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Everything posted by tornado681

  1. OK, just checked his stats so far this year: Brian Moorman: # of punts: 12 average: 42.3 net: 31.0 Touchbacks: 4 inside the 20: 1 long: 60 That net is awful. It should be closer to 40...especially considering the ideal conditions hes been punting in so far. Only 1 inside the 20 so far? Come Moorman, you can do better than that.
  2. Havent watched either game over again yet, but one thing that stands out so far to me at least is the performance of B. Moorman. Has had any kicks inside the 20? ALso, i feel like his net isnt that great. Thoughts?
  3. Im in state college, PA and havent had a chance to make it up for any of the preseason games, but me and my buddy got season tix in the rockpile section. Just wondering how the seats are and if they were as good of a bargain as i originally thought? --tornado
  4. was that on the starting GB D?
  5. I got a great vintage sabres t and a good bills t at the salvation army for 2 bones a week ago.
  6. The travel analyst for TWC (the weather channel) is Jen Carfagno. Here at penn state, people still refer to her as "Jen Car!@#$no" because she could apparently never say no...Damn did I miss out.
  7. If anyone is interested in meteorology, and more specifically hurricanes, check out my webpage below: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~gall/ --tornado
  8. I would always go to bingo with grandma and right before they started the games, the caller would always announce "Would anyone like to check the balls?"...needless to say, i would always crack up after hearing the 65 year old utter this. I wonder if they are gonna do the same thing for the nhl lottery?
  9. i like camping at evangola stat park...should be able to get a spot
  10. Its all about the Rockpile...as a poor grad student, I cant believe I can afford a bills season tix. I tell all my buddies that I paid 250 bones for tix and their response is usually "thats for 1 game right?"....bills season tix are the best deal in the NFL far and away,
  11. Did anyone save a pic of the throwback uni's before they were taken off of the bills website? If someone could direct me towards a pic of the throwbacks it would be much appreciated. Thanks --tornado
  12. You think we will see a little bit more of the "no huddle" this year? I liked when we used it last year, but I guess Bledsoe probably had the knowledge to run that O, and Im not sure if JP could handle that yet
  13. So with the drafting of Parrish and our depleted TE situation, do people think we could be looking at a lot more 3 (with 2RB) and 4 WR sets? I cant wait to see the new wrinkles we throw in to take advantatge of Lossmans mobility...bootlegs, etc. I dont know too much about specific schemes, but its gonna be interesting to see if we "open it up at all". Thoughts?
  14. Is anyone else getting sick and tired of how down Sullivan is on the bills. I cant read his columns anymore because he says the same crap over and over. Is it me or does he also have a ridiculous Boston bias?? Maybe him and H. Simon can drink a few smirnoffs and get a good game of naked twister going on in the WGR studio...we all know about Simon's twister fetish...im sure Sully has one too.
  15. He plans to be back for a 12th...lucky guy http://www.madison.com/wsj/home/local/inde...d=35174&ntpid=1
  16. Obviously 3 divided by 14 is not close to 3.14.....Rather, March 14th = 3/14 = 3.14 where '/' can be thought of as a '.' instead of a '/'
  17. 3/14 = 3.14 = pi! Today, March 14th, we celebrate the number pi. Without you, we would be unable to relate diameter to circumference of a circle, the radius squared to the area of a circle, and our math solutions would look a lot less "cool" if 'pi' did not exist. Happy Pi Day to all!
  18. Cornell University '03 Gotta love the Big Red Hockey....tearin' it up again this year
  19. any other state college, pa people on the board
  20. Lancaster,NY - Jeff 23 - state college pa
  21. LaNova's are DOG!
  22. Based on the GFS seven-day forecast of potential temperature on the dynamic tropopause (available off of Utah's department of meteorology page at http://www.met.utah.edu/jimsteen/gfs/framesGFS.html), it appears that the negative NAO pattern will be continue to be reinforced in the coming days thanks to at least two synoptic-scale disturbances forecast to affect the Northeast. Negative NAO = cold weather for northeast The below avg. temps are going to continue for the next 10-14 days...dont be surprised if we get 1 or 2 more good nor'easters too.
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