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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Not the children, MY children. Someone else paid that burden when you went to school, whether you went to public school or not. Now you're paying it back.
  2. Really, ya think? What a joke.
  3. Yeah, I have one in high school and one in middle school. I'm undecided on this, but I'd prefer they err on the side of caution. I'd also like for this to not be politicized like masks and various drugs, but it seems like we're too late for that. The sensationalism is amplified by the fact that this is occurring in an election year. My personal take is, I think, if you don't have any skin in the game, stay out of the debate. The states, teachers and parents should decide if and when.
  4. How many of you saying we should open the schools actually have school-aged children? Just curious.
  5. I'm agnostic. If you have evidence of supernatural being looking down on us, I'm more than open to listening. Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball.
  6. Jesus, you people will believe anything.
  7. Well, now we know what Karen thinks.
  8. Don't worry, the liberal egghead scientists will bail us out. Given the technology and computing power available today, we'll manufacture a vaccine faster than at any time in the past. It's a matter of time.
  9. Have we seen a single death from Kung Flu yet? Anything conclusive?
  10. It's a conspiracy! Seriously though, Go Bills!!! That goes for all of you other clowns too.
  11. Now there"s a Christian cartoon. #WWJD
  12. I'd argue that we the people deserve whomever we elect.
  13. Welcome! Who the hell are you and why should I care about your hyperbole?
  14. Then the American people once again get exactly what we deserve.
  15. Haven't read it yet. Neither have you. Only one of us has prejudged it.
  16. Translation: Lalalalalalalalala...I can't hear you!!! What a perfectly predictable narrative. Well done!
  17. In infinite alternate universes. Alternate, being the key term, of course.
  18. You're not going to see me spinning much of anything. I want this to be over. I'll speak against conspiracies on principal. I know I'm not immune to this sort of thinking, so I make a point to actively consider what I'm reading. That's mostly why I hang around here - for a different perspective. You won't ever see me linking to articles on redstate, American thinker, alex jones, mother jones, huffpo or otherwise. It's all manipulative BS that weak minds gravitate toward. We can all be better than that. The most hypocritical thing of all is citing and giving credence to these outlets while crying about mainstream media bias. I mean, it almost sounds like an SNL skit. Ffffff BTW, the virus is still here. You must have me confused with someone else.
  19. Because it fits the narrative they want to believe. Also, it gets continually pounded into their heads by extreme political "news" and conspiracy sites. The self-delusion is real. Welcome to PPP! ?
  20. It's that bleeding heart liberal Fox News bias.
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