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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. That stuff is a little bit crazy though and might cause some Tebow-esque controversy. I thought we were talking about quarterbacks?
  2. I agree, I'd sell my soul to the devil himself for a Super Bowl win.
  3. WTF is wrong with you? Where do you see anybody but crazy conspiracy theorists defending these guys? Are you really this narrow-minded?
  4. Yeah, because everyone's doing that...Jesus Harold Christ
  5. lol Smith or Nassib. Either way, but definitely QB. Fine, but when every post sounds exactly the same, what's the point?
  6. In what percentage of posts in the past couple of years have you used either of the the phrases: "liberals" or "the left"? 80%? 90%? What do you think? Just spitball it.
  7. So it was a preemptive misassociation? Look, over there! Way to change the subject jackass...
  8. The one thing I will take away from watching your slide into right wing us-vs-them lunacy over the years is to make sure I step back and evaluate my mental stability from time to time to make sure I don't fall into the same trap. In fairness, I see some of the same from my MSNBC devoted parents. Fabio stories were a much more interesting read back in the day. You are now, sadly, just losing your mind. Thanks for the continuous perspective though. Happy belated birthday too!
  9. People are so !@#$ing stupid!!! Get a life. Holy crap, the lengths you go to...liberals "side" = Alex Jones? Not everything fits your football team mentality. Alex Jones is a lunatic, not a liberal, conservative or whatever. Jesus...
  10. In all seriousness though, this guy is a major a-hole for saying that. But this is kind of funny: Bob "Douchenozzle" Davis says: "I would stand in front of them and tell them, ‘Go to hell.’" Sandy Hook, Conn., resident Brad Greene send Davis an e-mail “offering to pay his travel expenses to Newtown to stand in front of people and repeat the words he said on the radio.” Davis fails to respond to said offer. lol
  11. I'm a product of your victimhood of my victimhood. Everyone's a victim. Or a product. Or some combination of those. Everyone.
  12. I'm a victim of your mean words!
  13. I'm a victim of the liberal media!
  14. Like, I'm literally burning in hell, but with internet privileges? Or reading over-the-top, manufactured right-wing incredulity on PPP? Or I'm beyond hope and will end up in hell when I die so it's as if I'm there already? Or that the liberals, led by the Anti-Christ Barack Hussein Obama have created hell on Earth already? I'm confused as to which metaphor your trying for.
  15. Doesn't that make him your nephew too? Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them. -Thomas Jefferson That quote does not get old. Conspiracy theorist are some of the silliest people around. You truly can't fix stupid.
  16. You have GOT to check out infowar.com!
  17. You'll probably just tell them to get off your lawn.
  18. To what? How to reduce gun violence in Oakland? Easy, kill all the gang-bangers.
  19. lol Incidentally, do children really belong to anybody?
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