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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Kolb's team actually won with him QBing playing against Patriots* last year. Yes Pats* kicker did a wide left and other parts of Cardinals team were part of team - no player wins or loses a game.for football is a team sport. While Tuel shows promise he should be relief only if EJ can not play.
  2. Great reports. What is the best 3 WR set you have seen with SJ in the slot? I am guessing it will be Easley and Woods on the outside w/SJ in the slot and Goodwin and TJ coming in when they have long situations as which can happen on after penalties. Can EJ & Tuel fake well? That was not one of Dan Marinio's strengths and he used to get his RBs demolished. Kolb appears to have mastered this part of QB package according to your reports.
  3. How much a gram for the stuff you are smoking to believe this?
  4. None of 1 thru 3 occurred - he signed his tenure in time to not be put on failure to perform list, was not promised to not be paid and Bills did not do something stupid like paying more than 1 year tender rare since that would automatically adjust how much the Bills need to pay Byrd next year when he is tagged again. I guess this means you are speculating he will be traded since he signed tender?
  5. The reason why he signed was due to the benjamins‎ not because he wanted to join the fun of the defense. If a player is not signed within a certain number of days before start of season (do not remember exact number of days) a team can ask for a roster exemption for player - players get paid per game and if player is not on active roster then he does not get part of franchise tag money. He waited until last possible day. Here is article backing this: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/bills-safety-jairus-byrd-signs-020937564--nfl.html
  6. Arian Foster and Marshawn Lynch get about equal billing in it. Links show same commercial but just slightly different commentary. http://www.foxsportssouthwest.com/nfl/houston-texans/story/Arian-Foster-stars-in-epic-new-Madden-NF?blockID=930859&feedID=11021 http://ftw.usatoday.com/2013/08/arian-foster-and-marshawn-lynch-show-off-amazing-hairdos/ Question is did they do this commercial via Blue Screen, digital editing or what?
  7. http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/eye-on-baseball/23227500/bored-teenagers-murder-college-baseball-player I do not think there should be any question in this type of case. Try as adult.
  8. Incorrect. When a WR has a minor injury requiring rest and treatment he will be rested and made inactive and that 6th WR will need to play. All players on roster need to be able to play or should not be on 53 man roster.
  9. One chicken pecking on one keyboard and we get this chicken **** and not Hamlet... Which is worse? At least in other case there is a chance of not being **** on.
  10. Seems to be a solid article showing pros and cons of Olympians. So many full time college football players fail in NFL despite claims that will be all Pros by NFL evaluators.
  11. It costs money for all of the cameras and high speed cables and such to ensure the cops can watch and ensure the ladies are safe.
  12. The latter one would have been more impressive if she could have gotten ball over plate.
  13. Think Boston Police should bring you in for questioning and make sure they bring some of the TSA airport screeners to do body cavity search in case you were trying to get arrested and smuggle stuff to your buddy.
  14. No video of encounter however; this is video of interview with Tim McGraw and his friendships with Brett Farve and Jim Kelly. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/video/nfl/20130815/2013-08-15-clip11.sportsillustrated/
  15. Bridge has been up since at least 2005 and now it is a concern for wheelchairs access? Is California Road any better for wheelchair access? Do you think this is a coincidence with new 'Disney style' parking knowing many will choose to park elsewhere? IMO the Bills will try to do everything they can to try to inconvenience those who do not want to pay to park. Maybe the Bills should call $nyder for ideas on how to charge those who do not park there.
  16. Lots of anticipation and cameras like Geraldo Rivera's vault and absolutely nothing occurs like a 3 year old swearing he will hold his breath until he dies.
  17. http://msn.foxsports.com/lacesout/are-the-bills-inching-closer-to-naming-ej-manuel-the-starting-qb/ Evidently he does not pay attention to football more than starters for McLeod Bethel-Thompson is Vikings' 4th string QB.
  18. I think stupid people use smart phones because they think phones are smarter than them.
  19. Google Hammer's Lot. It is on Google's map. https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF-8&q=Hammer%27s+Lot&fb=1&gl=us&hq=Hammer%27s+Lot&cid=0,0,8695269565917316543&ei=8kILUseUB-W6yAGcrICgCA&ved=0CIUBEPwSMA8 or use this map: https://sites.google.com/site/hammerslot/location
  20. They are talking in slow motion for me which is odd when talking about a fast paced offense.
  21. I heard he was nominated but no winner is listed for 2013 yet, even on official trophy website. Search for Goodwin there: http://www.footballfoundation.org/Search.aspx?q=%22Marquise%20Goodwin%20%22 Marquise Goodwin – NFF Scholar-Athlete Of The Day, Presented By Fidelity Investments http://www.footballfoundation.org/News/NewsDetail/tabid/567/Article/53399/marquise-goodwin-nff-scholar-athlete-of-the-day-presented-by-fidelity-investmen.aspx Barnett Jones, OL for St Louis Rams won in 2012. You might recognize some of the other names including Peyton Manning and Tim Tebow. He was a 2012 NFF NATIONAL SCHOLAR-ATHLETE AWARDS CANDIDATE (football bowl subdivision). http://www.footballfoundation.org/News/NewsDetail/tabid/567/Article/52688/147-student-athletes-named-semifinalists-for-national-football-foundations-will.aspx
  22. Saw on way to work today: "I break brake for tailgaters" on a big, old truck which probably would not be damaged by a modern car hitting its bumper. Saw truck again and I got a better view.
  23. Interesting article but isn't there a baseball forum for articles like this or are there so few baseball fans that forum is gone?
  24. Lock IF he is not traded.
  25. Jeff Tuel is more like to become Bills' version of Kurt Warner than Manning but I think he did a great job with what he was given.
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