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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. State ideals like treating all US citizens equally? How dare they! I love how this is making you anti states rights all of a sudden. This is very entertaining. Thanks for posting the original article. Public companies must abide by anti-discrimination laws. Part of the "cost" of doing business within the state I suppose...treating others as you would like to be treated if you were in their shoes. There's some kind of famous quote along those lines in some old book I think. I can't quite remember who was supposed to have said it. Can you?
  2. Sorry, didn't mean to overestimate your estate. Like I said, you need to move outside your red state comfort zone once in a while. You must constantly walk in around in clockwise circles from all the spin you feed yourself. From the farmers' lawyer: “Liberty Ridge Farm . has employed gay people and has conducted events for same-sex couples,” Trainor said. “The Giffords’ objection was to hosting and participating in the wedding ceremony itself and not to providing service in general to lesbians.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/farm-owners-fined-for-saying-no-to-lesbian-wedding/2014/08/19/1cfe5ca2-27dd-11e4-8b10-7db129976abb_story.html
  3. Well there are xenophobic a-holes everywhere, but that certainly doesn't make any of the actions you describe moral, right or legal. The old die off, the young grow old and the zeitgeist moves on. Hardcore wingnuts of today would probably have been considered bleeding heart libs a few decades ago. The south is traditionally slower to change, but change is inevitable. Personally, I have a hard time finding any sympathy at all for those who try to dig their heels in when told to treat other human beings with some compassion and respect. Whatever happened to "do unto others"? To me, these NC Christian neighbors of yours come across a lot more like Hitler than like Jesus.
  4. You keep clinging to the ability of a private homeowner to discriminate when renting. The private homeowner may very well advertise the listing publicly, but does not service multiple public customers in the same way as these christian farmers, but feel free to keep talking about renting out half of your doublewide. At the root, this is absolutely all about their intolerance of gay marriage based on religion. This is a fight that bigoted people all over the country keep losing over and over again.
  5. So your arguments are basically a death threat and an "it's not fair!"? How very reasoned and thought-provoking. You, at least, are usually much better than this.
  6. If you ever let your mind wander away from the national review, real clear politics, glen beck, Fox News, etc, etc... you might actually consider a viewpoint that contradicts your narrow worldview. Of course the chances of that happening are likely about the same as Jesus Christ coming down for the rapture, ascending to the clouds with all of you lunatics and throwing all of us crazy non-fairy-tale-believing heathens into hellfire for all of eternity. You know, cause that's just how your compassionate god (who loves us all) rolls. But I digress... Reading the judge's ruling on actual news sites, it appears that private residence does not apply to these two knuckleheads because they advertise to the public, provide service to the public and are therefore not considered a private residence. You could, for example, live above your very own bar, restaurant, hotel or b&b while not legally being allowed to keep me or anyone else out of your public place of business for any discriminatory reasons whatsoever. The lesson is, I you want your business to service the public, you're not allowed to act like a bigoted a-hole no matter how you want to justify it. God bless 'Merica.
  7. They advertise to and are open to the public. During the course of events, they apparently claimed to have had gay employees in the past and have held events for gay people at their residence. They claim to have refused in this case simply because they did not want the ceremony performed there. It's discrimination based on sexual orientation, plain and simple.
  8. They're not renting. They are a business. They are not legally allowed to discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, etc... Feel free to continue on with your righteous indignation, but the law is the law. As an aside, it seems to me like it's getting harder and harder for bigoted and xenophobic religious folks like yourself to discriminate against those who are different from you. Between this and the wedding cake people, perhaps y'all should consider staying out of the wedding business.
  9. Fair enough, but it doesn't sound like the gays in question were looking to sign a lease. If you owned a hotel, I'm pretty sure you couldn't legally refuse me service based in my godlessness. Please school me on the finer points of the law here.
  10. They're presumably running a business out of their residence. Isn't this the equivalent of a hotel or bed & breakfast refusing service to a black couple? Wouldn't that incur some kind of penalty? I ask because I don't know.
  11. Anyone who has ever spent any time reading your posts understands that one.
  12. Everyone's a critic...you forgot to call me an idiot and I find that offensive.
  13. I wanted to make sure to use words he'd understand, but I like it!
  14. Blessed Lord, Our Wet Mucus Evaporate Nice holier-than-thou reference in the middle of a holier-than-thou rant.
  15. I'm calling BS on this one. There's two sides to every story and this girl's account is way too stupid to be true. My guess is she was acting like an a-hole, was asked to leave for being disruptive and immediately went to Twitter or Facebook with her story of religious persecution. Bold prediction: a more balanced retelling will come out and this thread will promptly fall off the map. Carry on with your circle jerk.
  16. Well if the apocalypse is indeed upon us, Tebow won't be available to play QB or anything else for the Bills. God's going to need him to lead the Rapture.
  17. Ok, those two made me smile. See, it's not that hard!
  18. How many usernames can one person own?
  19. Well, you can't be expected to remember everything the man ever said...
  20. It's a Thomas Jefferson quote. TJ says: "Google me, bro!"
  21. FINALLY a funny joke. This is supposed to be a funny joke thread, right? 13 posts so far and 1 funny joke? Fox News viewers may very well have some fine qualities that I'm not aware of, but you people are definitely not funny. It's Al Gore for Christ's sake. How much easier can it get?
  22. After re-reading some of your posts I now see what I'm dealing with. I must be slipping not to have realized earlier what a extraordinary mind I was dealing with. I bow to your superior intelligence and in humiliating defeat, ask only that you take no more shots at my flawed logic and obvious backtracking. If you could see my face, you would probably conclude that there is no sarcasm in any of this. BTW, they already fired Chan.
  23. Holy schitt are you for real? Too funny.
  24. Oh, I see, you thought that I was serious with that first part, huh? I'll try to make my sarcasm clearer for you in the future. I'll let my boy TJ know about that the next time I see him.
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