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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. What do Oliver Stone and Dylan Avery have to say about this? Art Bell?
  2. Sounds like he lost the fist fight, but that doesn't speak to who started the fist fight.
  3. There's a lot of evidence to back a lot of that up. I agree, if the GOP stuck to economic policy issues instead of trying to legislate morals at every turn, they'd be a much more attractive option than the Dems in a lot of ways. The trouble is, they just can't seem to help themselves from venturing into those areas. Especially in the South. Even the Tea Party, which is obnoxious because it was allegedly founded on strictly economic principals. The GOP is currently far too intolerant to be inclusive.
  4. Or in Canada... http://ca.altavista.com/
  5. A long time ago. I thought that had to be some kind of pop culture reference, but Google came up blank. Thanks, you're the best. How did you know?
  6. In full procrastination mode, I just did some reading and have to agree that the whole thing hinges on George's testimony. Either way, it seem the captain of the neighborhood watch was definitely doing more than watching that night.
  7. Yes, I remember. It was like a fluffy rainbow and unicorn filled dream come true. So much love! Now I can continue to procrastinate here instead of finishing my presentation for tomorrow! And yes, I'm almost sure he was going for "Albert", which is a bit ironic given the rest of the post and this thread topic in general... I'm just playing though.
  8. Prepare to be attacked for talking facts. Luckily for you, if you haven't posted in this thread before, the focus can't easily shifted to you evolving your opinion, which is obviously bad. There are other strategies though.
  9. What's up with you tonight? Get a bit of sand in your vagina or something?
  10. Somehow the rap game remind me of the crack game.
  11. That sounds great. I think the first principal is also known as confirmation bias. A classic example is the nurse believing that a full moon produces more and more bizarre nightly cases in an emergency room. On an especially heavy night, a nurse might say "must be a full moon tonight". If there is one, the tendency is for that nurse to remember it, thus confirming the bias. If there isn't one, the nurse writes it off as an anomaly and soon forgets it. The hits are the only thing remembered over time and that nurse will swear that the myth is absolutely true. The only way to accurately say such a thing is to collect hard data over time and then do statistical analysis, which is much more boring than saying "must be a full moon tonight". The second is even more self-evident to me than the first. You see it everywhere you look, though I won't go off on a religious rant here. It takes a critical mind I think to get to a point where one can change one's beliefs based on empirical evidence and logical thought processes. It also requires one to be humble enough to realize that you are capable of being wrong from time to time, but I digress. In my experience, critical thinking seems to fly in the face of human nature and must be learned. An interesting thing I read a while ago that highlights what you're talking about is the penchant for the humans to remember a fact as being true if told that thing was true once, but then later told that it is false, even on multiple occasions. Simple example: I tell you that Polaris (the North Star) is the brightest star in the night sky (it is not). A week later I tell you that Sirius is actually the brightest star in the night sky. The tendency is for you to remember Polaris as the brightest even through multiple corrections. I'd be interested in reading your B+ as well if you feel like sharing it. I mean, you could even start a new thread and paste away. It would do this group some good! You need to come up with a better name than GZ for George...errr...Zimmerman....errr....George Zimmerman. All I can think of is: And he's not even white-hispanic.
  12. Who cares what you call them? You seem to be using minutia to distract from your reluctance to argue facts.
  13. Well, that was all very Fair and Balanced. Nice job!
  14. Oops! I thought we were going over/under on how much his head weighs.
  15. As an aside, George looks like he's been smoking a lot of pot and then eating a lot of Doritos. Holy crap!
  16. I think the implication with doctor-assisted is that you are probably terminal.
  17. Are you quoting some obscure movie here or did that reference fly way, way over your head? I know you're working hard, so I'll cut you some slack...
  18. Lol, it was a joke. Lighten up Francis!
  19. Sorry, I'm not fluent in Canadian. What were you trying to say there?
  20. Lol, have you realized by now that I don't respond to you? I haven't read past the first sentence of any of your manifestos in literally months. You are background noise. I fart in your general direction.
  21. Of life in jail without the possibility of parole? Those babies never did anything to anyone.
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