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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. You can call it trespassing all you want. Consider they're getting these sentences because others see their actions as more than trespassing. It's possible you're wrong.
  2. "Naturally" That sums up the whole thing in a nutshell. How about: keep your morals for you and yours. Stop telling other people that they must live by your code. In fact, if you started following your own book, the world would be a much better place for all of the people you now disparage. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. You effers never practice what you preach. You use your religion, a-la-carte, cherry picking bits and pieces, seemingly to impose your will on others.
  3. Do you see secular people infringing on the rights of religious people? I know I've seen a lot of religious people infringing on the rights of everyone else. I'm simply making conclusions based on observation. I'd love to hear your counter argument.
  4. Weird, the politicians are trying to gaslight us into thinking we're not in a recession right before an election cycle. Who could have predicted that? Let me re-phrase: Anyone who tells you we're not in a recession either: Is lying to you for political reasons. Doesn't understand how any of this works. Is one of those people on either side who simply believes what they're being fed. That said, anyone who is triggered or outraged by this predictable behavior is being disingenuous. Why are you getting your panties in a wad about it? It means nothing. You should be happy at the fact that the financial world is laughing at them for it. Do you think Joe Biden caused the recession?
  5. This is one of the most unintentionally ironic threads I have ever seen.
  6. What should I tell my Conservative friends? Imagine yourself taking the "other" side of any position. 😂
  7. I'm not searching for anything, just watching the show. For the record, I do think he's corrupt AF and that anyone who doesn't is just rationalizing. I mean, he was already corrupt in the 80's. JMO
  8. Why not just let everyone else do what THEY want, while you do what YOU want? What's the problem? Why do you care? Most secular people think religious people are nuts! Living their lives based on some dusty fairy tale.. You don't have to like that, but it's true. Do you know what secular people do about it? Nothing. So long as you're not hurting anybody or take away people's rights, everyone else just lets you be. It's hypocritical at best. Stop trying to push your morals down everyone's throat and go about your lives. Try to be more like your boy JC and treat others as you wish to be treated.
  9. Wow, I think you might be on to something! We've been in a recession for the past 6 months and everyone knows it. The denials are hilarious.
  10. Is he stoned? 😁 "Yo, pass that schitt homie!" "Who's going on a Mickey D's run?" Random thought: Do you think he likes McDonald's so much because you can't spell McDonald's with Donald? Peak narcissism. Only takes one.
  11. This investigation seems to be a direct result of this sham committee, no?
  12. She's bad and gets the most attention, but she's not the biggest offender. Check out this great site for detailed "performance" per politician: https://www.capitoltrades.com
  13. The GOP treats veterans like it treats children. Republicans only care until you actually exist.
  14. I mean, yes, the Dems are proposing it, but what's the downside? This likely doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of becoming law, so probably just political theater..
  15. If you want to talk about trust, you should start with the echo chamber you live in.
  16. Manchin the DINO.. lol Did you even read this? It imposes a 15% Corporate Minimum tax and closes a long-time, aggressively-lobbied tax loophole that fraudulently labels hedge fund manager income and bonuses as long-term capital gains instead of income (like the rest of us). The rest seems to come from increased IRS enforcement and drug companies who charge too much. I guess you must be concerned with where the money is going because you hate green things. There is a very near zero change that this will affect your taxes. If it does, you are either a corporation, a pharmaceutical company, a hedge fund manager, or someone the IRS is after.
  17. Interest rate hikes, not to mention rampant inflation, should have an inverse effect on stock prices. The rational is that when interest rates for variable-rate consumer debt (credit cards, loans, mortgages) increase, and when cost of living outruns salary increases, consumers have less discretionary income. This results in retail investors buying fewer stocks and other securities (because they don't have the money), removing some upward pressure. Retail investors are likely have an unfavorable view of the market and economy in general right now, which makes them further unlikely to invest. Couple that with people having less to spend in the real world, so companies everywhere are predicted to have reduced future cash flow and growth. All of this, and the "recession that might not be a recession" should lead to a major correction in a grossly inflated market. You should be eating this up. My contention is that the government and the Federal Reserve are spending millions/billions propping up the major indexes until at least after the November elections. I think a major correction/crash must eventually happen and that Biden will likely be the one who let's it happen, especially considering he will not run again in 2024. The timing is the key here. The Fed talk about Quantitative Tightening, yet continues to buy up (believe it or not) Mortgage Backed Securities (see 2007-2008) and other securities and is actually increasing its asset holdings. In other words, they're saying one thing and doing the opposite.
  18. GDP numbers out tomorrow. Prolly gonna be bad. Expect the inflated market to rally. /s You're about to find out.
  19. And...the market gets propped up again after an interest rate hike. Unreal.
  20. Not if they all consistantly pull the same strings, regardless of party affiliation. Left vs right is a distraction. Look! A squirrel!
  21. If you're watching tickers, look at what SPY does nearly every day in the last half hour of regular trading. It will be down 1-3% and in the last half hour will rebound to get back to nearly even or even green. John Q. Public looks at the bottom line in the NYT and says "gee, the market is pretty flat today, nothing to worry about here!". It appears to me that it is being manipulated for our "soft landing". Can't crash too hard too fast. Many millions or billions of likely freshly-printed dollars are, imo, being used to make this happen. All of this because America cannot differentiate between politics and the stock market. Nobody wants to be the Prez who "let" the market crash. All the while, our money becomes more and more worthless as the Fed prints more and more. We're not paying attention and America is tricked into believing everything is fine. Make no mistake, this is Wall Street's mess. They get away with it because all of our elected officials trade on inside info with no repercussions. In fact, instead of jail time, they get millions in lobbying money from the Wall Street giants who literally write the rules to their advantage, "self-report" and generally do whatever the hell they want. This will never change so long as the lobbying remains as-is and elected officials are allowed to play the stock market and make millions of of both of these things. This happens with almost every official who has been in office long enough, regardless of party affiliation. The truly insane part is that changing this would require Congress to vote against their own economic greed and self-interest and everyone knows that only the Bible Belt does that sort of thing. It's not left vs. right we should be worried about. It's rich vs. poor. If you're not uber rich (multi, multi-millionaire at least), you're just cannon fodder to them. Believe it.
  22. Why is there no cross examination again? By "people" you mean inbreds, right???
  23. Nervous? Think of the children! 😲
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