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Neil Mc

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Everything posted by Neil Mc

  1. I just wanted to extend my thanks and gratiute to everyone who made the Simoncast possible. To everyone at Empire; You guys are the BEST! Ever since I started doing my fantasy football segments on Fan TV right up to this week, you made me feel right at home. There's no doubt that I really felt like part of a family. I wish nothing but the best for your future..There has to be one!!!!! To all my former co-workers at WNSA, WE KICKED ASS! When the **** hit the fan and we had no clue about what our fate was to be, we still produced some of the best radio this town has ever heard and had fun doing it! If those magic numbers ever come up, each one of you will be getting a call back to duty. What is the Mega-Millions Jackpot up to anyway?!?!?!? To the crew at WLVL, thanks for seeing the potential of what could've been. While others wouldn't or couldn't you took a chance. To all of the Sponsors...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Did I say??.?..?...... THANK YOU To All the Web Heads. The crew at fantasyfootbalgoldenboy. You guys interrupted preseason prep to help get the site on-line...Thanks...But I'm still gonna win the Super Bowl!!....Everyone at TBD, sabrefans and all the others who linked up and spread the word....Thank You....I'll keep reading..... Of course to the viewers and listeners, I got to know a few of you through daily calls to the show, boy are you guys warped?!?!? But without you...what the hell is the point?!?!?!? You're Great! And Finally...To Howard (and Jim), he always seems to sneak in..... It was wild and crazy but I wouldn't have tried it with anyone else.... Oh yeah and the show was fun too!!!!!! (It's always good to get the last line in.) See Ya.... Neil McManus
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