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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Yes if you were not a fan of the Bills I could see why you created post.
  2. When both Spiller and FJ were both out he carried the ball very well for the Bills. I guess you just mean for games you care about.
  3. 2012 rule changes In addition to the coverage of turnovers, a replay official also has sole authority to challenge all scoring plays, any play after the two-minute warning of either half, and any play in overtime.
  4. NFL teams were told of rule - no flags on any plays which will be automatically reviewed. It happened last week in Falcons game so I am sure they got reminder letter.
  5. Thanks for kind words. Not sure how long it will last but I keep seeing reminders where he would be when I get home, go into pet area, eating Thanksgiving, etc. Tried to take care of everything first day (contacted regular vet to take off reminder list, picked up his things, etc) but my wife is planning on giving biscuits, food, snacks, etc to a friend but is waiting to tell her until after Thanksgiving is over so it does not ruin hers.
  6. Considering no one from family actually SAW him hard to say he was not drunk. I have seen people who were practically ready to collapse talk on cell phones and appear completely coherent. It appears to be case where they are trying to blame someone else for a person's responsibility. Now there will be an outcry and more rules which will provide more complaints when followed and lawsuits when they are not exactly followed.
  7. She is trying for insanity plea.
  8. I already had duck for thanksgiving. My wife made it on Tuesday and was absolutely fabulous. I have to work Wed-Sat so we had thanksgiving on Tuesday instead.
  9. Are they moving the Browns to France? (sorry Oliver if you still read/post)
  10. You play the hot hand, keep changing backs and do not use same plays for same backs to make it predictable. Have some plays with both on the field where it can go to either back as well.
  11. I wonder how many people will get arrested due to it
  12. I think you mean teams with winning records you THINK should have them. Arizona had a winning record when Bills beat them - one loss. If they beat the Colts you will talk about how they did not deserve the win, Colts had weak schedule and had not beat anyone, etc.
  13. Better to just waive HOUSE. Which team fans you think would claim him?
  14. Why bother buying it? Just buy it from a Chinese server for pennies on the dollar just like people buy knockoff jerseys.
  15. I will take a 0-0 tie in that game with lots of penalties and several players being given multi-game suspensions.
  16. Google is your friend. http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95464 Not positive Incognito solves all of these site limited access schemes; found one site storing info in "flash cookie" and when I blocked it I could not access site so I needed to remove it every time.
  17. So you are saying you would not give much? He has a broken forearm not wrist. I have had the injury, broke mine playing football. Broke cast on someone's head who decided he could bully me and was suspended for picking guy up and holding him with good arm over railing. Hammer probably heard about that when he was in school.
  18. Chargers and Colts being whipped, other teams starting with C too. (Cowboys do not count since they beat the Cleveland Browns)
  19. You are delusional because you think you are Chan Galley AND are picking players on draft day rather than front office. And probably think you have a beard as good as Chan's too. :-)
  20. Look at picture of helmet - it provides no protection at all.
  21. Does not surprise me at all that NFL referees will blackmail replacements nor that replay referee decisions get blamed on replacements. And yes I think regular referees make as many mistakes as regular ones who came up with Tom Brady Tuck (Medicated Hemorrhoidal Pads) Rule.
  22. A lot more than someone who created a login just to bash player after he went on IR.
  23. There was even if you were not connected enough to be on them. Some of the archives have the old newsgroups from those days and there was then as there is now fans who will NEVER be happy when we win but appear from posts to be happier when we lose since they can say "See what I posted before!" but never want to talk about all the bull they posted before which was wrong just like the NFL analysts who will conveniently forget their guaranteed predictions.
  24. I would argue it is higher but no idea on scale since I can not watch much football now due to job requirements. According to most QB ratings I have seen QB statues get rating far to highly because rating systems favor them.
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