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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Because it's very important to have a lot of sunlight when manufacturing solar panels... Why can't you traitors ex-pats* just let us have nice things? Oh, right, it has to do with "green energy". I keep forgetting how bad that is.
  2. You're equating the army's military actions to acts of terrorism? An army of terrorists? Why are you getting so hung up on words here? I wouldn't call an army of Pro-Life Christians with tanks and AK's terrorists, nor their actions terrorism. It's all semantics anyway. They both suck and are based on ridiculous stories, but that's just me and my anti-religious side... The point is, your "army of terrorists" or any run-of-the-mill suicide bomber in Syria or any of the 9/11 hijackers or any of these abortion clinic bombers/shooters are all motivated by the same thing: god and religion. It's so pointless.
  3. "Islamic terrorists" are religious fanatics who do violence in the name of their god based on what they believe is right and true. "Christian terrorists" are religious fanatics who do violence in the name of their god based on what they believe is right and true. The former is more prevalent today, but both are just two sides of the same coin, equally fervent and equally despicable. Anyone trying to disassociate the act or the perpetrator from the motivating belief system either has an agenda or is somewhat delusional.
  4. Undefeated no more!
  5. This is fun to watch! I only wish we could do this against the Patri*ts once in a while.
  6. That's when they conveniently forget they have a football team.
  7. There is just so much to hate about Boston.
  8. Every time I tell myself not to get excited about our chances of beating those cheating !@#$s. Every time I talk myself into it anyway. Every time is another crushing loss. Lather, rinse, repeat. That said, we've got this. What's the definition of insanity? GO BILLS!!!
  9. For some reason I can't stop watching this.
  10. Deadspin posted a video of what this game might have looked like to someone who is colorblind. http://deadspin.com/stupid-nike-uniforms-wreaking-havoc-on-colorblind-nfl-f-1742272136
  11. Speechmode is a funny commercial! Marshawn's so much better in many ways since he left Buffalo...
  12. Hey, we have a winning streak going at Fauxboro...
  13. Fans singing the Shout song and chanting Shady, Shady, Shady during McCoy's interview!
  14. Kiko trade's looking pretty good right now.
  15. When a learned scholar such as yourself flames so incredibly bright, the mothiness of us plebs is almost a given. Obama's weak domestic policy is obviously to blame.
  16. Are you new to this forum?
  17. If God exists. Along with an infinite number of random musings anyone might think of. We're all actually part of a computer simulation. (spoiler alert) Just about any explanation you can think of is equally as plausible as what the Bible, Torah, Qur'an or Book of Xenu tells us. This particular presidential candidate, however, says he has a plan if our warming climate causes the oceans to rise. He says he's going to build a bunch of arks. As if Waterworld wasn't a big enough flop the first time! Now that's some responsible government spending. You people are idiots. </driveby>
  18. Please, please Baby Jesus...make it stop.
  19. Bwaahaaahaaahaaahaaaa!!! Coffee on keyboard.
  20. How many points against were completely his fault? He had negative value against a terrible team.
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