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Everything posted by Tisaruse

  1. Squish the Fish. Go Bills -Tim Russert.
  2. It is Christmas Eve, for criminy sakes. I live in the Albany area and have been to 2 Bills games this year and would love to support the team further but I'm hosting our family this year. As I'm sure lots of Bills fans are. Sorry folks but much as I love the Bills I love my family more. Go Bills and deflate the breasts...
  3. If the Bills want to get what they paid for out of Kelly Holcumb and Andre Davis, doesn't it make sense for them to work together? They took the Browns to the playoffs 3 years ago. KH and AD know each other, why didn't Davis play in this game when KH was throwing? Might have made a difference in the scoring. More important I hope the Bills PTB use their experienced connection during regular season games if they plan on starting KH.
  4. <<On that topic, did the Bills run to the outside more than once the whole day?>> I've always thought that north/south was better than east/west. Willis did move forward more than side to side today but that was a good thing imo.
  5. JDG Willis McGahee has been a disappointment this whole season period but today I thought he did well. Not specatularly but solidly and today's performance is it's own and shouldn't be placed in a sum column negated by past cumulative failures. !
  6. But McGahee's performance had nothing to do with running his sphincter muscles and everything to do with keeping the Bills in the game. The running threat was real and allowed the passing game to work. I thought he played well. Not specatarularly, but well and better than a D is all.
  7. Willis wasn't terribly impressive today but he was steady and don't think he warrants a D. He went foward at least and kept the running game an honest threat. Thoughts?
  8. <<Has anyone ever come back from suffering a stroke and continued to play a game as violent as professional football? I know the hole in his heart has been fixed so he won't suffer any more strokes (at least that way), but he DID have a stroke and there is the possibility of further damage, isn't there? Or more precisely, do we know there's NOT? Dumb move by Bruschi, especially after missing all of the off-season, training camp, pre-season, and the 1st 6 weeks of THIS season. Odds are he gets hurt from coming back too soon, either either body or his mind.>> Body or mind, it doen't matter He will be a liability to the team because they still think he can contribute so they'll count on him. He'll have a flashback at some point during the game, it happens to all stroke victims, even big tuff nfl players. I think the Bills will win this one. The Pats undies are showing this year.
  9. Bruschi has to be thinking about his health. A friend of mine had a minor stroke last June, she was lucky and is still skiddish about overtaxing herself. Bruschi may talk a good game but his presence may be a plus for the Bills because he very well may be flashing back.
  10. Bills 17 Pats 13. It will be a boring game but the Bills will score first like they always do this year. Do think they will win though. THe Pats aren't what they have been the last few years. They lost their top coaches and it shows. Plus, KH doesn't have the monkey on his back like DB did.
  11. I'd trade th for andre davis. Who would replace Josh Reed.
  12. We are leaving from Nisky. Will be meeting up with a Steeler friend for the game, should be fun!
  13. You can try this: http://www.kgoam810.com/49ers.asp
  14. Now it's 7 1-2. Seems to keep going down I predict Bills 23, Pats 20. Bills have the momentum and for the first time JP Losman isn't in the injured list. Mayhaps he might play? Either way, our D will hold the Patriots if the Offense scores at all.
  15. <<He'll definitley get better as the year goes on. He had some plays where he was right there to make the play but misjudged the flight of the ball>> He also averaged 23 yds on returns. Mayhaps not worth mentioning in the plus column but not a goat.
  16. My best wishes to Mike Williams and his family.
  17. Bills 20 NE 17. I think the Bills will shine on Prime Time.
  18. Don't think Willis has laid the ball down ever. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. <<The first goes to Willis for rushing the ball 37 for 132 yards and 1 TD. He had zero fumbles and pass protected when called upon. Very good game for him. Second, Lee deserves one for two incredible catches that won us the game! That TD catch was spectacular. The long bomb for the first down to ice the game in the 4th was superb! How he managed to get both feet in is beyond me. Last but certainly not least, the third goes to the Defensive line for a remarkable effort all day. Martin couldn't rush for squat, Pennington was pressured and coaxed into making mistakes which he never does. I'm aware that London, Terrance teamed up for a fumble recovery and Lawyer had that pick but that wouldn't have happened with that line playing like it was.>> Honors should go to Drew Bledsoe and Eric Moulds. They may not have starred but the game would not have been won without their efforts.
  20. <<He gave up almost 150 yards passing today>> He also set up the Bill's first score. Given that the final was 22-17 it made a difference, apparently. He didn't have a banner day. I just don't think he deserved a goat.
  21. Yup, Fletcher was key. But McGee picked it up and ran with it. He is not a goat this week. His grab (is grab an ok description?) set up a touchdown.
  22. He may get picked on and may have had a bad game all around but that doesn't negate his awesome pick and the score that ensued. He didn't deserve a goat. Mayhaps a non-event but not a goat.
  23. Give me time, I'll find some obscure way to find Drew at fault!
  24. You're right he didn't have a great game but was surprised he got the goat given the pick and run. Anyway, this was a good game against a contender.
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