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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Everyone has their beliefs, as do I. I'm sure you think some things that you don't say to just anyone. I'm sure you must hold some controversial opinions that you don't share with people in everyday life. PPP is one of the few places where I choose to express my thoughts on religion and it is not trolling. I feel I can air my more insensitive beliefs and opinions here in hopes of refining them through reasonable discussion and argument. MOST of the time, just about anything is fair game here and people don't get their panties all in a bunch when the discussion gets controversial. I've certainly refined my opinion on 'rednecks' through discussions I've had with you here. Of course, as soon as you don't like something I have to say about god you can't wait to bring that particular prejudice up, even though it has little to do with the topic at hand. I think you know what I'm about at this point. Next time you see a 'Zombie Jesus' type thread started by me, my suggestion would be to either develop a thicker hide or just skip it. No, that is not an accurate statement. Well, with so many Muslims and Hindus posting here, that would certainly be a constructive conversation. Well, sorry for offending everyone with this. I guess I picked the wrong day to !@#$ with Christianity. Happy Easter! Continued (for those who just can't get enough)
  2. Internet persona aside, I do have lots of flaws. Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them. - Thomas Jefferson
  3. I'm not sure how that would be either relevant or humorous. A better idea for Christmas might be the immaculate conception. One holiday at a time - we've got some months to think about that one. Way to ridicule the Resurrection...jerk. Was that intentional? This overly-sensitive ultra-PC version of PPP is killing me today!
  4. Finally! I guess Zombie Jesus references are only OK on any other day of the year... Apparently I'll need to get in line behind Chef and the Sabres.
  5. Despite what you may have heard, all men may not actually be created equal, so you shouldn't feel intimidated.
  6. So which is worse in this case? Never mind... I wonder what Fox News has to say about all of this? If you're getting your 'news' from any of the sources referenced or implied in this thread you have no hope!
  7. Yes, I'm having fun - thanks!
  8. I'm just making assumptions based on where you live. I've heard they're more tolerant of that sort of thing in San Fran.
  9. Nobody holds that against you.
  10. Don't mock Zombie Jesus Day. It's very important to me. But not as important as game 6. Go Sabres!!! What a bunch of nancies!
  11. Personally, I think The Donald is using America to cheaply expand his product. Who's duping who?
  12. Shouldn't you be concentrating on getting a deal done in time for the start of the season???
  13. Yes, they're all out to get "The Donald"!
  14. Not for nothin' but he said 1/3 of Republicans believe he was born here. Still not 70%, but 2/3 is closer to 70% than is 1/3. I think what it boils down to, as it usually does: people believe what they want to believe. They embrace preposterous ideas like (Obama's birth or 9/11 conspiracy) which support their worldview and shun factual arguments which fly in the face of their worldview. It's human nature, plain and simple. We're all guilty of it at occasionally, some more than others.
  15. Happy Zombie Jesus Day! ...but we all know the REAL meaning of Easter 2011, so... LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!
  16. I think probability that any one religion has it right is just about zero. I base this belief on the absolute lack of empirical evidence for any supernatural religious claims. If I claimed divine knowledge in the absence of evidence I would be wrong too. Like everyone, I believe certain things - the difference is that I have no belief in the supernatural. I cannot find reason in someone claiming to be 100% sure of something for which there is absolutely no evidence. I think such a claim denigrates all that is beautiful about the human mind - its inherent need to seek answers to big questions. Religion is by nature anti-intellectual because it instructs one to not seek answers, but instead to accept things based on blind faith, which seems the perfect way to control the sheep IMO. So religious fundamentalists are 100% sure of something there is no evidence for that was created by men, likely in an effort to control the masses. Oh, and they do violence and kill people based on this too. Religious fundamentalism is crazy. Incidentally, there are many people who think like I do. There are people who post here regularly who think like I do - the difference is that I'm outspoken about it. This is not meant to strengthen my statements here, because the number of people "believing" in something has no real bearing on whether or not it's actually true. I simply bring it up in answer to your "everyone else is wrong except you" statement.
  17. I have no belief with regard to religion except for the belief that no organized religion has it right. The main problem is that all of this religious doctrine seems to be made by men out of whole cloth, but people turn a blind eye to that fact and cite the need for "faith". That's such a !@#$ing cop-out. I have seen no empirical evidence for god or any type of divined intervention - in fact nobody has. That certainly does not mean that I reject the possibility that such a thing could exist. Based on what we know (or think we know) as a species, I think the chances that there is some invisible entity in the sky looking down on us and judging our actions is pretty damned minuscule. While nearly anything within the limits of physical possibility could exist, or depending on your favorite multiverse theory does exists, we're talking about supernatural beings here. There has been absolutely no real evidence for supernatural anything ever in all of human history. My only reasonable conclusion is that anyone who claims to "know" there's a god is either ignorant or delusional. I concede that society/upbringing/history makes it somewhat reasonable for people to believe in one deity or another, and that's fine. My problem, as I stated earlier in this thread, is with religious fundamentalists who do violence in the name of their religion or "god" because they know what they believe to be true at their very core. I think that fundamentalist religious nuts, especially the violent ones, are batshit crazy and should be committed. I also have a serious problem with religious leaders who use their position, power and influence to do harm to others or gain profit. My "belief" is that the world would be a far better and more peaceful place without all of this faith-based BS.
  18. Your smack talk is even weaker than your logic. When all else fails, resort to the ad-hominem attack. Why even bother trying to have an intelligent conversation when you so obviously lack the basic tools required? You should take notes from crayonz to at least improve your smack. The critical thinking part may be beyond your inherent talents.
  19. I don't think I said believers are idiots. It is, of course, impossible to prove a negative. Lack of belief in a supernatural entity does not require empirical evidence, for I am not the one making the extraordinary claim. 3rdnlng, I understand that this concept may be new to you. Tom, I know you know this better than I, so I'll assume you're just !@#$ing with me. So since you've dropped the smugness, that quote no longer applies to you??? It's a ridiculous quote in the first place, but it's almost like you're insulting your atheistic self.
  20. I'm not "for" anything. I simply base my beliefs on empirical evidence.
  21. I'm talking about statistical probability, not anecdotal individuals who defy the statistics. C'mon man! Are you telling me that no heroin addict ever lived a long healthy life? Heroin must be good for you! No offense, but I think that still fits the criteria...
  22. Why would someone worship a god that allows their 11-year-old daughter to suffer with brain cancer for two years before her extremely young death? That story sucks. I've had several people I was very close to either diagnosed or die from cancer in the past couple of years and I can certainly sympathize. Cancer sucks. A lot. But it's not proof of god or even of the need for religion. It's a sad story that you're selfishly using to make your argument. And don't get all sanctimonious on me - you're at least as guilty of the exact same attitude you're accusing me of having.
  23. I'm sure you're right. I just think it's funny to argue that being fat does not cause long-term health problems.
  24. That's better. How about: Religion is a !@#$ing ridiculous, completely unnecessary delusion based on superstitious mythology. Crimes performed in the name of religion, violent or otherwise, are like a bad, sad joke. Religious fundamentalists are a bunch of crazy bastards who should probably be committed.
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