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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. All of Cali checking in to piss all over us again. Shocking. The plan seems like a positive step to me. Maybe it's just my small time, folksy WNY mentality talking. We're no San Fran, that's for sure. Thanks for the reality check pal!
  2. Only a Tea-Party-loving WNY-fleeing ball licker would protest the addition of 500 high-tech IBM SE and IT jobs to the growing list of meaningful economic development projects helped along by Cuomo in recent years. Even conceding the dubious premise that Remington would have chosen Buffalo over Huntsville if not for NY's liberal gun laws, I'll gladly take high-paying tech jobs over blue-collar factory jobs any day. Economic development in Buffalo is better served by expanding industries like medical research, software development and green energy manufacturing as opposed to the same old crappy factory jobs. As a resident of LaLa Liberal California I would think you'd be wise to this.
  3. "We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." - Richard Dawkins But in all seriousness, the Archangel Gabriel would obviously never ask an illiterate guy to read. I thought everybody knew that.
  4. Proud of my fellow Bills fans who attended yesterday. That was some of the worst weather I can remember at any game over the years. Sparse but loud, the best of the best. Good fanning! That was insane! Please post the video if you can.
  5. That's quite the pretentious San-Franesque attitude you've developed there Cali Jim! Way to be a total dick and piss in Buffalo's Cornflakes.
  6. He won the game almost by himself and certainly earned his money today. He looks a lot like Bruce Smith on the sideline too. Nice game Super Mario!!!
  7. That's because you're a Bills fan.
  8. Could have been a LOT worse.
  9. Marone says LCL sprain. Out a few weeks. Per Bills app.
  10. You're right about how they cheated to win their championships, but what's you're actual point? Does knowing exactly what the defense was going to do on each and every play make their wins and legacy MORE or LESS impressive? Those championships ARE tainted no matter how you look at it. You want to talk to Bills fans about near Super Bowl misses? Woulda coulda shoulda, never did. The fact remains, those cheaters never won another SB after they were exposed for what they are. Brady was great, but not as great as once thought.
  11. Falling back on "artistic license" is not really all that great of a counter.
  12. I never suggested they put it in the URL. Are you an editor there or something? Why do you feel the need to make excuses for them? Am I unknowingly disparaging your homepage? "Less artsy, more fartsy" - Homer No matter how you want to spin it, the site is trash. Just sayin'
  13. Lol, you're a moron. Do you have chronic neck pain from watching things constantly fly over you head?
  14. Just to be real clear, you're buying this? Miss the Birther Movement much?
  15. Real Arab Politics Slow day at Newsbusters?
  16. I'm not real clear on what you're getting at. Nothing. It was just an observation. If you think about it though, it's not that much different than W invading Iraq because god told him to. At least the 5-year-old is real.
  17. I find it fitting that a "news" site which is mainly frequented by undereducated lemmings has a name that is grammatically incorrect. Just sayin'...
  18. It only appears that way to you because you've become old and set in your ways. Your perception is completely skewed by your increasingly polarized worldview. That's what happens when you only surround yourself with input which simply reinforces your beliefs.
  19. Keep the government out of my ****! We don't need more Motherment! Oh wait...those hippies want to smoke pot? That woman wants to have an abortion?!?! They can't do that - it's immoral! !@#$ing hypocrites...lol
  20. You are a !@#$ing dork! :lol:
  21. Butt-hurt is a term the kids are using these days - didn't mean to make it wierd...lol. From a believer, your comments, while human, didn't seem very Christlike. That's all I'm saying. A guy says he denounces the holy spirit and you say he'll burn in hell for all eternity because of it, which doesn't seem to be a very measured response IMO. I'm really just trying to point out the apparent contradiction between what you seem to believe and how you choose show it. Do unto others and all that... With regard to the Jefferson quote, I never used it to try to support atheism or deism. I only use it to point out that ridicule is a valid vehicle for shooting down unscientific propositions. I made no such claims If you could blow yourself, would you ever leave the house? Again, I made no such claims. Can you say the same? Look over there!!! You're such a tool.
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