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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Except that every admin would do the same thing at this point. No admin wants to be the one still looking for a chair when the music stops. It has to do with sensationalism and gotcha politics - lazy, uninformed Americans will now always point at the current admin if/when the market tanks. This crisis has been brewing since about 2008 or even before. MSM will tell everyone what to think, and opinion will be fact, depending on which biased "news" you happen to follow. People will eat it up. It's political suicide to let the market tank during your watch, which is stupid. That's the country we live in now and we're all going to feel pain because of it, perhaps deservedly so. You certainly have. You're out of your element, Donny.
  2. Honestly, I think Biden is just trying to hold this economy and market together through midterms, if that's even possible.
  3. Janet Yellen is either bought, stupid or trying to deflect from all the cash the Fed has printed since the pandemic "recovery". The Fed continues to prop up a bloated market while cutting rates and outright lying about tightening. Inflation is also much higher than reported because they recently changed how that calculation is done. The next thing they are going to tell you is that we are not "technically" in a recession, even though the long-accepted criteria have been met. We are headed for 2008 or worse and it probably won't be too long. If they keep this up too much longer, I'm afraid it might cross into depression territory. The scale of the current market bubble dwarfs anything we've seen before.
  4. What's your argument? Your source is completely biased trash. Well, young is relative, isn't it? Honestly, if I stopped working I'd probably die of boredom. Hang out on message boards all day...
  5. It took you more than a week to come up with that response? Julie Kelly - cOnSpIrAcY HERO!
  6. I'll return to nothing, just like you. I'll also likely appreciate my time more because I know this is it. But I'm sure you'll see your loved ones in heaven one day... Do you ever think about what a perfect tool was for the early church to keep the poor in line? "Life sucks, cause you're poor, but if you work hard for us and give us what you own...well... The first shall be last and the last shall be first (but only after you die). Yeah, that's it. It's gonna be great!"
  7. This is a shocking development! /s "Leave it up to the states!" "Small government!" Yeah, except when we're legislating christian morals. What a bunch of chickenschitt, two-faced hypocritical liars. The Dems might suck, but at least they're not shoving their 2000 year old fairy tale down everyone's throat. I hope every Republican candidate gets absolutely slaughtered in the midterms. How can you a-holes support this Taliban-like behavior?
  8. What will the next cOnSpIrAcy be, DR? You know, once this one blows over. Is there going to be another Q drop??? Derp
  9. No, the Insurrectionists have stormed the pizza place from Pizzagate. They are currently looking for the basement. Trump is running the show from this newly-captured territory. Viva La Revolucion! BTW, DR, this is you. This is the crap you idiots bought in to. 👆
  10. It'll be a better conversation once you get past the denial stage. Once your grieving process progresses a bit, we can talk about it. Maybe the bargaining phase because angry people suck too.
  11. All of you morons got fvkcing DUPED. And now it's all about winning for you, as opposed to the truth. You think you're too smart to be part of a cult. You're wrong about that, too. You were lied to and you lapped it all up - FIGHT FOR TRUMP!!! And where was Trump when your bretherren were making phone calls from Nancy Pelosi's office, hanging the Stars and Bars up in the Capital Building and assaulting/killing police officers? Nowhere to be found. That's because, like any good narcissist, Trump only cares about himself - in a very real sense. For him, the end justifies the means and all of those people ate it up while he laughed and applauded your blind devotion and stupidity. Calling these people patriots is a joke and couldn't be further from the truth. YOU ALL GOT DUPED
  12. Why are you so focused on one guy? Is it a cOnSpIrAcY??? The Q is so strong in here.
  13. The floor is open to either of you knuckleheads. Argue the points. So ya got nothing, huh? "Common Sense" 🤣
  14. Bro, I'm all about the glamor muscles. 😆 You too can be anyone on the internets!
  15. Specifically, I'd love to hear why you think the current president is to blame for your complaints. My contention is that you watch a lot of cable news and haven't really thought this through. Prove me wrong, based on the blame you're laying and how Biden is screwing us all over: secure borders - what did he do that you don't like? $2 gasoline - I suppose you're implying that there would be no war in Ukraine if Don was still in office? a war-free-globe - you're literally blaming Biden for lack of world peace? 😆 the 13 dead Marines - should we still be in Afghanistan? no mention of the 170 civilians killed in that attack? groceries I can afford - you believe Biden caused this inflation? zoom out. markets have larger timeframes than presidents do. a properly functioning supply chain - supply chain still recovering from COVID, workers unwilling to go back to low paying jobs. This started in 2020, if you recall. a growing GDP - we're headed into a recession because of a market bubble that's been growing since at least 2016 - maybe even 2013. my 401K balance - every single president ever wants your 401K to do well because simpletons equate who's in office to what happens in the stock market. energy independence - you want him to be greener? common sense - show me yours.
  16. Dude, you are the epitome of "controlled by the media".
  17. As a 48 year old man with with the sense of humor of a 14 year old, I appreciate this thread. OP is 100% correct. The possibilities seem endless.
  18. What do you think caused this mess?
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