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Dennis in NC

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Everything posted by Dennis in NC

  1. Well, sorry, but this would be an absolutely stupid move by the FO. WR is not a need, but then RB was not last year. I am not one to throw stuff at my TV, but... To the OP, of course, there is intense curiosity to see what the FO will do if Newton is there. I am not strongly for/against Newton. Most posters do not mention that Fitz is signed for 2011. After that, ... <crickets> So, we do need a QB for 2012 and beyond, not necessarily the #3 pick, but somebody.
  2. Has anyone noticed that Fitz is only signed for one more season? That would be the 2011 season. What happens after that?
  3. Leonard Cohen, Live (1994) - ignore his 60s and 70s music His 1994 music is great mood music.
  4. That's pretty funny. "For the serious fan only."
  5. That is hilarious! So you are not one of Lil Donte's peeps, my man?
  6. Is Solder 6'8" or 6'9"? Either way, that seems like a great disadvantage for an OL. Isn't blocking all about leverage? And isn't leverage lost when you are very tall?
  7. Hey, I've got this really nice bridge you may be interested in buying... But seriously, 99999, where do you see the Ray Lewis resemblance in Maybin? Most people do not see what you are seeing.
  8. Hah! You're kind of new here, I reckon. TSWers don't let facts like this get in the way of a good discussion. Clamoring for Holmgren, yeah right!
  9. I loved seeing Kramer wearing the Bills logo!
  10. Is Greene the LB coach? You would have to offer a DC position to get him away from the Packers. Unlikely. He is hardly a FA.
  11. I would love for some sort of trade-down to 8-10 range. But trades depend on a CBA getting done, which does not seem likely.
  12. Is Quinn that good?! I don't know much about him. Herzlich? I'm concerned how a cancer survivor will hold up in the NFL. Austin? Likely not there in the 4th? Matthews? No way he lasts until the 5th Moffitt? Why another OG? He's not OT is he? No way he lasts until the 6th, I hear... Will Hill? Will be 1st NFLer to go on IR with AIDS? Sorry for my insensitivity, but cosey asked about his draft.
  13. Wow, what a great picture! But then, I had very nice hair back in 1973... lots of it.
  14. I will be mad if they take a WR or CB at #3, yes. I want a DT (like Dareus), I could be OK with a QB (Gabbert, but not Newton). No LB seems worth the #3 pick. If no CBA in place, then no trades are possible. That sucks.
  15. We have a philosophy?! This mirrors my favorite line from Homer (Simpson, that is): "I have a TO DO list?!" Pretty scary stuff in the Modrak article where Ralph sez: '"Well, I think Tom has been with us a long time," You think?! Yikes. RW goes on to say: "Tom does a good job, but he doesn't make the last call. He puts the [draft] board up. We have a lot of hard-working scouts. But it comes down to making the last decision. That's not Tom."' Boy, wouldn't we fans like to know WHO does make that final call? (cue the Church Lady: "Mmmmm, could it be Satan?")
  16. So, sesnapapa, are you also RichardBag? If you just live for your peeps on this board, with 14 posts under your belt, you can just create someone who agrees with you. Ahhh, life on the internet.
  17. Hey Astro, is Dareus really rated that high? I thought I saw a mock (yeah, we all have an opinion) that had Dareus at 20 or so... No way to CB Peterson at #3. Please God, NO! Reach for a DL or LB instead.
  18. Are these clowns trying to spell "FEET" with only 3 guys? Or did Mister T go out to take a leak? FYI, I hate the Pats way more than the Jets, was very happy with today's outcome.
  19. LOL! I believe you have hit the nail upon it's little head. Daryl Talley sounds pretty stupid in all this nonsense. Those Bills Super Bowl era players apparently basked in all the glory the night BEFORE the big game. Duh! At that point, they had achieved NOTHING. Oh, yeah, unless you enjoy hearing about the Lamar Hunt Trophy (who?)... What a bunch of dickheads for not preparing for the big game. Four years in a row! Grrrrr.
  20. It amazes me how often I have seen Whitner back into the pile, actually propel himself backwards into a tackle, or into the pile. Has anyone else noticed this Donte "tackling" style over the years?
  21. Oh sure. And Wade's investors move the team to San Antonio. The son of a Bum!
  22. LOL! This post seems like it was a Festivus exercise for you, letting the Bills know how they have let you down this past year. Here's to better things in 2011!
  23. And one more thing to dislike. They always seem to come up with extra draft picks, since they know when to unload veteran stars, and then usually parlay a pick into a next year pick. Just too damn smart in their draft/front office...
  24. All right, Action, as host of this celebration, you will be required to wrestle one of the team captains. As far as your grievances, I think Chan had to see Trent for himself, to believe anyone could play with such tremendous trepidation, a completely fear-based approach to the QB game. And Marshawn needed to be showcased to a trade partner. Happy Festivus to all!
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