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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. It's not about right vs left, it's about rich vs poor. If you're unsure of which category you fall into, it's the latter.
  2. I think he's training for a marathon or something.
  3. Just to be clear, treasonous Jan 6 rioters shouldn't be imprisoned for their crimes, but the black gay chick should go to the gulag because she had a vape pen. But you're not a racist, homophobic POS. Got it.
  4. So they're waiting for one of the conspiracy sites to tell them what to think, gotcha. Can't wait!
  5. There is an unsurprising, yet noticeable lack of Q in this thread.
  6. Then don't send your kids to drag events. You get some level of control over your own kids for about 18 years. That's it, nothing more. Deal with it.
  7. It seems kind of short-sighted to screw over a consistent portion of your base like that just to make a political point. People are suffering physically and financially from this stuff and will continue to do so now, just so the other side didn't win too much. Scumbags. Also GOP: Support the Troops!
  8. It's 100% accurate. GOP votes flipped last-minute because of this.
  9. This was a retaliation play by the GOP and a big ***** you to all these veterans.
  10. Nope. You don't. The fact that you think you do, objectively, is the problem.
  11. Why are you people so scared of Trannies? They're probably not into you or your kids anyway. I wouldn't let Matt Gaetz near your kids if I were you tho! JMO
  12. The whole point is that morals are arbitrary at some point. Your morals are not the same as another person's morals. Yours are not objectively correct. Complain to your school board. Complain to your representatives. Vote them out.
  13. I don't like this example, but this example is shown because it is extreme and is meant to illicit a response. IT IS NOT MY PLACE TO TELL ANYONE HOW TO RAISE THEIR CHILD. Now if a crime were being committed, that would be a different thing. Law vs. morals. Get it? Put your outrage into helping to pass a law if you care so much. Nobody cares about your morals.
  14. Yeah, I'm not letting my kids go to that if they're little. In my opinion, that would be bad parenting. It's still not my place to tell others how to raise their children. It's peak hypocrisy to ban abortions and then tell other people how to raise their children.
  15. They made their choices. Tell it to the black guy in jail for 20 years because he sold a bag of weed to an undercover cop. I love how ya'll are all about the plight of the poor prisoners now. Law and order, amirite?
  16. Joke will be out of your hair before you know it. Not so much the other corrupt guy. I disagree. Aggressively storming the Capital with the intent of interfering with the certification is pretty ***** serious.
  17. What you don't understand or are unwilling to accept is that this is what future generations are choosing and this is how it will be. Old people don't get to choose this on their way out. They had their choices in their time and their generations made those choices. Those choices directly led us here. At some point you get a bit set in your ways and comfortable and now everything is just as it should be. But time doesn't stop for you. The zeitgeist moves forward with or without you until you die and even then it still keeps going. Dig your heels in to try to stop it or watch it evolve and try to understand it. The choice is yours, but the latter may lead to less grumpiness and frustration.
  18. Nobody's making you do *****. You have options. Use them. Raise your kids as you see fit and allow others to do the same.
  19. It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. Maybe don't storm the Capital if you don't like jail.
  20. Secular fairy tale. 😆 What great claims does lack of religion bring? That we hypothesize, observe, make conclusions and adjust our beliefs based on evidence? Better that than the unbending words written nearly 2000 years ago. Why are you so focused on restrooms? I feel like we can navigate that one as a society. It's certain no argument for imposing "correct" morals on others. Freedom ain't free!!! We may have to build some more Port-a-Potty's, but not with MUH tax dollars!!! 'Merica. Nobody's forcing anyone. They're just being exposed to the idea that people are different. They're being taught to be accepting of that. This is a good message and just because it wasn't the message when we were impressionable doesn't make it wrong. You have one view of things. Others don't. You don't need to tell them what to do. Raise your kids as you like and let others do the same.
  21. I have literally never seen you take the "liberal" side of any issue. Still taking HCQ with or without zinc?
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