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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Goddamn I've been sucked back in by this mess. I've forgotten that posting here can be kinda therapeutic. Time to think about something else and maybe catch up on Homeland. Whatever your gun stance, this was some really, really f**cked up sh*t today. So, so very sad. Nice talking to many of you again.
  2. Nope, pretty much any shootings. Probably mass shootings too, but maybe not. I doubt they'd go up. It'd be an interesting experiment.
  3. Oh, people shooting people with guns. Does that clear things up?
  4. "Jesus would've owned a muthaf**kin Glock!" -Heston 3:16
  5. The basis for determining it happens with disproportionate frequency is the number of times it happens here vs. the number of times it happens elsewhere. Is that helpful?
  6. Fewer guns = fewer shootings, wouldn't you agree? Supply and demand?
  7. How many more die in those two incidents if the lunatics are armed to the teeth like that !@#$ today?
  8. The discrepancy between how often this happens here as opposed to anywhere else is pretty dramatic, don't you think? I'm not going to write an essay for you Rob.
  9. OR...if mom hadn't been able to buy these weapons legally in the first place, son wouldn't have been able to steal them and shoot up the school. Yes, let's arm all the teachers. What could possible go wrong? Classic...
  10. By trying to equate death with injury.
  11. Are you the OP? Well, then yes. Tell me the truth, were you looking in a mirror repeating that over and over before you typed it?
  12. If only I could bring as much insight to the conversation as you are this evening... "Everybody shut up about it! You're using this tragedy to further your political agenda! Sick! Discussion=bad!" It's a fair point, big guy. I am emotional about this obviously. I have kids that are of the same age as the ones killed today and it really hits home. However, I don't think that a week's time is really going to make me feel any different about it after this one. I'm not a policy-maker, just a pissed off parent.
  13. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds It occurs to me that some of you may not have seen this before. The genetic argument, that is...of course there seems to be some question about the chicken and egg here. I think we could probably start by taking a page out of the book of countries that a lower incidence of these types of problems than we do. Pretty much any other country will do in this case. It's obnoxiously obvious to all but the most staunch gun advocates that we're doing something wrong. No real need to re-invent the wheel here.
  14. Been here far longer than you newbie. Don't like it? Oh well...
  15. "Nothing to see here!", says NRA guy. "It's inappropriate to use this tragedy to further your pinko agenda!" Blah, blah, blah... How dare you site facts from non-Merican countries!
  16. The response by the pro-gun folks is always the same after any such tragedy. VERY convenient...
  17. You're pushing an agenda by not wanting to talk about it. I'm referencing a study from a couple of years ago. Quite interesting, really.
  18. Don't blame them - it's a function of the paranoid conservative mind to make everything black and white, good or bad, one thing or the other. It's genetic after all.
  19. This is EXACTLY the time to talk about it and do something about it. You know, before the next new shiny news item de jour takes 'Merica's collective ADD-addled brain onto the next big news item. I didn't have a cause with regard to this issue up until now, but this pisses me off and it seems clear to me. This has got to stop, Any Rand and her crazy paranoid bullsh*t be damned.
  20. Right, f**ktard, it's completely inappropriate to talk about our ridiculous gun laws after 20 kindergardeners die in a mass shooting. Spare me your sanctimonious bullsh*t!
  21. Well, if the silence from the NRA honks in this forum is any indication, perhaps something will finally be done to correct our gun problem.
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