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Everything posted by tornado681

  1. Did anyone see what Jimbo said about the play calling in the Steelers game? He basically said that it was way too conservative and they should have taken shots down the field.
  2. This is one of the most f'ed up winter weather patterns I have ever observed ever since becoming a huge weather weenie. Good example of this. Two days ago, Valdez AK shattered its all time January high temperature by 8F by recording a high temperature of 54F. Most of AK was at least 40F above normal. For comparison, if it was 40F above average in BUF, the temp would be 75F. The west (especially areas of SC and AZ) have been in a big time drought the last few years, so all of this precipitation is welcomed im sure. Dont worry, in a few days it will be 65 again and sunny so suck it up for 48 more hours.
  3. I never heard about this...how did you?
  4. Stephanie Abrahms is my fav....gotta love the DSL At Penn state there were people around here while Jen Carfagno was here...apparenly she had the nickname Jen Carfu*kno
  5. Even when he was writing his column every sunday for the News, none of his columns ever were archived on the BUFNEWS website.
  6. Maybe Boone was Sawyer's boyfriend?
  7. Who's hotter? 1. Claire (the unpregnant version) 2. Kate 3. the hot chic with the possibly gay brother For me it was the unpregnant Claire, until I saw this past episode with the hot chic with the possibly gay brother when she was sun bathing and took off her top.
  8. In the second (or third) episode, the doctor, Kate, and the hobbit go and try to find the other part of the plane. The scene when they discover the plane and the pilot, it is pouring rain. Right after, some type of "monster" appears and the pilot ends up devoured (spelling?) hanging in the brances. The next time I remember it raining was when the doctor and Kate go looking for Claire and the hobbit. It starts raining hard and all of a sudden the doctor comes across Ethan and Ethan apparently kicks the crap out of him and Claire disappears. So, is there some connection between the survivors and the weather on this island? Everytime it starts raining, something bad happens. I cant think of any other times it has rained on the show
  9. If we are so intent on keeping either Williams or Jennings, is there a reason why we wouldnt use the franchise tag on one of the two? Does it come down to us not wanting to pay that much money? I dont know much about the tags, so please let me know.
  10. Im in state college PA so Im stuck driving to a sports bar to watch all my games...Ever since our streak started, its been Meatloaf Bat Out of Hell album playing on the ride to Damon's. We haven't loss since Two Out of Three Ain't Bad came on while going to watch the Rams game
  11. the CBS pregame show tomorrow at noon? I thought the mentioned they were doing something on the Bills...can anyone verify this for me?
  12. I already have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about the game tomorrow...I am so fired up for Sunday.
  13. How I see it is that most teams committ to stoping the run and make Bledsoe and our WRs beat them. Do you blame them? I think a really good stat to look at would be how many yards McGahee has after first contact compared to the rest of the backs in the league. Not sure if this stat exists or not. IMO, he bounces off 1 or two guys before he is brought down. When teams are putting 8 guys in the box WM is going to have less yards. Also, another thing Ive noticed the last couple of weeks is how great the play action has been working. It seems to me every time Bledsoe does a play fake, he has a great amount of time in the pocket, more so than when he just drops back to pass. BUF uses the run to open up the pass. Having runs of 0 and 1 yards are worth it if the D overcommits to WM and allows Bledsoe to zip and 17 yarder to Moulds. Take E. James, for example...he is having a tremendous year...but Im sure his great stats are due to the fact that opposing D's are crapping their pants about Manning and co.
  14. I think it would be interesting to see the stat: sacks/per pass attempt...that way all of the sacks that the colts have due to destroying all of their opponents arent weighted as heavily. anyone up for the task?
  15. I agree with the people who say the coaching staff doesnt have confidence in Lindell. Perfect example: The opening drive of the NE game. We stall at the 33 yard line of NE. Instead of attempting the 50 yarder, we punt. We send Lindell out there and what happens if he makes it? Different result? who knows, probably not, but I guess we'll never know since MM doesnt want him kicking from over 45 yards. It will be pathetic if his season long FG remains at 43 yds. He is still going to cost us a game this season, I just know it.
  16. Who is 1 and 2 in total D?
  17. It looked like the Jets got pretty banged up against PIT...I think both Ellis and Abraham got injured. Not having them play against SEA would be huge for us...anyone know their status?
  18. Are we going to have the #1 D after this week? If not, we must be really close...
  19. Down run at the foaline against OAK? I was just thinking about early Bills games this season and I remember seeing a replay where it appeared to show the ball over the goaline. Or was MM out of challenges? Or would he have lost?
  20. Im a moron. Too late to be thinking. SOrry 'bout that
  21. Playoff stuff: 1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs). We didnt play this year...move on to 2 2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division. BUF: 3-3 DEN: 3-2 The remaining divisional game for DEN is @ KC. If DEN wins they have the tiebreaker over us, if not, move onto to #3. 3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. The teams we have both played in common are:MIA, JAX, OAK, CIN Assuming we (BUF) beats CIN, the record for BUF will be 3-2. DEN is currently 1-3 against these teams (losses to JAX, CIN and OAK; win against OAK) with 1 game to play. Thus, if we make it to #3, we own the tiebreaker if we both happen to go 10-6. Better circle that KC game on your calendar! CONCLUSION: If DEN beats KC two weeks from now, they own the tiebreaker against us; otherwise, if we win out and both DEN and BUF finishes at 10-6 we own tiebreaker against them. go KC! RIght now, how I see it, the biggest threat to our playoff chances is BAL. We basically our 2 games behind them because they have the tiebreaker. We are only 1 game behind JAX because we have the same record but they own the tiebreaker. We are hopefully only 1 game behind DEN (see aforementioned analysis). Lets see BAL finish 9-7 and who cares if DEN finishes 10-6 as long as their loss comes against KC. We only need to gain 1 game on JAX. I think Leftwhichs luck is running out. -tornado
  22. If both DEN and us go 10-6 who has the tiebreaker?
  23. Is Big Ben really that great right now? The last two games the Steelers have won with a blueprint that we were going to use with Bledsoe - running the ball and solid D. This past two weeks Big Ben has looked ordinary at best.
  24. I do not remember the onside kick at all in the 3rd quarter. What a call! One thing I also remember (I was only 11, so I may be wrong) from the game is the interception we had in OT. I remember seeing players and the coaches of the Oilers going nuts about a pass interference call that should have been made on a Bills DB (i forget his name). Im pretty sure that the replays showed the DB interferring with Haywood Jeffries too. Anyone else remember this, or am I just making stuff up? Also, did the slogan "You got the Reich one, baby" begin right after this game? I admit it, I had a one of those t-shirts --tornado
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