So I saw some retard from the local Catholic radio station driving around in circles, rotating between several parking lots near my home this weekend. He was driving a pickup truck and towing a large trailer with billboards attached stating that Judgement Day is coming soon - on May 21, 2011 to be exact. Repent this, save your soul know the drill. I thought to myself: Self, that's a pretty ballsy prediction at least, but why the arbitrary date? At least he has the courtesy to not make us wait around for a long time to see the prediction come true. Personally, I'm looking forward to meeting Jesus so I can ask him his view on all the atrocities committed in both he and his father's name. Plus, I'm pretty sure we share several defining political and social views. So after doing some quick searching on the interwebs, it turns out that that this whack-job is NOT actually using some arbitrary date. In an event that can surely be seen as nothing short of a miracle, it appears that self-proclaimed Biblical Scholar Harold Camping has gleaned vital information which has eluded other Biblical Scholars (including himself) for nearly 2,000 years: the world will end on May 21, 2011.
Scary stuff to be sure - but only if you're a sinner! What does this have to do with Politics, Polls or Pundits you might ask? Well, nothing. I just feel that this information is just too valuable to keep to myself any longer. I'm letting as many people know any way I can because I'm pretty damned sure Harold is right (this time).