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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. No Death Penalty for Abortion Doctor Philadelphia (CNN) -- A Philadelphia abortion provider found guilty of first-degree murder has agreed give up his right to appeal in exchange for avoiding a possible death sentence, Philadelphia's district attorney's office announced Tuesday. Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, was convicted Monday on three counts of murder for killing babies by cutting their spinal cords with scissors. The next step in the case was to have been the penalty phase, when jurors would have weighed whether to give Gosnell a death sentence. But the deal erases the need for that phase. According to a statement from the office of Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, Gosnell on Tuesday "agreed to waive all of his appellate rights in exchange for life in prison without the possibility of parole instead of the death penalty." He was "immediately sentenced." http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/14/justice/pennsylvania-abortion-doctor-trial/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  2. Break out the tinfoil hats. Why did you guys want more graphic media coverage? Looking to use the murder of these babies for political gain? Looking to legislate some morals? Looking for some Motherment when it suits your belief system? Nobody likes abortion. Nobody gets off on the idea of killing fetuses. It's always been about individual rights. The only thing the 24-hour news cycle cares about is RATINGS. If the demand was there, the coverage would have been continuous. If he had murdered some hot young white girls the demand for information would have been insatiable. People didn't want to heard the gory details about what went on at this animal's clinic. It's disgusting and the public has little appetite for this sort of thing. One could very well argue that there is something wrong with anyone who does. Either that, or you're just trying to push an agenda. Get over your conspiracy theories.
  3. Personally, I try ignore all that crap for the most part. Got to admit I got sucked into the bombings in Boston and the imprisoned women in Cleveland a bit. Nobody wants to hear or read the graphic details about baby's getting their spines snipped and the rest of the nasty **** that went on with this !@#$, which is why the coverage might be less than with the other stuff you're talking about. Righties want to make it all about abortion and the liberal media ignoring it because they're pro-abortion, but that's not really the case. It's all driven by ratings. They're giving the people what they want. It sucks, but this is the world we live in.
  4. Front page news on nearly every single news site I can think of, but the mainstream media is ignoring it... If anyone deserves death, it's this monster. I hope he fries.
  5. Natural gas is a much cleaner alternative to coal and oil and can easily act as a transitional fuel while "greener" technologies are perfected and infrastructure is built. Economically, natural gas reserves in the USA are abundant, though trapped in shale formations. We are literally sitting on a gold mine of energy independence and exportabable resources for years to come. All we need to do is perfect our techniques for getting to it and overcome the ridiculous environmentalist objections to hydrofracking and whatever other methods we come up with. Selfishly, it could also be a great boon to NY, PA and other states covering the local Marcellus Shale. I never claimed to be a climate scientist or someone who understands the ins and outs of the current state of scientific understanding. My tendency is to err on the side of the 97%+ of scientists who disagree with the consensus of global warming deniers, but am willing to wait for the scientific method to run its course before deciding to fully accept it. I can call myself a computer scientist, but that doesn't mean I know what the f I'm talking about. Reading a handful of papers does not make one an expert by any stretch. What type of scientist are you? Serious question. The problem with you meatheads is that you think this is about winning, as opposed to getting it right. Why your mother insists on wearing combat boots...
  6. Scientific understanding? The Gospel according to Tasker. Amen
  7. 'Feel' should not be considered, but unfortunately that's all you get when science and politics collide. Emails again? Really?
  8. That's fair to a point, but does not mean that it's ok to dismiss supporting evidence using that principle as an excuse. This is why I remain unconvinced, yet open-minded. Threads like this one are decidedly closed-minded and piss me off. All that said, there are good reasons to pursue a course of action that assumes anthropogenic global warming is real. Oh yeah, but...Bill Nye!
  9. So based on the ever-unbiased opinion of the collective mind of PPP@TBD...got it.
  10. There are other reasons to legislate against fossil fuels IMO, natural gas excluded.
  11. Chad Kroeger thinks you give Canada a bad name. Sure it does, buddy, sure it does. Nothing but healthy skepticism every time this topic comes up, right?
  12. But, but, but...global warming is a FRAUD!!! No, dipshit, I'm saying I don't know. Neither do you, so shut your face and let it play out.
  13. Exactly. But you are completely sure it's all BS. Which is my point. That's really good new, actually. Natural gas is a wonderful alternative to coal or oil. I'm also a pro nuclear/pro-fracking looney lib too. Lemming retards...
  14. Please show me the part where I "believe" in global warming, global cooling, climate change.
  15. Such a typical response from you. Perhaps I'll create an LABillz bot to auto-generate LABillz-worthy responses. It might even pass the Turing Test if I can somehow make it less one dimensional than the real thing. Quite the challenge.
  16. I didn't realize you are a climate scientist. My bad. Not a righty, sorry. It's ok for you to be curious. I've heard there's nothing wrong with that.
  17. I love all the rightys who, by their own devout unquestioning admission, believe some of the craziest **** ever conceived by man, yet dismiss things like global warming and evolution out of hand. 99.9% of you do so not because you can cite any relevant or accurate scientific argument against these things, but simply because you don't like the implications. You people are beyond hypocritical. That's all. Let the circle jerk continue!
  18. F all that...thanks for the free site and all your efforts!
  19. I think you boys have had enough beans!
  20. I'm simply here to offer my typically liberal support for islamo-fascist jihadist terrorists. Oh, and to slam all the good god-fearing Christians. Why else?
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