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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Wow that was actually kind of funny! How novel...a funny righty!
  2. Link? I think Tasker wants to show you his tool... You're right, it's not up to the gun owners. It's up to the American people and the government to take care of it. I just felt the need to respond to a really sh*tty analogy, as I said.
  3. Well, for a post on OTW, but nice point I guess. Go get me a doughnut! It's fun messing with the new guys. I missed out on the early immigration period. With your politics, you must be like Mussolini up there.
  4. What, the Catholic Church is a better analogy? I agree. LOL My point is that B-Man seems to think gay people are pedophiles, and that we can't say that simply because of the lefties and their overly-PC culture. Not to mention it was a terrible analogy. It speaks to the man's intelligence and how much weight should be given to his thought process IMO. When's hockey starting you hoser?
  5. The events leading to this thread were indeed tragic. Your citing an extremely unlikely event to support your love of guns is dishonest. Do you bring a parachute when traveling by plane?
  6. He obviously has a profound point he can't wait to spit out. I fully expect it will change my life.
  7. Ad homs like "you're the only tool being played right now"? You win. Lock and load, I think some bad guys are coming for your family.
  8. They're coming for my family!!!
  9. Armed AND witty...what a combination!!! You're boring me...
  10. I'm not dismissing it, it's just a pretty broad definition of the word you're clinging to when there are other words that are more focused and accurate.
  11. Oh, please correct my preconceptions big guy. Were you not equating gays with pedophiles? What is the gun community going to do about this tragedy? I dunno. What is the gay community going to do about Penn State? With the gay community, everyone would complain about smearing millions for the deviant and predatory behavior of a few.
  12. Lol, laws and public sentiment change all the time my man.
  13. Well, you're still going, so I guess you're right. The overconfidence you display in your ability to be a hero and keep the man from taking what's yours is both frightening and hilarious! Enjoy playing with your tool.
  14. Actually, as this is an unmoderated internet message board, I can do EXACTLY that. I read your post where you answered the question - pretty funny edit dude. So by your definition, a gun is a tool because it is: an instrument of manual operation and used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose I'm thinking of something else that fits that definition. Guess who? You're all fired up...lol
  15. Right, because in your world, a gay guy is pretty much the same thing as a pedophile. Why not ask what the Catholic Church is going to do about Penn State instead? That's more appropriate if you really want to get down to it. What's the hetero community going to do about all of the young girls who get raped every year?
  16. I just think we can all be grown-ups, avoid hiding behind words and call a weapon what it is.
  17. As soon as you tell me how a gun is a tool.
  18. You're certainly sporting the right avatar.
  19. I didn't realize the hyperbole in the thread title would make my point fly over your head. My bad. Was his rational point "you're not the boss of me" or "come and try to get my guns and see what happens"?
  20. Hahahaha!!! Nothing like a good internet tough guy post to brighten my day. Thanks for that! You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands! When will the Russians be parachuting in do you think?
  21. Hi Jim! It's MORE of a tragedy if people die. Don't you agree?
  22. Cute. How different is what I wrote from the original quote? You get 100 pts for getting your name right when answering that. Good luck!
  23. How about... You can keep all of your guns of whatever type you like and I'll fully support you in your paranoia. Just let me know when you can guarantee me that no guns will be stolen from law-abiding citizens, that no legally-purchased guns will be used to kill innocent children or adults in the future, that violent crime involving legally-purchased guns will cease to exist, and that those paranoid folks in underground bunkers will never abuse their legally-purchased weapons then I will gladly support your right to purchase whatever guns you choose and peacefully surrender all of my objections.
  24. Does it entail not letting you autistic kid have access to your arsenal? I digress... I'm interested in pro-gun guy's attempt to manage the language used when talking about guns (ie. firearm or tool instead of weapon). tool noun 1. an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations. 2. any instrument of manual operation. 3. the cutting or machining part of a lathe, planer, drill, or similar machine. 4. the machine itself; a machine tool. 5. anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose: Education is a tool for success. So, I think one could reasonably apply #2 or #5 to a gun, but I'm not sure what that accomplishes besides making it sound like it's the equivalent of a hammer or some such, which it's obviously not. So, if you're trying to equate a gun to the most common definition, "an implement...for performing or facilitating mechanical operations", what mechanical operations does a gun perform? It seems to me that the only real use for a gun is to kill or injure someone or something. Please educate me.
  25. It's a tired argument, dude. The other countries of the world have proved it wrong. Time to let it go.
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