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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Sorry, didn't realize you were above all that. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you weren't just trying to weasel out of answering the question. Hadn't thought of that. Excellent point.
  2. I can tell. If charity is sufficient, why are there poor, starving and homeless people? Nice stats and all, but what does it prove really?
  3. It also says you're !@#$ed if you DON'T give voluntarily. So is it really voluntary? Bad-ass, bald and beautiful!
  4. Oh, the irony for the Christian Right! Socialism!
  5. A better person, more morally-pure, more deserving of a favorable "final reward". Could also have been phrased: "Is it better to be..."
  6. I'm a bigot because I argue an idea that you don't like. I don't hate you or anybody I can think of really. Is a Christ-like agnostic/atheist better than a Christ-like Christian because of the absence of the fear of Hell? Than a non-Christ-like Christian?
  7. Unsurprisingly, most people who think that about me are religious and probably just don't want their faith questioned. Doubt bad!
  8. For a Christian, you seem to have a lot of hate and insecurity. When you get past that, we can talk about this like two rational human beings. A cult usually makes you break off all contact with non-indoctrinated family members and friends. That has more to do with it than anything I think. Once you reach a certain threshold, the hallmark cult-like qualities probably fade away.
  9. What's the difference between a cult and a religion?
  10. Way to qualify the **** out of that one!
  11. Please feel free to flesh-out your argument a bit. Or maybe that's all you've got?
  12. Maybe I'd just pay more attention to the Bills. Similarly depressing, but fewer fatalities.
  13. Well, there's not much they can say. I expect them back in full force the next time some Muslim Fundamentalist blows something up or kills some people. Now imagine if there were no Muslims OR Christians. People would have to find some other insanely implausible ideology to kill for.
  14. Does all this rationalization make you feel better? Terrorist attack in the name of Islam: Look at the "Religion of Peace"... Terrorist attack in the name of Christianity: That guy's obviously not a REAL Christian. No hypocrisy there...
  15. Islamo-Fascist Fundamentalist Terrorist Bastard! We need to turn the Middle East into a glass parking lot!!! Wait...errr...
  16. The story looks legit, though the conclusions they draw are not based in reality. Why was I only able to find your article on conspiracy and "stuff they don't want you to know" websites? Here's a much more detailed explanation of what's going on: http://blogs.discove...tle-quiet-time/
  17. She was ignorant about a lot of important things. Her innate ability to be coached-up in a few short years is in no way a decent substitute for having processed these ideas on her own over an extended period of time. It amounts to nothing more than fill in the blanks with status quo Republican party politics.
  18. There's always a pool of uneducated (unwashed) voters that every party will try to sway one way or another. One person, one vote. But don't distract from the topic at hand. Sarah Palin is barely smarter than a 5th grader!
  19. Hard to argue with straight-up facts. Your point about intellectuals over-thinking things and therefore not making good leaders is interesting though. Perhaps thinking with one's "gut" or asking "god" for advice or even flipping a coin is better than over-thinking in a leadership role. It's an interesting idea at least, even if it is disappointingly counter-intuitive.
  20. Nothing like a bit of good old-fashioned anti-intellectualism to show support for your favorite fundamentalist idiot... Let's burn some books...Go Team!
  21. Nice sig! My current avatar sports my "real" hair.
  22. That's about right, in retrospect. Either that or anti-9/11 Trutherism... I need to stay off the "normal people" boards.
  23. You guys are too sweet! I guess I served my time and am a free man. Or Simon forgot to ban me permanently...
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGQuRDjo7TI
  25. Yawn...Canada is so...boring... Socialism!!! :w00t:
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