyone but a "name" head coach. What they don't seem to realize (or care about) is that Chan Gailey is the "name" Bill Cowher wrote down and handed to the Rooney family as his choice for his successor with the Steelers. Duh, well, doesn't that tell you some very good things about the worth of Mr Gailey? No? Well, you must just be thick-headed, unable to get past your Cowher/Marty/Shanahan hard-on. I'm very happy about the direction the Bills' front office is taking (as mentioned by the original poster). Time will tell, of course. So, you can continue to cry in your beer - or get on board with the new regime.
  12. And in that same spirit, I say: "Who the @#$% are YOU?!" I happen to like the Chan Gailey pick, and yes, I chuckled at the Curtis Modkins selection. But DC George Edwards is highly regarded by men who have played for him (Marcus Stroud, Lavar Arrington), they say he will make our defensive players accountable to him. Get the best out of players by putting them in position to succeed. That gives me hope. We have not seen that kind of coaching around the Bills in a long time. Did you really expect Cowher or Marty or some "name" coach? Gailey is the guy Cowher would have selected, so hey, get on board or get out of town...
  13. In another Stallworth thread, someone mentioned that he had signed a 7-year deal (yikes) with Cleveland, so a team would need to trade for him. He has never been very good, despite his potential. I would not be interested in him at WR.
  14. Actually, moe, or may I call you banjo? I don't think anyone named Cleaver is going strike fear into an opposing player... Gee, Wally, do you think I should tackle this guy?
  15. Overhand - absolutely. Of course, my wife and I (polar opposites) disagree on this. It's good to see this topic out in the open, by the way.
  16. Hey, it's Dick's new defensive scheme, the 3-0-8. Ya got yer shallow weak safety, yer deep weak safety, and yadda yadda yadda.
  17. Look up about the BBC reporter reporting Bldg 7 has fallen, when the reporter was standing in front of it. Ooops, too soon? Sorry. The two towers exploding can not, by the laws of physics (which we all live by every day), have occurred due to an airplane impact at the 90th floor. Impossible. Many Americans have a hard time disbelieving their government's official story, but it was a huge fabrication.
  18. I have seen mocks which list Davis as a guard, and that he has some issues (work ethic?). I don't know much about him, but would hope to go OL -- trade down maybe, get Bulaga? Bradford if he were there would be hard to "pass" on...
  19. Yeah, but 70 is the new 50... That's what I hear, anyway.
  20. Nice one, DML. I love the 8-ball answers. A friend at work has a talking Yoda, which answer your question he will.
  21. IIRC, Lindsey Witten OLB34 Connecticut is Donte Whitner's cousin (or half-brother?) BTW, I like: Bulaga Pike Daryl Washington ILB TCU Edds - Iowa
  22. Bingo. Unlike some folks, I like the Chan Gailey hire. He's the guy Bill Cowher recommended as his successor. That is a pretty heavy positive credential in my mind. So I have to trust Chan to make good choices. Thankfully, Chan is an offensive-minded guy. I am sure he will see the need for QB coaching around here. And O-Line help.
  23. My thoughts and prayers are with our brother Beerball as well.
  24. OK, folks, who did Bill Cowher suggest to the Rooney family to succeed him as Steelers HC? Chan Gailey. If you believe that there was never a chance in hell the Cowher would coach the Bills, who would be the next best guy to hire? Hmmmm, how about Cowher's choice? Ummm, Chan Gailey. I'm pretty happy with the hire of Gailey. An offensive minded guy. Winning record as HC of Dallas, with 1 playoff game in 2 years. And probably cost effective enough to give Chuck Lester a nice raise. What? Chuck is gone?!? Oh well.
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