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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Packers never seem to get any respect in that series.
  2. Saw a quote on CBS website: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/21642330/superdome-officials-worried-about-a-power-outage Mayor Mitch Landrieu told WWL-AM on Monday that the outage won't hurt the city's chances, and he joked that the game got better after the blackout: "People were leaving and the game was getting boring, so we had to do a little something to spice it up." Can you imagine paying all of that money to go to game and just decide to leave like it was a blowout regular game? Obviously the 2nd half of the statement was not serious.
  3. For the halftime show the performers will need to wear more clothes taking out some of appeal of some acts. Personally I am hoping for one of those truly big blizzards where NYC needs to beg Buffalo to send ploys down there.
  4. When Reed was first eligible one of the voters from Washington or Denver, I can not remember which it has been so long, said he would never vote for Reed due to his 'career' away from Buffalo. He thought Reed as acting like a Prima Donna when cut from Buffalo and on Denver or Washington.
  5. Great little film. Thanks. Another big Pixar fan.
  6. He has experience as ST coach in college. Salary probably gets a bump next year so Ralph needs to pay most of contract this year.
  7. A lot of the production can be due to the scheme or OL coach. There is no guarantee same production will be maintained with new coaches.
  8. Yes the current design of the pay news sites are only designed to catch those who have no concept of using software or other mechanisms to get around their gates. Many times they have just reposted articles available free elsewhere (i.e. AP articles) so charging readers toward their 'free articles' is silly. When this mechanism is finally recognized as failure (i.e. "Dummy's guide to getting around news site paygates" is printed) they will finally admit their model does not work and go to anther outdated model.
  9. No. Defects can occur AFTER identical twins separate from fertilized egg so that does not prove anything including being gay being caused by or NOT being caused by birth defect.
  10. NFLPA will sue then claiming flags cause rug burns and all practices will be two man touch due to them.
  11. I was expecting him to punt the ball and have it ricochet off hanging gear and ending with a loud curse "Who the $*!# decided to put that in my punting range!"
  12. Love lamb but hate French cooking which ruins it. Like this board some go to far.
  13. And it is questionable whether limiting practice and training camp schedules actual protects players. Players learn to protect themselves via practices and coaches adjusting their form, learning to tackle properly, etc. The only reason I see for NLFPA to limit practices is because they want to limit number of games 'not paid'. If NFL came back with offer to pay full amount per game for preseason games the NFLPA would jump all over it so it is about money not safety.
  14. If they are going to sue then they should prove he was not brain damaged before he started football or at minimum prove it did not happen after he left football. Too many players are not taking any accountability for thier own actions.
  15. Fritz and the play calling made the OL look better and worse - better because he took less sacks than most other QBs would have taken behind them and worse because the production was not good and it reflects on the line as well. Regarding "Insider" column by Kiper he is just trying to just poor evaluation of Glenn before\. He was fooled, he got egg on his face and he is still pointing to his King's robe when everyone saw he was wearing no clothes.
  16. We have a new college coaching staff so why not? Coaches determine who play and college coaches are supposed to be good on recruiting.
  17. Jets DC did not bring him to Buffalo when he got job? I am shocked!
  18. Nothing is 'fool-proof' especially a poster with 'guy' (?) wearing leotards as avatar.
  19. Like Ray Lewis only the good will be remembered. Asterisk will be in very small print, never mentioned when talking about successes and any time mentioned will be called 'jealousy' by ball lickers.
  20. Makes it sound that he is a bowler.
  21. Sounds like a Gregg Williams' disciple. ...
  22. I think not interviewing them is a bad sign. I try to be an optimist despite dismal fan base but if he is not even going to interview coaches who worked here before I think this will become a group of yes men for new coach rather than coaches bringing new ideas to table. Perhaps he feels he needs to dump the good with the bad but is very short sighted. What is next - not signing any FAs because the previous stink from losses? Sounds like he needs to be in stands with fans rather than coaching.
  23. Damn Patriots have home field advantage if they win game tomorrow.
  24. Justin Bannan makes an appearance and makes a good play. I thought he was underestimated with Bills and was wise pickup for Baltimore and made a play for Denver. Good career for him even if not hall of fame career.
  25. Replacement referees would have called penalty on Baltimore on that interception / return. The referees need to be replaced.
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