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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Rommey is a Morman so he does not drink coffee or eat anything that would ferment alcohol. And why put comment above? Because you can.
  2. Sanitation rules require both to bundle their hair and wear hats. Unsanitary and that is just for cooking - probably other transmutable diseases too!
  3. I guess that is reason not to give true name to fitness instructors. They will have to see if names match pictures on film.
  4. Did the Bills get an apology letter yet or do the replacement-replacement referees or was there agreement to cover up their mistakes part of new agreement?
  5. Considering the new rules pushed by NFLPA I am not sure that is a bad idea.
  6. Sort of like being a **** poster?
  7. Is that explanation for win by Arizona on the road in New England?
  8. He broke his arm and had screws put in to allow him to recover faster. The Lions placed Florence on the short-term IR the NFL adopted this season. It allows teams to place one player on IR per season and designate them for a return.
  9. Bring back the replacement referees so they will be happier!
  10. Guarantee shows whatever you say, believe the opposite. Oh and we had that type of bank promise once - it was called the Great Depression.
  11. It is not a fluke miss when a player tips a ball. Whether it was extra effort by defense or poor effort by kicking team we will not know. Pretty difficult to happen when many appear would be happy if we lost so their bitching before game would match bitching after game.
  12. NFLPA rules - by not allowing real pads practices teams are not practicing rushing the kicker like they used to.
  13. Ribmaster Supreme Steve took me to restaurant when I was in town once.
  14. Actually South America would be even better for it as long as research costs are paid by US like most drugs; quoting a Latin celebrity "I hate when I lose weight because my ass and breasts shrink and a Latin female is nothing without a big ass'.
  15. SWAT teams love beer and probably asking Jim cook their steaks medium rare on inside and well done on edges. They need to find a way to farm jelly fish and make bags out of them
  16. Depends where. I am sure some revenue enhancement official has got such a law passed somewhere.
  17. There is no reason for a bank to give much in interest at all as long as Federal Government is basically lending money to banks for free.
  18. More worthy of news is she actually was not fined but just gave a warning; "ignorance of the law was not an excuse" despite that there are probably hundreds of laws not enforced including plenty just enforced when police just want to make a point.
  19. What they talked about was having 4 DEs in game at time like Giants had occasionally. I have not seen that yet.
  20. And we know how wrong that is - he did not govern. P.S. I was tricked into posting in PPP again, thread moved while I put my first entry into thread.
  21. Yes. If the mailer is smart enough it can remove the punctuation but few are since it depends on mail service.
  22. It was explained to me once how to play Australian Rules Football. It sounded like a drinking game (i.e. get caught holding the ball drink a can of Foster, step out of bounds drink a shot of West End, kick a goal drink a glass of Victoria Bitter, have goal kicked against you drink a pint of James Squire, etc).
  23. Silly people just delete promotion code and register for the full year. Even sillier is signing up for new email addresses. You can stick different punctuation into Google email address and it looks like different email address to mailing list but Google ignores it. I.E. boy.the.patriots.suck@gmail.com is same email as boythepatriotsSUCK@gmail.com and B.o.y.T.h.e.P.a.t.r.i.o.t.s.S.u.c.k.@gmail.com
  24. Forget using them inside the US first; prove they are effectively first on borders first using the military grade ones used to eliminate targets overseas.
  25. Not intentionally make him bad. Coaching philosophy has skewed his statistics.
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