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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. The American Humanist Society currently holds a 4-star (65.22 out of 70) rating on Charity Watch: http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=11651 I want some of the hate sprouting religious people on here to mock this. I'll refrain from linking to some less-than-stellar faith-based charities listed there because there are good ones too. Your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) do not make you any more good, evil, caring, apathetic, generous or stingy.
  2. Here's a nice gem from the NC State Constitution: Sec. 8. Disqualifications for office. The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God. Second, with respect to any office that is filled by election by the people, any person who is not qualified to vote in an election for that office. Third, any person who has been adjudged guilty of treason or any other felony against this State or the United States, or any person who has been adjudged guilty of a felony in another state that also would be a felony if it had been committed in this State, or any person who has been adjudged guilty of corruption or malpractice in any office, or any person who has been removed by impeachment from any office, and who has not been restored to the rights of citizenship in the manner prescribed by law.
  3. Good answers, thanks. I've always felt bad for that Korean guy too. So what's with the whole incognito thing? Are you undercover or something? Hope I didn't blow it for you! Ask the big guy what we're getting for Pominville when you get a chance ok? Nevermind, that probably violates some or all of the rules. I forgot...
  4. I just figured you free-market types would be ok with a private company doing as they please, especially one which is used so freely and frequently by so many. I mean especially with the whole GvG thing. It's almost as if the big man himself supports the Chavez tribute, judged solely on his continued preferred method of communication with you! BTW, what's with the new digs friend-o? Nope. Human nature and the lengths people go to to justify their belief systems interests me. I don't hate very many people at all. Most aren't worth the time and effort. Maybe Dan Marino. Has it ever occurred to you that Google might have *gasp* different "Doodles" on different days in different countries??? The Chavez one seems to have been a US-only Doodle. From the Wiki page citing 2013 Doodles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Google_Doodles_in_2013 90 seconds of research is asking a lot, I know... BTW, nice to see you, Chef.
  5. Please! I discuss things that interest me. Most of the crap spewed around here now reads like a tea party rally. As I've said before: one big happy circle jerk. So f-ing boring... Out of curiosity, why does anyone think that a private company like Google owes you a picture of Jesus on Easter?
  6. No, not really. Guns maybe. It's kinda funny though how anyone who doesn't have a hoax-based/conspiracy-based view of climate change is crazy in the eyes of PPP. The most I've ever said is that the science is still out/evolving, which it is.
  7. While your posts are always so diverse and informative!
  8. Oh, so we're not getting our collective panties in a bunch over this one now?!?! Happy (belated) Zombie Jesus Day to all!
  9. http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article/20130305/NEWS01/130305018/VIDEOS-Highland-schools-suspend-SRO-program-FOLLOW-PoJoMikeCahill LOL, Jesus Christ...
  10. So now, in addition to claiming that Abiogenesis is not possible, you're denying Evolution too? Sweet.
  11. Oh, I try to stay out of it these days - I really do. That particular statement was just begging to be stomped.
  12. Believe what you like, but your statement is so clearly uninformed, I feel the need to respond. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Abiogenesis
  13. How about a nuclear warhead then?
  14. What if you were instead championing your freedom to have sex with underage boys? Or your freedom to buy and shoot up heroin? Would exercising either of freedoms make you an outlaw?
  15. I actually meant when you're all finished with your collective period. Remember when the bleeding hearts were getting all emotional and irrational in the days following the shooting? The hypocrisy is thick today.
  16. I guess you were right. Only outlaws will have guns.
  17. When the patriotic rhetoric reaches this level, there's no room for rational thought. Gotta let these overly-emotional gun folks calm down for 3-5 days. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will be able to compensate for their "shortcomings". Protect the family! Cold dead hands! Wolverines!
  18. Love the OP and the objective analysis. Thanks for taking the time to lay it all out like that!
  19. Well, calling Drudge "news" is interesting in the same kind of way. You betcha!
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