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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Pretty sure they're required...
  2. This is the worst idea since they mandated those goddamn rear windows. What, side windows and a windshield aren't enough? Like I can't stick my freakin head out the window? Morons... Don't get me started on that damned newfangled rear-view mirror tech! Our government is clearly in the pocket of Big Reflector.
  3. Hey, at least when I'm not posting you don't have to read the crap spewing from my fingertips.
  4. I told Rob I've been trolling, just not posting. Trying to take that job thing more seriously or something like that. I've been watching you and you are all still !@#$ing crazy. Keep up the good work.
  5. It was obviously unnecessary.
  6. Lol, just trying to actually *gasp* get some work done once in a while. Still trolling, just not posting very much.
  7. Trouble with their, there and/or they're puts him right in the fat part of the Bell Curve around here...
  8. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_deers_correct Just sayin...
  9. Jeremy White ‏ @JeremyWGR CloseIn all seriousness...the wind just picked up. Think we will have something soon. DONT MOVE. #SignMario
  10. Make it 22. All you Tebow-worshiping fools need to re-think your loyalties because, for a supposed Bills fan, there's no excuse for routing so hard for some other player on some other team. To put it in terms you can understand, it'd be like converting to Islam right after Christmas just because you have a raging man-crush on the new charismatic young Imam at the mosque in Denver. IT'S TEBOW TIME!!!!
  11. Maybe we should spare the troops instead?
  12. One more reason to like George Wilson.
  13. The Amish Rifle might be one of the best nicknames ever created.
  14. You guys are ridiculous in your hatred of this guy. He's pretty damned cynical, but he's usually right-on. Judging by his twitter feed during the game, he's willing to give credit where credit is due and is not afraid to admit when he is wrong. My bet is that his column heaps a lot of praise on the Bills, but cautions that it's only one game. Which it is. Hell of a game though!
  15. If you missed it like me, here's a link to the mp3, compliments of WGR: Hour 1: http://podcast.wgr55...gr2/3092948.mp3 Hour 2: http://podcast.wgr55...gr2/3092951.mp3 With Darrell Talley: http://podcast.wgr55...gr2/3092957.mp3
  16. Thanks, I look forward to his response. With god, all is possible.
  17. When in Rome...
  18. Well, if premise #3 is wrong, it's true that the first three questions are out the window. Now that I've had a chance to read the original GvG post, I can see you clearly stated that he enjoys !@#$ing with, which clearly makes him far from benevolent. My bad. Like you said though, question #4 still works, so we're good to go there. Not sure if I have a choice, but I'd like my answer in a Darrell Hammond playing Sean Connery on Jeopardy voice. If he's sick of doing that one, maybe Rich Little doing Ronald Reagan. Thanks!
  19. That is an outrageous claim on multiple levels.
  20. Fair enough. Thought I might catch you sleeping. Here's one for the Big Guy: Here's what I think I know: 1. If he is omniscient, he knows that I am bald. 2. If he is omnipotent, he is able to make it so that I can grow hair on my head. 3. If he is benevolent, he wants me to be able to grow hair on my head. Given that, here are my questions for GvG: 1. If god is omniscient and does not allow me grow hair on my head, he is not omnipotent and/or not benevolent. What's up with that??? 2. If god is omnipotent and does not allow me grow hair on my head, he is not omniscient and/or not benevolent. Seriously, what's up with that??? 3. If god is benevolent and does not allow me grow hair on my head, he is not omnipotent and/or not omniscient. Dude, WTF??? 4. Scrapping all that crap, if god is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent, how do you explain free will? Thanks for helping out and being my one true link to the Big Guy!
  21. There's much more of a difference between us than you might think. My guess is that you might be a bit younger than me. You haven't yet figured out that what you think and especially what you believe can often be wrong. You still have an absolutist view. Some people never seem to grow out of that.
  22. Link? I'm going to need some sort of an explanation for that.
  23. Behold the power of belief.
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