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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Childhood vaccinations should not be optional by the same logic. I am extremely anti-anti-vax. Yes.
  2. Like I'm pulling all of this out of my ass or introducing some new radical idea by linking body fat percentage to obesity... For the sake of argument, let's say >35% for females and >30% for males. Maybe a bit higher, maybe not. If you meet that criteria, you are definitely a fat-ass. If your kid meets that criteria, you are not being a responsible parent. http://exercise.about.com/cs/weightloss/a/bodyfat.htm At what body fat percentage would you consider that a parent is starving his or her child?
  3. If any socialist had a brain, he would share it with the rest of the socialists.
  4. What am I trying to impose on you exactly? Should action not be taken if a parent is starving their child?
  5. Do I look bald to you?
  6. Does sharing the one make you socialists?
  7. Looks like you two share a brain.
  8. Now who is it who, in his own mind, thinks he has all the right answers??? Hmmmm...
  9. My assertion is that raising fat kids is akin to neglect or even child abuse. If a child has a thyroid condition or Type I Diabetes it will be documented. All children are not required to be publicly tested for neglect or abuse. There are (thankfully) laws as well as government organizations which deal with individual cases as necessary. Did you read that on humanevents? You've got me all figured out...
  10. I think you're being unreasonable here. Of course there would be exceptions for kids who are fat because of a medical condition. I don't think I really need to spell out the entire law to make a valid point.
  11. Evolution-denying Mormon. Not you, Mitt.
  12. When you have kids who are obese, by a reasonable standard like body fat percentage.
  13. My contention is that having obese kids is akin to child abuse, or at least severe neglect. Sounds like the little fatties are brown bagging doughnuts and chili cheese dogs!
  14. Good thing there's just about zero chance of that happening then? "Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error. He spent the next decade running new calculations..."
  15. Do what you want with yourself - I guess...you're still a burden to the rest of us. When your neglecting your kids someone needs to step in, be it the government or otherwise. !@#$ing unfit clueless parents... All this talk about Motherment and "personal responsibility". WTF do you do when someone clearly can't be responsible for themselves and their dependents?
  16. Sad but true. If all the fat-ass parents were feeding their fat-ass children properly there wouldn't be a problem in need of a solution. If you're raising children that more closely resemble little cows and piggies than human beings, it's basically child abuse in my mind. You should lose the right to the assumption that you're capable of acting in a way that is "personally responsible". Obesity is NOT ok. It is unhealthy and puts an undue burden on our healthcare system. Not that we have a problem with healthcare in this country.
  17. Serves you right NERD!!! I've got no time to debate numbers with you. I need to get my soul and bunker in order.
  18. Now that is one sound bite that never gets old!
  19. You guys have me all wrong. For the longest time I've been preparing for December 21, 2012, but now Jesus goes and pulls this crap? Humanity has just lost 19 freaking months and of course all you guys want to do is crack jokes. We'll see who's laughing on May 22nd.
  20. That would involve politicians backing up campaign promises.
  21. So I saw some retard from the local Catholic radio station driving around in circles, rotating between several parking lots near my home this weekend. He was driving a pickup truck and towing a large trailer with billboards attached stating that Judgement Day is coming soon - on May 21, 2011 to be exact. Repent this, save your soul that...you know the drill. I thought to myself: Self, that's a pretty ballsy prediction at least, but why the arbitrary date? At least he has the courtesy to not make us wait around for a long time to see the prediction come true. Personally, I'm looking forward to meeting Jesus so I can ask him his view on all the atrocities committed in both he and his father's name. Plus, I'm pretty sure we share several defining political and social views. So after doing some quick searching on the interwebs, it turns out that that this whack-job is NOT actually using some arbitrary date. In an event that can surely be seen as nothing short of a miracle, it appears that self-proclaimed Biblical Scholar Harold Camping has gleaned vital information which has eluded other Biblical Scholars (including himself) for nearly 2,000 years: the world will end on May 21, 2011. http://articles.sfgate.com/2010-01-01/bay-area/17466332_1_east-bay-bay-area-first-time-camping Scary stuff to be sure - but only if you're a sinner! What does this have to do with Politics, Polls or Pundits you might ask? Well, nothing. I just feel that this information is just too valuable to keep to myself any longer. I'm letting as many people know any way I can because I'm pretty damned sure Harold is right (this time).
  22. Now if only the rest of the Republican Party could see the light... One tough son of a B word, that one...
  23. Because they're trying to legislate beards and hairy pits? Kind of funny, but you'll need a better analogy if you're trying to actually make a point.
  24. If it's all about fiscal issues, why such a strong Christian theme at all the rallies and gatherings?
  25. Actions speak louder than words, my gullible friend.
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