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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. What ever happened to all those Birthers?
  2. too affected to see A lot of people get those confused. Two is the proper spelling of the number 2, to complete the trifecta. I'm looking forward to your glorious day in the sun. Maybe I'll start paying attention to your crap again in 17 months.
  3. I'm not the one who posted the article without understanding what it does or does not mean. For a minute there, I forgot why I generally ignore your posts. Shouldn't happen again.
  4. The fact that you're making it about "us vs. them" and that you feel the need to bring gay marriage into the conversation (WTF?) says that you don't really care about the scientific research. The fact that you don't care about or even vaguely try to understand the research that YOU are citing, but still feel the need to make somebody "pay" says that you are nothing more than a cheerleader on this issue. The fact that you're acting like a cheerleader makes you just like every other fool with a global warming agenda. When you act so intellectually dishonest, you're opinion is worthless. At that point, if anyone wants to find out what you think, they could just DVR Fox and Friends. What's the point? Cosmic Rays Warm!!! Proof!!!
  5. I think you could say that about most people, regardless of their political leanings. The way you phrase it may be true, but don't ignore the idiocy of people who happen to share your political beliefs.
  6. Yeah, none of that's right. Why are yours the only truly irrational posts in this thread?
  7. To bring it full-circle, this certainly applies to the author of the article originally cited in this thread.
  8. But SO many people are absolutely sure on both sides. I don't know **** about it except for the fact that any non-qualified individual who chooses to definitively comment on any of this has an agenda and is absolutely full of crap.
  9. That had nothing to do with the question I asked. Still, wouldn't one need some in-depth knowledge of climate science in order to make reasonable conclusions?
  10. So if both "sides" are like religion, what's a reasonable person to do?
  11. Damn, I missed that part. For someone who likes to talk about economics so much, you should be aware of the fact that research dollars are limited and that not every experiment can be funded by the government. When the experiment you want to see is kept down by the man, it's an instant conspiracy and you get all upset that we're not spending enough of the Euros' money? So for the author of this article and those like him, their anti-global warming stance and justifications for it are not like religion?
  12. I prayed my ass off! Looks like it worked...
  13. I was going to trash the website, but it actually seems pretty good. I'll have to bookmark for later. That said, in this particular article, the dude has a serious bone to pick. Instead of describing the study in detail and actually analyzing the implications, he decides to make it a puff piece attacking Al Gore, environmentalists, climate scientists, etc... He makes it about conspiracy. Why? If the evidence is so overwhelming, why the personal attacks? Why not let the science stand on its own two feet? Why the need to go with the "stuff THEY don't want you to know" angle if your proof is so pure?
  14. You're a real jerk. You wasted eight !@#$ing food stamps on that guy. Let 'em all starve!
  15. I believe it's called "slumming".
  16. Cutting any good OL?
  17. The 3rd sign of the pending Apocalypse.
  18. You must be !@#$ing loaded. I'd look to re-distribute your wealth if you weren't such a !@#$ing dick. More effort than it's worth.
  19. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Teabag Cartharsis
  20. AdamSchefter Adam Schefter Raiders take pryor in 3rd
  21. Any idea what the final order was?
  22. You'd be a lot tougher if it were.
  23. This is exactly like Greedo shooting first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0Asjh-HjRE There's nothing worse than when they !@#$ with your favorite fictional classics...
  24. Who is this person you speak of?
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