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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. You mean we'll have to build banks of electrical outlets??? How the hell are we supposed to overcome THAT technological hurdle? Time to move on from electric...
  2. I didn't say any of that so I'm wondering if that's the best you can do?
  3. If you go, make sure you wipe off your chin when you're done!
  4. The throwaway "In Soviet Russia" line does not invalidate my point. A fully Capitalist system is just as Utopian and pie-in-the-sky as a fully Socialist system. Our current system lives somewhere on that spectrum and is certainly not so black and white. It's simply convenient for mindless cheerleaders to spew out the supreme virtues of the extremes of either system based on their political ideology of choice.
  5. Are you anti-electric car? Does the fact that Hummer was discontinued due to lack of sales mean that gas cars are not viable? Better work on hydrogen or nuclear powered cars or we're all walking! http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/25/business/25hummer.html
  6. Life is unfair. Whoever told you it should be was lying to you. You pay back into a system that allows you to thrive so that that system can exist. The system is much more than just you - it includes everyone. The yield of this very complex system is a certain percentage of rich, a certain percentage of poor and a full spectrum in between. A better system might produce fewer poor people, reducing the need for relatively higher-earners like yourself to pay back into that same system which allows you to do so well. Tweak or change the system or suck it up and quit crying about what's fair and unfair and what ought to be. In Soviet Russia, you would have other things to cry about.
  7. Dude, even Larry Mullen pwns Canadians.
  8. Maybe it was - I mean who would be more pissed off than a bald guy? Maybe Seal Team Six is full of angry bald guys and dogs. Nobody can say because their identities are a closely kept secret.
  9. Apparently he "pwns Bono", for whatever that's worth.
  10. Why are you so ashamed to admit you are - what are you exactly?
  11. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/08/08/110808fa_fact_schmidle
  12. If there's one thing this country needs, it's MORE reality TV!
  13. Back on topic, the consensus is that most Americans would be wise to be black and lose one of their legs? It makes perfect sense. That which does not kill you makes you stronger.
  14. Awesome report - thanks!!! (time to change the avatar)
  15. This thread is retarded. You guys are jumping from Roger Daltrey and Bono to Bon Jovi and farm subsidies like you're making some profound statement about the world. Who the !@#$ cares what these people think, say or do? Outside of entertainment, they and their opinions are all meaningless.
  16. What's the worst that could happen?
  17. I love how you guys bash celebs with political opinions because they're vacuous idiots who should stick to what they know. Right up until they say something you agree with, that is...
  18. Hoped I'd died before I got old... And everything is better with cowbell.
  19. Hope I die before I get old...
  20. Don't be an idiot.
  21. Way to be skeptical! Seriously. This guy seems to be somewhat of a crank with an agenda. That said, it's certainly not a bad thing if there's any grain of truth to his opinion piece.
  22. Hooray for Xenophobia!
  23. That's a good one - never heard of that. There's a spectrum of healthy/unhealthy here that can have a real effect on the population. I think it's fair to say that the number of calories a person gets from a meal at McDonalds today is far greater than the number of calories a person would get from a meal at McDonalds 20 years ago. Considering how McDonalds is absolutely EVERYWHERE in America, the portions they serve and the make-up of what they serve is a big deal and has real consequences. They're trying to make money, which is great, but they also have a responsibility to be ethical with regard to what they're feeding so many people. Most people probably don't eat there because they're specifically looking for an unhealthy choice - it likely has much more to do with cost and convenience.
  24. Yes, I really need to sop being such an !@#$ to you. Nobody's forcing you to participate in the discussion.
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