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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Damn, nice burn dude! Your mom makes elementary school level posts. That just rolls off the tongue.
  2. It's like a middle school lunchroom up in here!
  3. Obviously. Ye of little faith...did you really need this to prove it to you? Hmmm. Maybe I mistook all the gloating for hero worship. Some things just don't come across well on the internet.
  4. It's always a nice feeling when good things happen to our heroes. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  5. What is 'bumper stickers you might find on 3rdnlng's car'?
  6. Don't you hate and often speak out against "Progressives"?
  7. So you can't be a "true" Christian if you hate or crusade against another group of people? Perhaps we should rename the "no true Scottsman" logical fallacy.
  8. More natural at least, I suppose. I'm off to drive my car to the range, as nature intended.
  9. As nature intended with a gun?
  10. What about fornicators? Gluttons? Drug addicts? Blasphemers? I'll agree they're not very Christ-like, but not "true" Christians? What's the criteria for someone who calls himself a Christian to actually be a Christian in your eyes? Remember, I'm not the one who made this about religion.
  11. You've got me all wron this time. I'm actually trolling rednecks this time. This family's religious beliefs are far less ridiculous and interesting than their feeling of supremacy over black people. (or anyone for that matter) Are you trying to say there are no Christian racists in the world? I always assume you don't like me, my attitude and/or irreverence. That, or you're just hedging your bets.
  12. Fairly reliable, whatever that means, doesn't really cut it when one's goal is to seek the absolute truth. I also find it kind of humerous that you think that government endorsement is a reason to believe something is credible. The pilot works for the evil liberal media machine complex now?
  13. He killed Buffalo when he played here too.
  14. http://money.cnn.com/2015/02/05/media/brian-williams-iraq/index.html I guess that makes it less black and white at least. Maybe.
  15. Because polygraphs are accurate now? Pretty shady **** from Mr. Williams. The more times you recall a memory, the less accurate it becomes because your brain recreates the "story" each time it's recalled. This is one of the reasons witnesses change their stories after multiple retellings and why eyewitness testimony is often inaccurate. Still, it's kind of hard to imagine he misremembers such a crucial detail so badly though.
  16. Now that's funny! Not that you're technically wrong I guess, but you know... No matter what, you can always chalk shortcomings up to the whole "we're all sinners" thing.
  17. Oh no! Now I'm going to be obsessing about this all day. What can I do to change your opinion of me? How will I sleep at night knowing how you feel? This is terrible.
  18. It wasn't really the Jebus reference that stood out to me here, but I'm not judging you. In fact, I'm sure that HE might have said something very similar if he had died and came back to life 3 minutes later. WWJD, indeed. Wait...does that make this kid a zombie?!?! Which of those two things do you find to be inaccurate? Sent from Momma's Basement
  19. Something, something, redneck... Actually, for once I'm speechless. You hear about these types of people, but it doesn't really hit home until you hear their kids speak.
  20. I don't like it. Too fast.
  21. Three year old shoot father in the ass with mother's gun. Bullet exits father's ass and hits 8-month pregnant mother in the shoulder. Father treated and released. Mother currently hospitalized and in stable condition. Status of the unborn child is unknown. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/02/01/new-mexico-toddler-shoots-pregnant-mother-father-police-say
  22. http://www.canalplus.fr/c-divertissement/c-le-petit-journal/pid6515-le-petit-journal.html?vid=1198979
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