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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. No **** it is! We're all related, through our monkey DNA! Hahaha! Friggin Commie Hippy Scientologists! What a joke! Heeeee Hawwwww! Don't even know where I'm really going with that. I'm obviously resentful of trailer park hill folk, and even though it may tarnish my impeccable PPP rep, I'll post it anyway for your entertainment. Did I mention I've been drinking? Just trying to pad my post count.
  2. I don't know if I believe you... Drudge is ok, but only if you live in a red state. Are you B-man? Full disclosure: I've been drinking and am just entertaining myself at this point. P.S. If I were ever to change my screen name (again, Darin), it would be to Gene Finkle, but only to throw the mouth-breathers off.
  3. Jim Rome sez: Allegedly!!! Sorry for impuning God.
  4. That was RAY Finkle, a different jackass. Stop defending the retards - it's beneath you (and that's saying A LOT).
  5. My argument was based solely on your inability to distinguish bare from bear. You're the one dragging this on (and on). And it's F-R-E-N-K-L-E. Finkle was a fictitious place kicker in a Ace Ventura. Don't mess with my family name, jerk!
  6. Ah, the tried-and-true Reagan defense...how shrewd!
  7. More a commentary on you and from where you have your opinions fed to you. Save your insults for somebody who actually gives a **** what you think. Or don't. Doesn't matter much to me. Kurt Schlichter: Conservative, ex-military, gun proponent writes an op-ed piece on how the Libs f-ed up the gun narrative. B-Man: See! PROOF that Libs are stupid and bad! Wait, you didn't actually say that, or anything else for that matter. All you did was cut and paste from the article. You did bold some of the text, so bonus points there. Bravo!
  8. It's always nice to hear what townhall.com has to say about any issue...
  9. Duck! Nevermind. It's BEAR arms, not BARE arms. Bear is not just something you shoot at in the woods. Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid, Tommy?
  10. What about the time between when an act of Congress is passed and the Supreme Court rules?
  11. I'm confused. Are you implying that every person should be able to decide for himself whether or not an act of congress is illegal?
  12. True, not why. But certainly if.
  13. I'll let him know at our next NWO meeting.
  14. Burkas in Iran are neither a foreign nor domestic threat to the USA, one's level of paranoia notwithstanding. Who gets to decide if an act of congress is illegal?
  15. Iran is kind of like Syria when it comes to important rights like this. It's despicable what goes on in these places, but as an American citizen, my first concern has to be what's going on in the good ol US of A.
  16. Why is it important to me? Well first, because it is my RIGHT to know, which should vaguely familiar. I don't think that my NOT being on the list would drive the chances of my house or family being targeted by violent criminals statistically high enough to start obsessing about. I certainly don't want my kids playing at a house that contains guns, as they are much more likely to be shot accidentally in such a house. If I have a neighbor, friend or relative who I see progressively going off the deep end, it would be nice to know if that person is packing. These reasons may be based on some far-fetched scenarios, but no more far-fetched than owning a gun to "protect-my-family" or as a "check against government". I do see the argument against publication, which is why I said the publication of such information was "probably out of line". Only "probably", because gun guy's right to privacy does not trump my right to know.
  17. That's my opinion. What is definite, for now, is your right to bear arms and my right to know about it should you choose to exercise that right.
  18. No, that's my response to VA's paranoid: "And if we ever do have a foreign enemy come to our shows we just told them who to target first." The newspaper is probably out of line, but the public does has a right to this information, as part of the Freedom of Information Act, I believe. In Canada or the US? I'm not sure what the law says about that. Are you?
  19. Nobody's advocating mandating long sleeves here. Your Constitutional right to wear a tank top is not under attack by any body, either foreign or domestic.
  20. Sorry to bring down the Hillary is ugly thread with my nonsense. You're not that dumb...just pulling my chain, right? Then again... The circle jerk continues...thank you Viagra
  21. If such legislation is passed are gun owners who "stand their ground" still law-abiding citizens?
  22. She's certainly no Sarah Palin. You betcha!
  23. The bleeding need to have some personal responsibility for their blood! And put out your own fire while you're at it...geez!
  24. Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus. I hope Santa brought you lots of toys!
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