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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. I am no survivalist but one thing I saw missing is some sort of gel which can be used for sunscreen but maybe those with too pale skin like me would be washed out of Seal Training. Alternately some of that face black paint used to help with camouflage. http://news.yahoo.com/seal-stranded-hostile-territory-survival-kit-104414506.html
  2. As someone who is cross eyed and has a weak, almost blind right eye I could not appreciate gizmo. As someone with limited pocket book could not afford it.
  3. Think many posters can not differentiate between players they do not like and players who coaches do not want on the team. Pettine had many opportunities to see players play on defense for Bills to help him determine whether players fit in scheme he wishes to run.
  4. Maybe the Bills front office decided to weed out some of the fans by suicide or heart attack as well as some of the players. Some of the players cut have had interest shown by other teams but I doubt that the fans who swear to jump ship every time the front office makes move they do not agree with will be picked up willingly by fandoms of other teams (Jests are exception since they are used to fans changing jerseys).
  5. It was recategorized as a dwarf planet. http://www.iau.org/public_press/news/detail/iau0603/ A new distinct class of objects called "dwarf planets" was also decided. It was agreed that "planets" and "dwarf planets" are two distinct classes of objects. More explicitly a dwarf planet as a celestial body in direct orbit of the Sun that is massive enough for its shape to be controlled by gravitational rather than mechanical forces and does not change shape as asteroids do when they move from momentum but that unlike a planet has not cleared its orbital region of other objects. Or basically a messy planet.
  6. I think if Washington wants to be called the Redskins it is fine - they just need to change their logo to be Mr Potato Head. Now the problem will be changing the cheerleaders from current outfits to wearing potato sacks.
  7. Write something tactful as stated above then take a thesaurus out and do some serious study of words and substitute some less common words with connotations to aid your goal in it. I took a standard thank you note my wife at Christmas time to one which the recipient thought ws best note that she has every received. The key is to be sincere and memorable.
  8. That installment plans for plastic surgery and I would not recommend skimping and only get one at a time.
  9. I know you are buttering up to him but contrary to reports he can not cure the blind or the dumb via laying of hands so will need to find another solution to your problem.
  10. My wife is very practical. Does not want to go out on Valentine's Day because places are too crowded and we can not use discounts and specials. Some places raise prices like they are the special ones.
  11. Not always convenient to have flowers delivered since deliverymen can not go to where the ladies work. My wife is now manager in elementary school and delivery men can not just deliver there. I'd drop them off myself but need to work that day.
  12. That was my reaction to another poll. Last one on trading Williams for backup QB will be a classic.
  13. Think SDS will cut Buffalo Barbarian first.
  14. I guess the level of humor on SNL dropped from Classic days. Not really very good but I guess some some just accept lower standards these days. Key in that buffoon of a poster that we are loser fans.
  15. This shows you have not been watching the Bills just commenting on it. in early 2011 Wilson was acting like a man possessed all over the field making tackles. These were not tackles down the field missed but close to line of scrimmage where is ran across half the field to make them.
  16. Shultz played lhe game like a hockey enforcer. Many players after being hit by Shultz would hear footsteps and not catch the ball. Use to watch with a friend at bar and I would tell him that a player was not going to catch a perfect throw when Shultz was in area and almost every game we would see it happen. Player would be concentrating on Shultz not ball.
  17. No I am concerned about the stupidity of special interest groups and their influence on science in US.
  18. If you would like some info on story without Buffalo News nagware reminder you need to sign up to see future articles (or change browsers, browser modes, clean cookies, etc) here is another article on it: http://www.allsportswny.com/ivan-reitman-in-buffalo-for-draft-day-film/ Reitman toured Ralph Wilson Stadium with Bills President Russ Brandon, VP of Marketing Marc Honan and Buffalo/Niagara Film Commissioner Tim Clark sources tell All Sports WNY. The film has already been endorsed by the NFL and Ivan Reitman has agreed to be the Director.
  19. If any non head coach belonging in Hall of Fame he does for how he changed the game.
  20. They need to add that to Southwest obstacle course commercial.
  21. Will take longer to make illegal in UK. US will probably make it retroactive illegal.
  22. Bought a new house and did a lot of work on old house to make it 'move in' condition - new paint, carpet. etc. Got an inquiry to rent from couple from Texas before went on market but in contract it stated that carpeting was brand new which customer signed and acknowledged. Lots of complaints by neighbor so I told him I would not renew lease despite his request. During walkout I found mildew in rug all along back patio door (he loved cooler weather and being able to keep patio door and large tomato stain on rug which 'was there before'. Lots more horror stories another time. Not renting anymore.
  23. Easier to bet that you will be spitting bile no matter what happens.
  24. Agree better but even better would be jaguar on empty seat emphasizing seats were available.
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