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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. You mean "that moth-eaten old corpse" aka Skeletor. LOL! It was a great day when Dick Jauron was shown the door. I still have this fantasy vision of Ralph driving Dick to the (mythical) junction of routes 7 and 9. Ralph opens the door of the PT Cruiser and kicks Dick out the door!
  2. Some people just can not be happy about any positive aspect you may find with the Bills, and they must piss in your corn flakes. I think Wrotto has done a good job. Perhaps they are designing blocking schemes to help him out, but seems to do well. I can recall only two penalties on Wrotto in recent weeks. Not too shabby.
  3. ob·serv·ance/əbˈzərvəns/Noun 1. The action or practice of fulfilling or respecting the requirements of law, morality, or ritual. 2. An act performed for religious or ceremonial reasons Dictionary.com Observe meaning number 2...
  4. Carson Palmer has really sucked this year, and it seems like a trend for him. A friend who is a Bengals fan swears that they will not draft a franchise QB this year, since they recently signed Palmer to a big new deal. GM/owner/whatever Mike Brown is a dirt cheap SOB apparently. Bengals swept their division (Pitt, Balt, Cleve) last year, and then this year (after adding TE Gresham in the 1st, WR Jordan Shipley in 3rd?) they are in the dumper. Go figure.
  5. Well, I was hoping someone would remember it, not Google it. I remembered Traynowicz, Reich, and Reed, but I had forgotten that was the Bruce Smith draft. Holy crap. Must have gotten Mike Cumby in the 5th or so. I remember he and Garner had played together in college.
  6. Andre Reed was a 4th rounder, but who's counting? IIRC, that was the year the Bills had 2 picks in each of the first 4 rounds. Who can name the 8 guys they took?
  7. The trade down I remember was a trade with the Bucs so they could take OL Kenyatta Walker. Bills picked Nate Clements later, picked up a 2nd rounder. Was that used for Travis Henry perhaps?
  8. Is Matthews really expected to last until the 5th??? Based on his bloodlines, someone will take him in 3rd or 4th I would bet.
  9. I liked Levi Brown in that preseason game also. I figured he has enough skills to work with for a QB guy like Chan. And BTW, Max Hall was a local Phoenix area high school hero as well, so that gives him a certain advantage (PR and all that). And the big-time offense at BYU is the biggest difference.
  10. I remember hearing many years ago about Nebraska players in a similar situation. Not that any team was avoiding them, necessarily, but that because they are such big stars in Lincoln, that they have "maxed out" and subsequently do not make very productive NFL players. Trev Alberts comes to mind here. I'm sure there are many more big time busts from these big time college programs. We all hope Buddy Nix can see past all that.
  11. I finally found the post where I had originally seen this silly speculation. Maybin draft pick Go down to the 6th post in the thread, posted by 2003Contenders This was the source I had seen. There was no link for the quote from Orakpo's agent, but it seemed plausible to me, given the way the Bills FO seems to be operated. I agree with the other poster who said each player should stand on his own merit, not be lumped into a blacklist because he played at a certain university.
  12. It is a very sad story. I don't have the link but the full explanation contains some deplorable police behavior and two young kids pretty much left abandoned by their parents. I concur with the thought that Goodell has warned all teams to stay away. As a registered sex offender (very unjustly), he would likely have to register in every NFL city where his team would be playing. It would be a genuine public relations nightmare, even if Goodell did not put up the "off limits" sign.
  13. Remember that post recently, where The Bills are known to avoid Longhorn players (due to Mike Williams), and the Redskins knew Orakpo would still be there after the Bills picked. Do you suppose the Bills are still shying away from UTexas players? It's a pretty stupid policy, lumping all Longhorns into the same category just because you are unable to sort the wheat from the chaff. I wonder which braintrust member instituted that policy.
  14. Actually, he did begin as a wide receiver at Iowa. Scott Chandler
  15. At your link, one of the transactions says "The Iowa product finished his college career ranked second in school history among tight ends with 117 receptions for 1,476 yards." And in one of the videos, they show a wide receiver named Scott Chandler. Did he begin his Iowa career as a WR? I don't know, but maybe this kid can catch a few balls. Especially with Fitz at the helm.
  16. He was on Jay Leno a few weeks ago and talked about that - only after being asked about it. That is a pretty cool thing to teach your kids (and other people). The man actually puts his religious beliefs into motion.
  17. I noticed too a couple of times (maybe when the announcers mentioned him). They call him "D Love". This 320-pound (just throwing out a number) beast. A couple of interesting linebackers with Arkansas as well. I don't know if they are in the next draft, but they were good.
  18. 4. TE Tony Hunter, Notre Dame - what did he ever do in his career? Not much as I recall...
  19. And mostly, here on TSW, criticizing players/coaches is way more popular than praising players/coaches. Which is true in every sports site, TV show, publication. Bad news sells! So, maybe the Spirit of Thanksgiving has taken hold a bit as we see a glimmer of hope for our boys in red white and blue. A two-game winning streak! And the culture change you mentioned is of incredibly high value for this team. Thanks to the OP for posting this thread about Chan. Go Bills!
  20. Well stated, rpcolosi! I always figured that the guy (Chan) that Bill Cowher recommended to the Rooney family would be a pretty good choice to coach the Bills. The Bills are learning to win - after many years of expecting to lose.
  21. Trent looked great in pre-season again this year. When the blitzers show up in the regular season, Trent will check down unless his WR is wide open. I think Chan just had to see that for himself. He saw Trent's ineffective play in real games, and sent him packing. It's not really that hard to understand.
  22. It began with his "circling the wagons" theme. Then a clip of the stoic Chan Gailey on the sidelines, then a clip of Marv getting doused with a Gatorade bucket wielded by Cornelius Bennett & Co. Then a brief clip of Jack Kemp, and Berman mentioned something about "back when the Bills were the champs" (referring to AFL days). He said how Jack Kemp had signed many bills in Wash DC (site of tonight's MNF). It was a very nice little tribute, and as the other posters have said, it is nice to have one voice out there who does not just belittle our beloved Bills and our city.
  23. I still have some hope that Chad Rinehart can play OT for us at some point. He was a dominant LT at a lower level, Northern Iowa. He was a Redskin 3rd round draft pick, and is now on our PS. I can always hope!
  24. There was the BLESTO combine way back when. There was another "combine" like it, but I don't recall the name. 4 or 5 teams joined together for scouting, etc. I have not heard any mention of these groups in recent years, so I would guess they have disappeared.
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