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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. God bless you, my son.
  2. Only Jesus knows everything.
  3. This is getting weird. How do you know about my dreams?
  4. Are you coming on to me?
  5. Does my prior statement not imply that I am not? Just say no to entitlements!
  6. I only have to answer to our lord and savior Jesus Christ, not you.
  7. Who am I asking forgiveness from?
  8. It's getting biglier and biglier all the time from the sound of it. It's a tremendously holey, bigly wall to be sure. Yeah, 50 million people on welfare!
  9. It's a tremendous wall.
  10. They all do it, including Fox. It's a big game on both sides and is pure entertainment at this point. Feed your viewers what they want Get ratings Profit Repeat The 24 hour news cycle is one of the worst things to ever come around.
  11. Do you think he can finish it in the next 7 months?
  12. Your belief is strong. Don't stop believing.
  13. So, no? Not yet? The wait continues...
  14. Sounds like there were a couple of botched studies. Have they tried it with zinc? Most importantly, does it work yet??
  15. Are they scum or are they stupid? Either way, I think you've confused your point. Try sticking to one emotional lashing-out at a time until you get the hang of it.
  16. You ask this as a Trump supporter?
  17. So just helicopters. To deploy troops quickly. Within the continental United States. In the nations capital. Got it. You're right, it's all good. Jesus Christ, your news sources are about as tailored as I've ever seen.
  18. That's what I thought. You're a clown.
  19. Not conspiratorial enough for you? Why lash out when the truth is on your side?
  20. I think maybe Trump lied about the shooting, which is surprising considering what a "straight-shooter" he usually is. Get it? 92 pages in, lol. Thanks, Pete!
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