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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. You've got me all wrong. I like this guy. He seems like a good man.
  2. I'm not defending anyone, just observing another step in your slide toward the adoption of a full-on spoon-fed political belief system. It must be refreshing not to have to think anymore!
  3. Your pouring your brainpower into trying to spin words in a biography to meet your political views in order to win an argument. This biography was written hundreds of years after the events described, mangled and revised by powerful men over the centuries to meet their agendas, translated and re-translated, and likely retains only some semblance of truth with regard to the events that actually took place. My miserableness aside, what does that say about you and your arguments? You're better off sticking with Ayn Rand.
  4. So you finally figured out that you equate politics to team sports? Congratulations.
  5. This reminds me of my kids arguing the finer points of video games.
  6. Well, I'm in shock over here. It's sad when your heroes let you down. Amirite?
  7. Jesus Christ, I don't care how good he is. My hate for that little B word is just too strong, as should yours be if you're a good Bills fan. I'd give up my seasons if this wasn't so laughably stupid. !@#$ Marcia. The party will be epic the day he retires.
  8. B word, B word, B word, B word, B word, B word, B word... You obviously have big issues with WNY. Duly noted once again. Go skate in LA if that's what makes you happy. Hopefully an earthquake doesn't knock a jumbotron on your inflated Cali-loving head. Bring some O2 in case the smog starts to get to you.
  9. Excuses, excuses...
  10. It certainly wasn't aimed at you, but thanks for playing! However, I question whether 1.1 and 1.3 meet the criteria of "stances conservatives traditionally oppose". So literally ANY other number would have made it better than the dumbest thing you've ever seen? It's almost unbelievable. I really have to reflect on my obvious fixation on the number 3!
  11. I'll chalk this up to limited capacity for reading comprehension and an inability to see things outside of the extremes of black and white. But that's ok, the world needs ditch diggers too. Struggling with the exercise? Shocking!
  12. Let's not get carried away. Here's an exercise you may want to undertake to see how much of a Fox News lemming you've become: 1. Name 3 traditionally liberal stances you support that conservatives traditionally oppose. 2. Name 3 actions or polices enacted by Obama that you think are reasonable, successful and/or generally good. In both cases, start with 1 if you're having trouble. Now I'M off-topic. Friggin ADD...
  13. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before repeatedly changing the subject. Thank you.
  14. I certainly don't support the bombing of innocent civilians. I don't support making jihadist propaganda material so easy to generate as a result of the drone program. I suppose i do support targeted strikes of actual terrorists who want to forcibly spread their violent ideals to others and harm the U.S. I guess it's like fracking: I support it if it can be done safely. If not, either fix it or stop it. I'm sure your opinion is much more black and white. In a simple kinda of way, it must be kind of nice to think like that. Now, back on topic.
  15. I'm outraged! Again, stop deflecting. I'm sure drone strikes are currently being discussed in a wide variety of diverse topics here, including (but not limited to) Chicago, Liberal/Progressive hypocrisy, lazy and entitled rioting black people, Benghazi, Liberal media bias, what's wrong with kids today, etc...
  16. I don't recall saying that drone bombing isn't a morally-questionable act. Please try to stay on topic. It might help if you turned down the Limbaugh and stopped looking at politics as a team sport, but I expect that's asking too much.
  17. Preach on Still, the burden of proof is on those supporting the morally-questionable act I think.
  18. I think that the burden to show its efficacy clearly falls on those conducting the torture, as it's impossible to prove non-existence. It's easy to disprove the report's claim, provided such proof exists.
  19. Quick, I think I just saw some kids on your lawn!
  20. I was gonna say President Black, but he's only 50/50.
  21. It can't be both? Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the library. President Brown and Senator Green (D) were involved in the coverup. The Truth is out there.
  22. Well, duh. What I want to know is whether or not these shenanigans happened on a grassy knoll or in a Hollywood movie studio. Can you tell me that?
  23. So the conspiracy theories will persist? Well, that's the nature of conspiracy theories...
  24. A little reactionary here, no? One rookie season does not a hall of famer make.
  25. This is Buffalo dammit. With all the snow/bad weather crap we get, it would be an embarrassment to cancel two home games in a row due to weather . Not fair maybe, but our pride is on the line here. The Cleveland game needs to be a home game at OBD.
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