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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Benghazi 2.0 Election Fraud 2.0 If you don't like the result, it must have been fixed! I am entertained. This is why I am here.
  2. Well, the Fed is responsible for controlling inflation, and they've been busy printing money instead of raising interest rates and trying to curb runaway inflation. Gotta keep that bull market running! This is a problem years and years in the making, preceding Biden, Trump, and maybe even Obama. In the end, this is Wall Street's mess, no matter what you're fed. Interestingly, Jerome Powell, the current chair of the Fed, was appointed to that position (along with his printing press) by Prez Donald Trump in 2018, prior to Sleepy Joe's drama-filled election win. I'm not saying Biden has done a good job with this, more like this was inevitable. Gonna get a lot worse too.
  3. Some of you really are brainwashed, unthinking, immoral fuks who would rather die than admit you are wrong. Go to hell for your lame cherry-picked stats, arguments and regurgitated talking points. You deserve to be staring down those barrels far more than those fourth graders, but life is not fair.
  4. MBS had been around since the 70's, but wasn't a problem until 2008. I have no political masters. It's WALL STREET'S fault. They have a lot more right wing donors, but they're hardly a slave to either party. The rest of your comment is too dumb to respond to. Tell them to wait a minute. It all comes around.
  5. CDO is the new MBS. ARMs rising makes for riskier CDOs. House of cards.
  6. Wall Street was never punished for what they did in 2008, in fact it was mostly rewarded for its crimes via massive bailouts. They've been doing the same crap using different instruments ever since. They whole thing is a house of cards waiting for a stiff breeze to send it crashing down. The current bubble dwarfs the .com bubble and 2008 combined.
  7. He is Punt God. He will always be Punt God.
  8. Dahlin coming for this list next year.
  9. Hey bro, welcome back! How'd that Q thing work out for you?
  10. Years ago, your mom confided in me that she never liked you - like at all. Not even a little. Can you believe that crap? Did you sense it at the time? To be fair, she was pretty drunk and stoned that day, but nothing brings out the truth like a little weed and lot of sub-par absinthe. She used to beg me for that *****! I'm so blessed and grateful that she actually ended up buying me a nice condo with what I assume would have otherwise been part of your inheritance. Isn't that sweet? I think she was in love. All this to say now I don't actually have to live with my mom anymore. Thanks, your mom!
  11. So do you guys still love Putin or has that worn off?
  12. Can't wait to hear the local spin on this one! 😆 So many heads in the sand on this topic.
  13. John Clayton was my favorite segment on WGR every week and an absolute staple on ESPN for years and years. It always amazed me that he gave us his time every week on local Buffalo radio even when the Bills sucked. I know he got paid for it, but you could always tell he wasn't really doing it just for the money. This man loved football. He was a smart, funny, self-deprecating and incredibly knowledgeable. He was a nerd's nerd, who was also respected by all the jocks. He was both entertaining and thoughtful and I am truly sorry to see him go. What a legend! RIP
  14. Why is Mark Sanchez wearing his wife's jacket? For warmth?
  15. Do you guys see the bloodbath in the US markets today? Evergrande and China will be blamed. Greedy overleveraged banks, market makers and hedge funds are the ones who are really at fault, but your tax dollars will be used to bail out the ones who are too big to fail. The Fed has been busy printing money to prop up this bull market for too long. That's where the inflation comes from. It's been going on since at least 2009.
  16. The key there is continue. The politicians are all the same, rife with insider trading and breaks for campaign contributers. This has been going on since the 80s or 90s: market manipulation, shady practices and bailouts we pay for with our tax dollars when they get a little too greedy. No politician ever retires poor. Meanwhile, the Fed continues to print money to prop up a bull market in an exponentially larger bubble than we saw in 2008 so that all the insiders can continue to make money hand over fist. Guess who's gonna pay for it (again). The suckers here are those of you who buy into the narative of Red vs Blue. You're a sucker, a lemming. They know if your focus is on the other side, it won't be on what Wall St is up to. The largest corporations with the most to gain literally own the media and you let them tell you what to think. It's a rigged game and you're the fish on the hook.
  17. You guys really think Biden caused this inflation in less that 9 months? Are you really that dumb or just confirming your biases? Genuine question.
  18. All you're doing is selfishly letting others take risk to re-open the country while you stand on the sideline, benefitting like a *****. All this after holding rallies and obstinately refusing any governmental mandates during a worldwide pandemic besause...muh rights. You can all take a flying !@#$ imho.
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