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Everything posted by tornado681

  1. Wow. What a breath of fresh air. I dont know about everyone else but I HATED listening to Bledsoe during an interview...espeically this past year. He would say the same stuff every damn game..."we need to regroup, work harder, etc." after a loss. He showed no emotion to me and seemed a little too comfy with his medocrity. I truly believe that JP will be a much better motivator then Bledsoe. On another note...I just bought season tickets with my buddy from BUF. I'll be making the commute every other sun. to the ralph from state college, pa, but it will be worth it. Looking forward to next season.
  2. How about we just go back to B. Tit's (=B word breasts=Greggggg williams) '46' D...that worked out for us pretty well in 2001...
  3. IMO, I dont want to get bent over if we get rid of Henry. I want to at least be equally compensated or get the better deal. We keep him for another year, we dont have to worry about a backup RB and he will be great insurance if mcgahee gets hurt.
  4. Winfield? One of my favorite Bills...not sure if we could have signed him though based on our cap sit.
  5. Im a huge Lossman supporter dont get me wrong....but having a QB with a name like LOSSman for us is just oozing bad karma
  6. The one thing I noticed about the game was the Pats made an overpursing eagles D pay by utilizing the screen pass..
  7. I can't wait for Sully's column tomorrow where he gets on his knees for T. Brady. Im not saying that he isnt good, its just that Ive heard him say the same crap for so long... "What the Bills need is someone in the mold of Brady" blah blah
  8. On the advice from a friend, I recently bought four Johnny cash albums he did with the American label: 1. american recordings 2. Unchained 3. America III: solitary man 4. America IV: when the man comes around They are great. Anyone else have any cash album reccomendations?
  9. All of my meteo buddies threw in 5 bucks and we ordered a turducken (spelling?). For those of you who dont know, its essentially a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey with 4 different types of stuffing. Check it out: http://www.cajungrocer.com/default.php?cPath=15_24 That is the website we ordered it from. Everyone else is bringing some type of dish to pass around. Im gonna make my famous meatballs. Its gonna be a great day of drinking beer and feasting. Cant wait. -tornado
  10. I saw that Visniak's was mentioned. Has anyone ever been then there before? They made some great Birch beer that was literally dirt cheap to buy. It was located in Sloan, right off of Broadway. For a thing of 24 10oz. glass bottles, it was like 3 bucks for the return on the bottles and 3 bucks for the actually soda. Everytime you brought the bottles back it was only 3 bucks to get a new case. It was a great place, but sadly, it closed a few months. Anyone ever been there???
  11. That game was so ridiculous. All the robot did was push the controller buttons right? You could play the game with a regular controller so there was no point at even using the robot except for the fact that it looked cool. It did look pretty ridiculous though
  12. I always just played with the "normal guys". At the beginning of the game, there is a character selection option. The description for the guys that spiked was "We're going to punish you turkeys with our spikes". Then their was the description of the guys that played good defense (aka team flamboyant): "you'll never rest when we're on the court" or something like that.
  13. If I remember correctly one of the games was Gyromite.
  14. The best way to get your Nintendo games working is do the following: Take a q-tip and dip the end in some rubbing alcohol. Then simply take the q tip and rub the sides and top of the cartridge. The alcohol evaporates quickly and will not damage the game. You know youve cleaned the cartdridge cause afterwards the tip of the qtip is black with all the dust and crud that collects in the game. Personal favorites (in no particular order): 1. legend of zelda (zelda II was awful) 2. all the megamams 3. castlevania I and III 4. superspike dodgeball (come on, i cant believe anyone didnt mention this) 5. superspike v-ball 6. tecmo superbowl 7. Contra and Contra II 8. punch out 9. 1943 10. track and field II 11. GOAL! Also, does anyone remember the NES powepad? I still have mine. I have a good game for that too: 12. world class track meet
  15. Im at Penn state right now. Every weekend for the past month or so, a bunch of a$$es from Philly start the E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! chant (same as the J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS chant). After that, a bunch of chodes from Pittsburh will retort with a "Here we go Steelers, here we go!!". These exchanges take place for 10 minutes or so and escalades into (what feels like) the entire bar yelling back and forth between Steelers. It makes me want to choke on my own vomit. This other d-bag whom Im office mates is a perfect example of a typical Pats fan. After the pats beat the Steelers, he goes to me: "Man, Im gonna have to get a Dillon jersey now." Also, after The LOSS against the Steelers (which I was at), he texts messages me with "Its gonna be long, cold winter in Buffalo. " If he was near me I would have slugged him. His girlfried is ugly and he smells like tacos so I was the bigger person and didnt even give him the pleasure of a retort. To sum up, both teams piss me off.
  16. check this out: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/badweatherman.html
  17. I have all 13 LOST epsiodes in HD on my computer. To watch them, all you need is a DVD player on your computer and windows media player. I could easily burn all the episodes onto a DVD. Or in my case, I "moded" my XBOX and hooked it up to my computer. I just transfer the files to the XBOX (which is basically a large hard drive) and watch them on TV through the XBOX. The quality is amazing.
  18. My favorite part of the episode was when the hot chic asked about food and her step brother made the comment about her being bulemic since junior high
  19. I was only home in BUF once this season, and thus only listened to Murph and AVP once, but needless to say I was very impressed. AVP's knowledge of the game was evident and had a great knack for picking apart the plays and describing the type of defense used, blitzing scheme, etc. I thought Murph was great as play by play...hopefully this duo will be the voice of the Bills for years to come...Comments?
  20. I dont think the DET coaches constructed an offense which allowed Harrington to throw downfield; rather they used a "lets see those screen passes to S. Bryson" offense. Let him use his arm more...
  21. Baas at C and move Teague to LT?
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