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Everything posted by TNTOM

  1. I just want to know how long Drew Soso is on Kraft's payroll??? Those 2 passes were right to the pats, i am sorry, but i just had to turn it off and now am heading to bed. no sense in losing sleep over this idiotic team that is suppose to be playing football. all that money down the drain, i feel sorry for Ralph Boy, will there be ribbing at work tomorrow. at least the Titans lost too. Still, BBills forever, no matter what!!!! i say give Losman a chance.
  2. Now, after that special teams return, lets see what SoSo can do, he should keep giving it to WM and get it in the end zone.
  3. I have nfldirecticket, so I can see it, and if we actually had a quarterback, we could really have a team. Yes, I know that the O line is very pourous, but Drew SoSo has his head up his rear.
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