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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I don't know if you're going to have an independent body, per se, but maybe. I hope it's not heavily regulated by government. It will definitely be peoples' jobs. The "truer" the internet is, the better for all. Lies pollute it. I applaud the technology and am hopeful about where it might go, but I'm a sucker for technical solutions. It is a free market and in the end, it will reflect the will of the people of the world, which I personally think is cool.
  2. I guess. Maybe. You really think they didn't have a preference?
  3. Yeah, like Wikipedia. That's where this goes at some point I bet.
  4. Personally, I think disinformation should be combated and this is a good method because it doesn't even censor the statement. Opinion is one thing, calculated lying is another. Try focusing on the mechanism. It could become a wiki sort of thing or something else. We'll see, but this idea is overdue. Wait till deepfake videos become the norm. Social media need this. The internet has been fine, is fine and will be fine. It's the biggest thing in the world and there's not much anyone can do but see where it goes and try to help shape it. Kind of like a free market. I wonder what the next wave of unregulated social media giants will be called?
  5. They're running their private companies exactly as they see fit. Whatever the market decides.
  6. And as far as Trump trying to convince people that he can do anything about it, that's a complete joke. The ultimate worldwide free market.
  7. Yeah dude, you're the RIAA going after Napster if you're going after the big 3 today. It's a game of whack-a-mole. Better to just adapt to the new reality and be a part of it. The singularity is coming.
  8. We could firewall our country like China. How do you rationalize supporting the same candidate as Russia? Not an attack at all, just a question.
  9. Of course! I'm sure they're very nice hats. You should do whatever makes you happy. ?
  10. No, it's because you're 'Merican. We all have these freedoms. I'm sure your wife can stop telling everyone how great you are.
  11. Also, good luck. I don't think we're at a point where any government can effectively regulate these entities. It's a joke when talking about these worldwide platforms.
  12. So you're a big-government conservative?
  13. Do you guys see the absolute hypocrisy of small-government conservatives screaming about the urgent need for the tight government regulation of private businesses? You should just start a conservative social media platform. Too bad MySpace didn't work out for ya.
  14. Serious question: how diverse do you believe your primary news sources to be?
  15. Let the market decide. Am I doing it right?
  16. Not everything is a conspiracy dude.
  17. BTW, what exactly is HCQ with or without zinc supposed to do? Is it preventative? Does it cure the disease? Does it lessen the symptoms? Does it "just work"? All of the above? I'm hyper confused about all of your theories here, which seem to be less than concrete, to say the least. I mean, keepthefaith's nurse sees results in patients who already have it, but not the severe cases. The president says he's taking it prevntatively. Doc slams all the studies because they're missing the obvious (zinc). DR sees a coverup by those who "don't want you to know". Trumpian homework: Let's get a unified theory on the table that avoids the whole moving goalposts thing. I'll wait while you internet clinicians figure out what your consensus should be. If you keep it vague enough, we can keep this conspiracy going for another month or so.
  18. So we shouldn't try to make predictions to the best of our ability? I suppose one could legitimately point fingers if one had a more predictive original set of projections. Refine the science based on what we've learned and move on. It's not a left-right thing, or at least it shouldn't be.
  19. He's been harping on how "they're doing it wrong" by not including zinc in the treatment, especially after HCQ didn't work on it's own. He's the one who knows. If only the idiots would listen! At this point, it seems not to be the wonder drug we hoped for. Time to move on and hopefully learn something about politicians playing doctor.
  20. This is so played. Yes, you're the one who has it all figured out, doc. The rest are either shills or fools!
  21. Wow, you fellas sure are clinging to this one. All. In.
  22. There is no conversation. You win.
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