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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. BTW, everyone has been wrong about lots of things with this virus, including you. Don't act like you've had all the answers or something like that.
  2. Or maybe GG is right and it's going to peak in various locations as it pleases and then move on. It already seems like it was in the US well before we initially thought. Maybe it's all for nothing. Nobody knows. It's frustrating. Still, I agree with the cautious approach.
  3. I would agree that it's a justifiably cautious move, with potentially petty overtones. I also agree with taking the cautious approach in this case, regardless of how good it likely makes Cuomo feel.
  4. Sure, that's your perception. There are two states on that list with Dem governors. Collateral damage? Maybe, just maybe, there isn't an ulterior motive here? I don't know and I really don't care. Better safe than sorry in this case. Texas doesn't need NY anyway and if you think about it, this would be a perfect time to secede. I mean, who would object?
  5. Yeah dude, I don't know exactly how this virus works. Neither do you.
  6. If Republican governors start pushing "fear porn", does that make it real or are they just complicit?
  7. Yeah, I had zero problem with that as well. Are you a time traveler? Cause if you're not, that's just like your opinion, man.
  8. I mean it's all for nothing if we have to shut down again. NY should take care of it's own house before worrying about tourism, IMO.
  9. None that I've seen. Why ask for trouble though? Do you think it's an unreasonable mandate?
  10. We're about to go to phase 4. We already went through the part they're going through now. I think it's the right move.
  11. Maybe it just means he doesn't want another outbreak?
  12. I thought this was only a problem in blue states. ?
  13. Yes, we should probably send the kids back in September, around three months from now. Good point. Timely even.
  14. What's your go-to for fact/hoax checking? Alex Jones? Redstate? I'm just not sure what your point is. School is over anyway. You're not saying we should have opened them earlier, considering hindsight. We should open schools, except the school year is done. What point were you trying to make?
  15. Aw, did someone disagree with you? I'm sorry, sweetie. It'll be ok. Have a popsicle.
  16. Riiiiiigggghhhtt. Gotcha. I'm sure that attaching the name of a respected historical figure to a nothing quote like that was just clerical error. Who were you quoting? Who wrote that quote?
  17. You're not getting my point. Which theories should we act on immediately? Because I've seen a LOT of theories on here in the last three months+. Many are crazy. Almost all of them go nowhere. Tell me why we should have acted upon this particular theory without proof. You're saying we should have put children and their families at risk by acting on an unproven theory. How is this anything but hindsight?
  18. List all the falsehoods claimed here along with this one potential truth and tell me which of the theories we should act on right away.
  19. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/teddy-roosevelt-anger-a-liberal-quote/ You are very gullible.
  20. I just asked. She told me that both she and Jebus think you need to work on your people skills.
  21. I'll just leave this here. It's kind of childish, admittedly.
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