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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Wood - extend contract but put incentives based on number of games. He plays more games and he gets more money. Byrd - not at 9 million. Play hardball. if we had chance to advance in playoffs might be different situation. Spiller - depends if he is willing to sign a deal which gives him money upfront early rather than later. Spiller could take chance and get hurt.
  2. No a true fan puts bag over head of one of the drunk assh0les and goes to court and proves it is justifiable homicide. Sorry I do not have that much guts.
  3. I wonder how JRR Tolkien would have reacted to the adaptation of his films. Steven Jackson has chosen to create some of his own and emphasize at times minor characters from the books but I think in spirit it is much like the books I first read in 1960s. I know Tolkien traveled to Switzerland and it is a shame that he never got to travel to New Zealand where these are filmed for I think some of the landscapes there could have been inspiring.
  4. If you use Firefox browser and using plug-in to allow you to zoom to 400% you can see her toes very clearly. Of course it will take a long, long time to scroll down to the bottom watching all of her spinning.
  5. Grandma is doing a threesome,. Admirable at her age.
  6. I used to bring in mesh bags to put my stuff in. Are they prohibited?
  7. Here is picture showing which vertebrate he cracked (cracked is different than a break, have had both) In fact I may have cracked mine today when I fell.
  8. He did not want to go to OTAs. He found it is optional that Broncos keep him and exercised option. Optional goes both ways.
  9. She is a professional pole dancer and no she does not wear a fireman's suit: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/snowden-girlfriend-nsa-mills-photos-131840670.html And yes there is photo of her. Safe for work. Seems like his ethics only apply to to what is good for himself.
  10. Kolb signed a cut friendly contract so T Jackson got a shot even if not a great one, of making roster. He had no shot if he was not signed so I disagree with AP Sports Writer John Wawrow on this matter. What Jackson needed to show he would be the best 2nd QB the Bills have but IMO without defenses truly targeting QB Jackson could not show his potential. Kolb issue is he does not appear to be able to handle contact well and there is next to none in camp.
  11. Tebow was hired so he can lay hands on Gronk.
  12. There is no guarantee that he will beat out Lindell and this coaching staff does not put a lot of emphasis on special teams hence will not keep an extra kicker.
  13. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Mario-Williams-excited-confident-with-undefined-role/b8656aaf-fc8b-4fad-8c43-4968c4aad4af?campaign=BillsBuzz “I think because I’ve done it before and things are working out pretty well,” said Williams when asked why he feels Pettine has put trust in him to handle a multi-dimensional defensive role. “I think they have faith in me in that situation and they know that I want to do it. Big guys want to play little guys positions and being that I have the ability to do it I’m up for it.” Last year he insisted he wanted one particular end spot and now he is veritable? It does not seem consistent.
  14. The U.S. Army and the American Forces Network in Afghanistan have teamed up to produce a pop-culture friendly series of public service announcements promoting soldier and civilian safety starring Batman himself. Read more: http://www.upi.com/blog/2013/04/23/Batman-in-Afghanistan-educates-soldiers-civilians-on-safety/6271366732111/#ixzz2VZqfI1GD No word if Warner Brothers okayed this use. Iron Man was probably not available since they did not want him to get shot by someone mixing up the fictionous country Iron Man was in violated UN no fly zone.
  15. Link for 1969 proof? Can not tell if you are being sarcastic. If you want a link on paper proof I did more recently (1995): http://www.google.com/patents/US5970171 Most of the other ones were DoD and not available to be linked.
  16. Perhaps his wife caught him touching up the paint on the two dancers from "Beautiful Dreams" video (decent music) so decided to commit suicide and then he did it over guilt.
  17. I submitted a proof to an unsolved problem to Scientific American Magazine in late 1960's when I used to read it every month. Very carefully wrote out the proof (no computers back then and limited access to typewriters) and mailed it in. I got a letter back from them thanking me for contribution with it stating my proof was shorter and much more elegant than solution provided by two professors but the rules state that they will publish the first received valid proof and thank you for your contribution. It was obvious from the wording they had no idea they were dealing with an eight year old child.
  18. Some need to get their own board so they set their own rules and only need to talk about subjects on their approved list. Oh and several major news sites have articles mentioning that he was not living up to contract. Maybe you should go on and refute those articles too. Make sure you ask Jason's agent for a stipend.
  19. Babylon 5 should be on top 50 list. It was ahead of its time.
  20. Miami is essential part of Cuba and we lost the war to Mexico and were punished w/Texas - we should give it back now.
  21. Here is an interesting update. One of those involved with prank is a 'Bills' fan. We have a lot of those on the board who bash Bills every opportunity they can and are quiet during short periods when Bills are doing well. Mass. suspects in NFL call prank free without bail http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/22351365/mass-suspects-in-nfl-call-prank-free-without-bail The two 20-year-olds from Plymouth, Mass., had been angling for an NFL tryout for Barber, a part-time deli worker, when they posed as Tampa Bay Buccaneers GM Mark Dominik in March and dialed Buffalo Bills then-GM Buddy Nix, according to the criminal complaint. Barber, a Bills fan, got nervous when Nix answered, so Barber hung up, investigators said. Barber then called Dominik's office and while he was being connected, Nix called Barber's number back, thinking he had been disconnected from Dominik, authorities said.
  22. Cantonese is much more difficult than Mandarin. At work so can not evaluate video. And Pooj's response is NOT Mandarin - it is Chinese (one of several writing schemes which apply to all dialects of Chinese).
  23. I doubt Kolb can last an entire season, he does not seem to be physically able to withstand punishment QBs take even with good OL and ours has questions. Whomever is chosen at QB will spend time being hit and trying to throw ball with defense player draped on him. Fritz was a QB in the Jim Kelly mold for toughness and I believe many of the lines faults were disguised. I am hoping for the best but expecting to need one, two or even three QBs this year with no QB on inactive list entire season.
  24. Complete bullcrap yes for he was not functioning as pro bowl player for four years.
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