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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Prescience! I'm adding nothing to a conversation about nothing. Apropos. Cheers! Prescience!
  2. I'm always here...watching...judging...lurking...judging some more. Turns out that just when i thought i was out, this beauty of a thread pulled me right back in. ? Good to see you, 3rd. And bravo, OP! You are truly one of a kind.
  3. I honestly can't believe this is a thread. Critical though has nothing on you, PPP. Never change! ? Seriously, I hope you all are safe and healthy. </driveby>
  4. Dude, the rain totally ***** with his "hair". Friggin libtard. Similar reasons.
  5. Are people seriously still defending this guy? I feel bad for him, but he's terrible.
  6. We're *****! It isn't gonna be pretty. Sorry, it's late and desperate. GO BILLS!!!
  7. Looking for 2 tix to the home opener. Lower bowl, preferably.
  8. Google says the Nazi reference came from mining an inappropriately-editited Wiki page for their search results. Your gripe should be with that editor, not with Google's search algorithm, but that's probably not satisfying or conspiracy-theoryish enough for most of y'all. Personally, I'd like to see everyone with their panties in a wad over this liberal search engine result boycott your Google masters. I'm interested to see how well Bing, Yahoo and AltaVista work out for you... </driveby>
  9. &#33;@#&#036; off, Tyrod. I'm so done with this guy.
  10. Sweet, we've got a young Marv! Now all we need is a young Jimbo, Thurman, Bruce, Andre, Cornelius, Darryl, ...
  11. I lost one of my lucky gameday socks in the laundry in 1999. I believe it's my dryer's fault. Conspiracy nuts might tell you it was the washer, but it takes a special kind of delusional whack-job to believe that sort of crap.
  12. Sorry, it's late and I've been drinking...might have missed it. Nothing about this corporate welfare for Carrier? Personally, I'm outraged. </driveby>
  13. That doesn't make it alright.
  14. Trump's bald now? That changes everything!
  15. Good thing he made it before January!
  16. It's not like there's a run on guns and ammo at Walmart or something...
  17. Nothing to see here...move along
  18. R-E-L-A-X...just let it happen. You should be used to it by now.
  19. He probably thinks it's a bunch of sensationalist BS, which it is.
  20. Dems put up their usual type of candidate. GOP decided to turn it into a schitshow. They have almost literally handed the presidency to Hillary. Yet here you sit, blaming the party that simply stayed true to its nature. Four more years of finger pointing...
  21. Lol, well done, GOP.
  22. Perhaps the "non-socialists" should consider putting up a viable, electable candidate. Just a thought. 'Merica
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