Fair enough. Thought I might catch you sleeping. Here's one for the Big Guy:
Here's what I think I know:
1. If he is omniscient, he knows that I am bald.
2. If he is omnipotent, he is able to make it so that I can grow hair on my head.
3. If he is benevolent, he wants me to be able to grow hair on my head.
Given that, here are my questions for GvG:
1. If god is omniscient and does not allow me grow hair on my head, he is not omnipotent and/or not benevolent. What's up with that???
2. If god is omnipotent and does not allow me grow hair on my head, he is not omniscient and/or not benevolent. Seriously, what's up with that???
3. If god is benevolent and does not allow me grow hair on my head, he is not omnipotent and/or not omniscient. Dude, WTF???
4. Scrapping all that crap, if god is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent, how do you explain free will?
Thanks for helping out and being my one true link to the Big Guy!