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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Does any truly honest person really question that?
  2. Watching you twist and turn on this one to defend this guy even though you (as an "independent") want to make it extremely clear to everyone that this is "not your party" made me lol. Thank you, friend. I needed that!
  3. Nothing like pedophilia as a distraction. Good thinking on Cuomo's part to get Gaetz to do that schitt.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHU8CxTyJbU That's from 2018
  5. He's looks kind of small, not very fast, like he doesn't hit very hard and a lot of his tackles were down the field for first downs. If I were him I'd try to have that one taken down, but what do I know? I trust Beane, so I'm glad they signed a guy they liked. These one year contracts can always be camp cuts if it doesn't work out. Edit: I think it's amazing that you can instantly find video on just about any player at any time. It makes FA signings so much more interesting.
  6. Christ on a cross, this is a beautiful site. Literally "hotair.com"??? Are they even trying to look legitimate anymore? 😄 You have found your home.
  7. Did they try HCQ with zinc yet?
  8. I've been a season ticket holder since 2001. Think about that timing for a minute. I rarely miss a home game. During one particularly humiliating drought-era comeback arse-beating by Brady and friends, I had had enough. I was pretty drunk, which as many of you know was kinda like all we had back then. There were the usual obnoxious chowderhead invaders making life miserable for us at home. I'm not sure if there exists a more fairweather intolerable fan in all of sports. There was the familiar "snatching of defeat from the jaws of victory" scenario playing out, as it had many times before. There were mitigating circumstances, that's all I'm saying. I "walked" up the stadium steps to take a leak and get away from the trauma for just a minute. I was angry. I hated Tom Brady's face. I was seeing red. Drunk, younger and even more foolish, I decided to take my frustration out on one of those red topped stadium trash cans and...lost. After my mightiest punch, I felt the wetness of my own stupidity streaming down my fingertips as I struggled to figure out what happened. There was no pain, only the realization that I had ***** up and would now pay for it. Fortunately, I was easily spotted by stadium personnel and ushered to Ralph's ER, complete with a very attractive doc who actually stitched me up and bandaged my now unusable dominant hand. I think she either liked me or felt sorry for me (probably the latter), but she sat there and watched the rest of the this most discouraging loss with me, listened to my "clever" lamentations about our Bills and made me feel better, if only for the better part of the fourth quarter. I regret nothing, except perhaps for the lack of courage to ask that pretty stadium doc for her number. This is now one of my top five stadium memories, which is a little bit sad and a little bit beautiful, imo. Either way, Go Bills!
  9. Is it a tremendous wall yet?
  10. I mean, who knows? Maybe it's the climate. Maybe it's the fact that NYC is such a major international transportation hub. The important thing is that we accurately gather data from which to draw conclusions. Hopefully our methods for collecting this represent the best that we can do across the whole country so that meaningful comparisons can be made.
  11. Yeah, you were here when I created my account. Darin, you, Tom and other people I can't remember anymore lol. Much more conservative back then and really until the recent purge. DR was kind of the downfall unfortunately, though I didn't mind him too much when he was trying to be rational. It seemed much more intellectual back when I joined, but maybe I'm just remembering things more fondly with time. PPP is a bit if a struggle these days. Glad to see you posting again. You should tell some of the other relatively unqompromised defectors they're welcome back. I'm sure some of them are still lurking anyway.
  12. Who told you about B?
  13. What do redstate, american thinker and Alex Jones think about this? You are seriously the very last person in this forum who should be calling anyone out for repetitive schitt. Shouldn't you be trolling Twitter for your next original thought?
  14. I've been at least lurking here regularly since 2003 or 2004, but you're older than me and I'm sure you're right. 😁
  15. Do you think it will be as successful an echo chamber of Q conspiracy as Parle?
  16. These sites are funny and concerning at the same time. A glimpse into the mind of the truly indoctrinated.
  17. All you have to do is navigate to the home page. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. People love to read about how smart and right they are.
  18. People who strictly seek out news sites that reinforce their political views are pawns. Lemmings, if you will.
  19. Your "sources" are starting to rival Bman's. Solid site.
  20. As you know, I was here before the Q Purge. These things are cyclical.
  21. The most ***** up ***** you'll ever hear about will more often than not be perpetrated by Florida Man. Florida is to states as Detroit is to cities
  22. Should be easy enough to find one of those.
  23. Just north of 6 million I think.
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