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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Teaching them that crap is what's causing this country to go straight to hell in a handbasket. You can learn 'em some math cause there's nothing in the Bible against that - heck there's even a book of Numbers! I just don't get what monkey ancestors have to do with teaching kids to build rockets and fighter jets that can turn the Middle East into a glass parking lot. After all it's not "Darwin Bless 'Merica" or "In Darwin We Trust". Just let people believe what they want to believe and pick which science they want their kids to learn. After all, to quote a great man: "The U.S. is the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the earth." Not sure which part you don't understand. Geez!
  2. Another ****ty article from that gubment-funded Liberal-lovin' shill NPR... In other news, water is still wet. Don't you be tryin to confuse everyday 'Mericans with yer fancy highfalutin blastfeeeming science mumbo jubmbo.
  3. Who, Gronk or your hero?
  4. That's as far as I read. Did anyone see anything worthwhile in the next few paragraphs? Can I get the Cliffs Notes?
  5. That goes without saying...
  6. lol Man, I learned my lesson last year. I mean holy crap - you would think I was the anti-christ or something. Christians get freakin nasty when you start talking **** about Jesus, which is very un-Dude if you ask me (which they don't). I'm just rambling, but am I a bad person if I ate a huge slice of meat lovers pizza for lunch on Good Friday or is it because of something else? On Easter Sunday, while raiding my kids' chocolate and jelly beans, I was thinking about how you told your brother about Zombie Jesus Day last year and that it made him laugh. I then texted my brother with a link to the official website and got a similar result. Happy belated Zombie Jesus Day to you Tom. Hi Chef! I'm a glutton for punishment. I blame my Roman Catholic upbringing.
  7. You people? I only look liberal compared to the whack-job majority here. Of course for full disclosure, as you may recall, I certainly did despise W. This board was never so very left-leaning as to allow for an anti-W thread to run as unopposed as the anti-Barry threads you find here today. It is BORING. You've scared all the libs away. Now I'll bite my tongue about a lot of things, but I will not sit idly by and watch you take the lord's name in vain. Blasphemer!
  8. The circle jerk goes like... Poster 1: Obama sucks! Poster 2: I agree. Poster 3: I agree too! Poster 4: I disagree. I think he sucks AND he's ruining the country. Poster 5: Good point! Poster 6: If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it's FREE! lol Poster 2: Haha that's a good one. Poster 7: Do you guys ever get tire of jerking each other off? Poster 3: Look it's a Liberal! Liberals suck! Poster 1: Yeah Poster 2: They suck donkey dick! Poster 5: Liberal drive-by! etc... Not exactly a great read. And you never really answered my question. Carry on.
  9. Does jerking each other off ever get boring for you guys? Just curious.
  10. We really needed a study to confirm this???
  11. Sup hariball? I've got to re-read His holy response when I get a few minutes...
  12. That sounds like the kind of blanket statement you would normally jump all over somebody for.
  13. All I'm saying is that if you provide hundreds of internet links supporting your argument, then your argument must be true. You disagree? Oh no! You should have stuck with the chain email idea. How's it going Red?
  14. Didn't say it wasn't. I just happen to think it shouldn't be, but that's idealistic. I try not to read too much into the political rhetoric with regard to global warming. I think there are certainly "lefty alarmists" who base their opinion on nothing more than the fact that they're hippy freaks fighting against Big Oil, anything they perceive as resembling an environmental threat, conspiracy theories, etc... I also think there are "deniers" who base their opinion on nothing more than the fact that they dislike the aforementioned hippy freaks, dislike Big Motherment, buy into conspiracy theories, etc... There's certainly varying degrees of cultish behavior to be found in both camps. While scientists are human and human nature leads people to try to support their pre-conceived notions, I don't think "alarmist scientists" are the villains here, though they are often portrayed as such by the "deniers. The thing is, the vast majority of these "alarmist scientists" will eventually change their views as the real science advances. Those who refuse will be relegated to one of the other two categories of crackpot idiots. So I continue to sit on the fence with this, arguing with freaks like OC who think it should all be about politics, who think it's about winning a game and who think they have all the answers. As I've said before, the scientific method will eventually win out.
  15. Are hundreds of pre-compiled chain email links really convincing to anyone else or is it just me? It's like the loudest guy in the room always winning the argument, which is true and just as it should be.
  16. I think the most telling thing is that you think this is all about winning a political argument. "Alarmist scientists" sounds like it was drilled into your head by cable news and/or talk radio. You are a tool and a slave to your chosen political party. Go Team! Can't wait for your compulsive self-righteous diatribe of a response...
  17. I guess I should just thank the Sweet Baby Jesus that you seem to have learned how to narcissistically rant and rave in more digestible bites.
  18. Well, you certainly make some solid, solid points there, but what else is new? Care to elaborate on the rule set I supposedly instituted or even respond with an actual argument? Yeah, probably not. I mean, why start now?
  19. Synthetic marijuana is nasty stuff. Every time one formula gets banned, a slightly-altered form of synthetic TCH is created, which keeps theses companies one step ahead of any restrictions. Maybe its time to just legalize the real stuff, as it seems to be much safer than the man-made variety. I can't remember too many cases of potheads barreling into houses at 100 mph. Maybe 10 mph...
  20. Nice job twisting up an interesting scientific discovery so that it neatly fits your self-serving false dichotomy!
  21. That's certainly what he works hard to put out there. The truth is that nobody is perfect (to avoid the inevitable argument, I'll say present company excluded). That makes him a phony in my mind, but time will tell. What makes me sick is seeing all of these so-called Bills fans get all fired up about the Broncos last year just because some rookie QB wears his religion like a hairshirt. I'm interested to see how that translates now that he's with a division rival. So much hype for an average to potentially above-average football player. I'd pull for him if he played for the Bills, but like just about every other player on any of the other 31 teams, he can go take a flying leap off a bridge as far as I'm concerned.
  22. No, you missed his point. Tebow is coming to save the heathens of NYC. If anyone needs proof of the controversy and zealotry that follows this guy around, look no further than this very thread. Tebow-Mania couldn't have happened to a more deserving team and I can't wait for the circus to come to town.
  23. So you can stick your big head out the window, removing any need you might have for mirrors or a rear window...duh. If you roll your side windows down do they still exist? Is this a philosophical debate?
  24. touché...but just for the rear window part
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