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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. So she ENJOYS taking it from all sides?
  2. Much better!
  3. He clearly goes to 11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuzpsO4ErOQ Viva la Drive-By YouTube!
  4. Fair enough. I still say it's at least 2 seasons too soon to be calling Spiller a bust.
  5. Apology is a sign of weakness here. NEVER admit that you're wrong. NEVER back off your gut position. Follow these rules and all will be well.
  6. GAFFES?!?!?! LMAO, that's great - thank you!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2y8Sx4B2Sk
  8. Christ on pogo stick...you should now be made to go back and fully re-read this thread before commenting again. Or not. Carry on.
  9. It might be reasonable to wait until he has a decent OL in front of him before calling him a bust. Of course, that's also the slippery slope we've been on with QBs for years, so there's that.
  10. Hell, it's a bargain. WTF can you do for $15 these days?
  11. No, that's exactly what you're saying. You say we should cut off all funding to the PA because they are paying money to prison terrorists. You fail to consider the that much of the money we give them may have positive political and humanitarian benefits, both for us and them. So in your simple world, you want to cut off all funding to an oppressed people because you just dully accept the notion that the money for terrorists spin makes the issue completely black and white.
  12. The answer you MIGHT be looking for is that I don't think I'm qualified to make such a decision - I'd have to contemplate the consequences first. I know - what a wishy-washy flip-flopper! This is probably a foreign idea to someone like yourself, but that's why we have Rush and Hannity. Well, everybody knows they're ALL terrorists over there and after all they get funds from the US and they pay prisoner terrorists based on how terrorifically evil they are. It couldn't possibly be more brown and white.
  13. Which part of that are you struggling with?
  14. Yeah, sorry, I really don't care about this at all. I just enjoy watching you get all indignant when the man is keeping you down.
  15. If it were up to me we would not be paying funds to any foreign governments, especially with our economy the way it is. However, I also believe that the above statement, though commonseneically correct, is probably a bad idea for more complicated, realistic and practical reasons. But then I rarely conclude that something is so just because it makes gut-level sense to me. My world is not so brown and white.
  16. Leave here alone. She's just preaching to her base.
  17. Don't be such a drive-by poster!
  18. Like most things, it's more complicated than you would like to make it out. I don't agree with the PA's stance on paying "terrorists". I personally don't think we should be giving money to Israel OR Palestine, but that's another complicated issue, so I assume you're not interested in that. Outside of your standard simplified rhetoric, it's difficult for a compassionate human being to not empathize somewhat with the plight of the Palestinian people. In my opinion, the Palestinian people have been systematically oppressed and beaten-down for years. Of course in 3rdnlng world, they are simply brown-skinned heathen Muslim terrorists who deserve whatever the get. So the short answer to your question is that I don't support paying PA terrorists who commit crimes in Israel. I also don't support paying for Israeli weapons that are used against the Palestinian people.
  19. Enlightened thinkers like yourself are destined to be misunderstood.
  20. I was more talking about the "side with anybody" part. If the GOP jumped of a bridge, would you jump too?
  21. I haven't said ANYTHING about the attacks other than that I don't condone them. They're despicable an likely at least partially racially motivated. I'm just tired of looking at the same subtly racist threads from the same not-so-subtle posters every time I look at this forum.
  22. Of course not. Are you serious? Wrong, you backward fuk, I'm just bored of all the thinly-veiled racist threads you idiots create to justify your runaway xenophobia for your small, simple minds. YOU sir, are not a great American.
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