Butt-hurt is a term the kids are using these days - didn't mean to make it wierd...lol.
From a believer, your comments, while human, didn't seem very Christlike. That's all I'm saying. A guy says he denounces the holy spirit and you say he'll burn in hell for all eternity because of it, which doesn't seem to be a very measured response IMO. I'm really just trying to point out the apparent contradiction between what you seem to believe and how you choose show it. Do unto others and all that...
With regard to the Jefferson quote, I never used it to try to support atheism or deism. I only use it to point out that ridicule is a valid vehicle for shooting down unscientific propositions.
I made no such claims
If you could blow yourself, would you ever leave the house?
Again, I made no such claims. Can you say the same?
Look over there!!! You're such a tool.